Congress Raises Age to Buy Tobacco Products to 21

"This is a big win for public health," said Senator Brian Schatz, Democrat of Hawaii

Dec. 23, 2019 -- A measure to raise the minimum age to buy tobacco and e-cigarettes to 21 has been approved by the U.S. Congress and is expected to be signed into law by President Donald Trump.
"This is a big win for public health," said Senator Brian Schatz, Democrat of Hawaii, The New York Times reported. "Raising the minimum smoking and vaping age to 21 will protect our kids and save lives."
The measure was supported by many tobacco and e-cigarette companies.
Currently, 19 states and more than 500 cities and towns restrict tobacco and e-cigarette sales to people 21 and older, The Times reported.
Old enough to die for your country but not old enough to buy Tobacco in your country.
I don't like it!
I actually agree with you. Just like with alcohol.
If one is old enough to pick up a gun and go to war, they are old enough for a beer and a cig.
Yep, I joined the Navy at 18 and went to war by 19. They put a gun in my hands, but I could not legally drink in the states. I've always laughed at that irony. To top it off, I was in the medical field and took a oath to preserve and defend life. I took that oath very seriously even though it was sometimes at odds with defending my patients lives.
I just don't get it. It is like they pass these laws only on some feel good measure.
Look at us protecting the children...bullshit.
For the land of the free, on some aspects we are more repressive.
In this we are in agreement. When I got to Vietnam, it took less than a week to toss away any ideas of God, country, and mom's apple pie out the window. It became about just doing the jobs we were trained to do as best we could and to stay alive, watch each other's backs, and make it home alive. I drank like a fish overseas to try to cope with things I saw, and our dear rich uncle facilitated this. Never became a alcoholic but did come home with PTSD. Still could not legally drink when I got home.
I always considered eighteen to be the age of adulthood. I wish the courts could get rid of these nanny laws.
While I don't think that age is the sign of adulthood, I do believe that if you are old enough to be in the armed forces, you are old enough to smoke, or drink for that matter. But I don't think that 18 is old enough to fight. Every developmental psychological study show that brian development, including judgment, is not done until at least 21 if not older. So maybe we need to rethink adulthood.
Just food for thought.
I agree with you in concept Perrie but i tend to error on the side of liberty and feel an 18 years should be free to make that decision. That said and using myself as an example, i knew full well what i was getting into when i signed up at 17. I had a Father and two uncles (Korea, Peleliu. Iwo Jima) try to talk me out of it and two cousins (volunteers to Vietnam) support me. Now could i imagine all the bad things that could have happened to me due my decision? No way but three years of civilian life wouldn't have helped much with that either IMO. Many probably are not psychologically prepared for such a decision but many are. Or at least as much as anyone, of any age, can be prepared. Again i error on the side of liberty. Let all 18 year olds decide for themselves.
I have a simple solution for this since i don't like tobacco use either, even though i do smoke cigars from time to time but never smoked a cigarette. Show a military ID, you can buy tobacco and booze. I don't care what age you are. No ID, no tobacco before 18.
A benefit afforded for military service for a young man or woman if they so choose.
I like that!
I am fascinated by the often arbitrary numbers we select to divide child from adult. Age of consent varies from 16-18 throughout the states and is even lower in many countries. Competency for contracts and the federal right to vote are at 18, although the voting age number only dates to the 16th Amendment. Ages for driving or buying alcohol - and now tobacco - are also subject to change. These numbers always seem rooted in social or political trends. Is there any way to come up with an objectively appropriate system?
Dear Friend Tacos: Yes, there is an objective method for making a rule that applies to everyone in this matter.
However, in order to use the method you have to be a certain age, which varies by state laws.
Enoch, With Enough Years to Legally Be Allowed to Do Things at My Age I No Longer Can.
I know better. It's the 26th, not the 16th.
Can't have it both ways, It is wrong that they can be convicted of a crime as a adult but it is illegible to by alcohol or cigarettes another example of what is wrong. ( note: I don't like smoking)
The Libertarians will not like this-- not like it at all!