Trump says he may stop letting others listen in on calls with world leaders

The president mused in an interview about scrapping the practice less than a year after one such call led to his impeachment.

President Donald Trump suggested on Thursday he might stop allowing administration officials to listen in on his calls with foreign leaders, musing about scrapping the long-standing practice less than a year after one such phone call kicked off events that led to his impeachment.
“That’s what they’ve done over the years — when you call a foreign leader, people listen,” the president explained in an interview with Geraldo Rivera, who’d asked why so many people were listening in on the calls.
Trump added: “I may end the practice entirely, I may end it entirely.”
If only he meant embarrassing the office and the country.
I love how the easily triggered get worked up, even when this word shows up.
Until he actually does stop letting people listen in (I don't think he can), this is a non story.
Not a non-story, just shows how much of a moronic imbecile Crooked donnie is.
How so? BTW, do you think your employer monitors your daily musings here at NT?
Yep, they monitor our internet use...haven't had a complaint ever...what's your point?
I just complained
Lol....wise guy....
I think the point of the story is to stop it before it happens and to inform the public of the possibility before it becomes a fait accompli.
Do you honestly think Trump can stop people from listening to his calls? If he tried, Congress would rightfully step in, (it would be the second thing Democrats have done, right behind impeachment) Also, he, like most presidents before him, probably don't even know all of the locations from where the listening is done.
He would never be able to stop it if he wanted to
This story is still a non story.
Nope. This is not a non-story. This is just another moment in another day of the Trumpian ubiquity.
More Trumpisms to ponder on another day.
Ah well, doesn't matter anymore---or does it?
Here's a thought. A nation that has leaders that do not wish to share the conversations it has in conducting business and agreements for the alleged benefit for the citizens of that nation----that the citizens of that nation do not have the nation they believe they have and surely do not have the leadership they deserve.
I should add this too and not as an afterthought, but instead as an obvious fact. Perhaps the Trump can keep the American people from knowing what he's doing, but you can bet your last silver dollar that Putin and Russian INTEL will know. They always know. And that also should be investigated.