
I'm Talking Softly But Carrying A Big Stick by Perrie Halpern


Category:  Other

Via:  perrie-halpern  •  9 years ago  •  1 comments

I'm Talking Softly But Carrying A Big Stick by Perrie Halpern

When I was a teacher, I learned very quickly, that if I used a soft tone most of the time and kept yelling for the rare moment, my students got to know when I was serious and to take heed. Same went with privileges. When abused they were taken away until I saw signs of improvement.

I have been asking for quite some time now, for people to respect one another. That if you don't like a thread, either be civil and address why, or forego it. To be civil while addressing each other. Not to mock each other. Not to use the activity feed for expressing disdain for each other, or getting gross on it. Not to use emoticons as a tool to mock. It seems that people just don't understand when I talk softly. So now I am yelling. I am also taking away privileges.

Any comment that contains a CoC violation will be deleted in full. There will be no recording of it, as you all have been warned way too many times. Any warning I give will be followed by swift action if ignored. The activity feed has been removed as the last group of comments were just disgusting and also CoC violations.

If I see one more emoticon used as a way to mock, I will be removing those, too.

The rules to NT were written by the community. I am making sure that they are enforced. I will be carrying my big stick until I see signs that our members are in control of themselves.


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Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   seeder  Perrie Halpern R.A.    9 years ago



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