satire in music
This thread reaches waaaaay back in time to an earlier musical challenge thread . Let's consider this article to be an update . Think of a song that has satirical or sarcastic lyrics ... or even just put downs .
BUT don't include bullshit or chickenshit . Those type threads are as commonplace as dirt . They include the kinds of lyrics written by guys to convince a woman into bed or written by a woman to convince some guy she will be "forever" his . Those are a subject for another thread .
Right now I am looking for musical putdowns instead . They are not nearly as common as the above but there are some in the music archives . As always I will lead off . Here is the astonishingly talented Edie Brickell to get things started : [although it appears the lyrics are from EMMA BUNTON ... ]
Your turn ... share the "love" .
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First my ones for satire.
I very much appreciate your contributions Perrie . I vaguely recall hearing your theory on "Norwegian Wood" but it escapes me at this point . Would you mind reexplaining it ?
As to the other 2 , excellent picks : Tom Lehrer is forever sarcastic ... so many choices ! And that Sting number did not enter my verbal consciousness when it 1st came out . So thanks much for the refresher . The actual written lyrics are here for those with an interest :
I can hardly wait for your sarcasm choices ... although Tom Lehrer would likely be already there I expect ...
Norwegian Wood can be looked at in multiple ways.
A play on words:
I once had a girl or should I say, she once had me...
In England. to have a girl well means you know... But then he is wondering who had who?
Now a different perspective:
She showed me her room, isn't it good, norwegian wood?
She asked me to stay and she told me to sit anywhere,
So I looked around and I noticed there wasn't a chair.
At this point... is it she that is nuts?
She told me she worked in the morning and started to laugh.
I told her I didn't and crawled off to sleep in the bath
And when I awoke, I was alone, this bird had flown
So I lit a fire, isn't it good, norwegian wood.
Did he just join her in crazy, or mocking her?
Glad you gave the link to 7 days lyrics. The words are really funny.
And yes no one does satire like Tom Lehrer.
Fun challenge!
I never knew the name of that song, and really appreciate it that you gave the name-- it has long been one of my favorites! Thank you!
When I first seeded the original thread [back on Grouply IIRC ] it consisted in finding songs with the word "stupid" in them . There are not many but there are a few , among them this famous one from the Stones :
Clearly this one is more of a putdown than satire ...
It's interesting that the Beatles are by & large not a rich source for satire ... but you have indeed found a sharp stone among the smooth mellow offerings . Well done !
There ya go ... satire at it's finest !
For those of you who speak French ... or can add up basic implications :
"Les Debris, Ils Sont Blancs"
That's a crazy son of a gun. LMAO2!!!
Looks like their split did not go smoothly . Period .
Someone help ! Is the following satire or just crazy hipster rock ?
I don't believe a word of it . The lyrics sound like he is singing about a time when he was broke & bumming off girls for a place to crash . Meanwhile here is some satire just for your state :
Buahahahaha !!
You do realize that satire is sometimes based on fact ... right ?
IMHO this is about the greatest sarcasm/satire song of all time :
Thoughts ?
For a purported satire piece it is remarkably short in discernible lyrics . Other than the title [and the opening] what is the point of that noise ?
Try reading and listening to some of it & then answer that question yourself . In fact try just answering my above question . But apparently even that is too much for your "mighty" intellect . You're off topic . Go away .
Comment removed for COC "Personal Attack" (six) at seeder's request.
Hal seems to think that being personally insulting exemplifies intelligence . But cat fights are actually an extreme waste of time . Buhbye Hal ... BTW the reason I don't go into your threads is for exactly those reasons . That's 2 off topic comments from Hal ... They'll be gone soon .
Feel free to leave Mouse . What you're doing now is not "ignoring" DUH !
Is this what you mean by ignoring Mouse ... a little unclear on the concept?
Hmmmmmm... Can't find a lyrics version that actually has all the lyrics correct...
I'm trying to think who that reminds me of ... hmmm
The lyrics are here :
Copy them in if you like . Are they correct ? The entire song seems to be a big "fuck you" to all politicians ... at least that's my interpretation . Agreed ?
Cool one Six..
There was a reason for that:
Modest Mouse has spoken :
OK for sarcasm:
A threesome from B Joel:
That's more like it ! Hal , take a lesson here if you are able . Satire has lyrics ... discernible lyrics that make a point , a pointed point . All of the other vids posted in this entire had those elements . Yours ... no . Will you learn anything from this ? I doubt it .
Some say that everything Weird Al does is satire . I suppose that could be the case but this particular number has a serious point about the nature of media headline news ... Thanks , I haven't seen this one B4 .
Such talent Perrie!!!
Perrie ,
Well ... I mean in their music , not in their pick-up lines . They were indeed "mockers" in that venue !
Wow ! Now if they just included watching football on TV church would get a lot more membership ...
There are a lot of live versions of this song on Youtube, but seeing as how Petey has such a hard time with following lyrics and figuring out what songs are about, I've selected a cover of it with easily discernable singing. It's quite pretty singing, and the acoustical guitar flows beautifully ... and it is titled exclusively for Petey. I sure hope you enjoy it.
I don't listen to song advice from the tone deaf ... especially if they can't take criticism.
Hal , get a life . If all you've got to live for is trying to rank on me you should think about how you can leave this plane of existence ...
I repeat :
Hal , get a life . If all you've got to live for is trying to rank on me you should think about how you can leave this plane of existence ...
BTW , this thread may be about satire but it's about satire in music . Can you read English ? in music. Put your rankouts to music and post all you want . If no music [like that tone deaf peace you 1st posted] then don't bother ...
And ? What are the lyrics ? Without the lyrics it's not satire ... Don't expect me to listen to it again . Once was more than enough .
Yawn ... who cares ? I repeat : I don't take musical advice from the tone deaf . That would be you Hal . Learn to live within your limitations . Free advice to the clueless ...