Political Talk Show Host Chris Matthews Abruptly Retires
MSNBC host Chris Matthews announced on his program this evening that he is quitting his evening program effective immediately. He said tonight's program is his last show.
Although he didnt mention it specifically, it appears Matthews has been forced out by his MSNBC bosses after recent comments he has made about Bernie Sanders and Nazis. There was also a recent story in the news about Matthews inappropriate behavior toward a female guest in 2016.
Hardball has been a staple of MSNBC early evening for 20 years.
He’s just pissed he didn’t get a medal.
that would be Trump
Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.
he'd have gotten a raise after saying that about trump.
Didn't see this coming. Strange.
Hannity is still standing though. Michael Cohen had three clients. Donald J. Trump, Elliot Broidy and Sean Hannity. It is established what Cohen did for Trump and Broidy. So, what did he do for Hannity?
I don't know what he did for Hannity. I only know what he did for Trump and Broidy. Maybe Cohen did a real estate deal for Hannity. Or maybe something else. Cohen knows and so does Hannity.
Something was bound to happen to such long-lived "institutions," as people like Chris Matthews become. These people have accumulated great smarts and researched histories making them academics, and talked to a career load of interesting and informed people across the world. It simply gets stupidly harder to pretend for an hour a day, that something patently ridiculous or damaging is needful and to be desired.
Chris Matthews worked over-long past their "purposes" date. Then, the meetings, the long hours, the flights, the tireness in body and overuse of the mind.
'Everything' has been done χ number of times. And, yet they are programmed to deal with a new generation of communicators. It's too much. These people need to retire and move on out to 'pasture.' It simply is not worth it for them to try to cross so many lines of authority, leadership, and trends in broadcasting.
Wolf Blitzer on CNN is another one due for retirement. They have done so much through their dedication to news and shows. Say those goodbyes. Leave "the dance." Greet the newcomers a fond farewell!
If being a Academic means sexually harassing women then old Mr. Tingle down his leg Mathews meets the qualifications.
The one claim is from a woman that claims it happened when she appeared on a episode about Trumps harassment of Women. freaking Hillaryious.
Yeah because being a left-wing hack is such a feat. Good-bye to a hate filled proglib who has spewed his BS one to many times.
And a right wing hack is not a feat?
You're exposed yourself for everyone to see and conclude their own commentary. No further comment needed.
I think the seed is about Mr. Tingle down his leg Mathews, let me check......Yup it's about Mathews,
With comments like that I wouldn't comment anymore either.
I rest my case. You are free to 'mount' yours any way you want!
removed for context
And Chris Matthew's comment about tingling is supposed to disturb me how? I actually heard him say it on set that day. Of course, it was on my television. Here if you need further proof:
Chris Matthews' thrill up leg
So there it was. The 'verse.' In its first iteration. I heard his say it that day and I can remember thinking: Really, Chris? Did you just go there? And then Chris said, "No seriously, it's a dramatic event. . . ." Of course, some of us know Chris is a happily married man with grown children and a passion for historic moments in history and in the news as they occur. Of course, these "elephants" we are surrounded by with their long-est memory won't let him live it down.
But, I didn't get a thrill that day, though it was a great speech clip! Mine came much later on, you know? Betcha can't guess when!
I can’t help but wonder if this an overreaction or something that was long overdue. What was so urgent, I wonder, that it had to happen right this minute?
very weak
something else is out there
Could be Igknorantzrulz. These television figures have been through many eras of being before the public. And, they are only human too. We can all pick a day of the week when we come unglued and 'turn our hats sideways' and just thank our lucky stars there was no television camera, hot mic, or even cellphone camera with 'quad-effect' around to catch us whispering our obscenities. (Smile.)
No such luck for those who live on cutting edge electronic technology for a living.
That's funny because I don't have to worry about being accused of sexual harassment. Seems like Mr. Tingle down his leg lives in a glass house.
True, the risks parallel the rewards. I am confident you agree with risks/rewards models. But that is really not my point with Matthews. My point is many of these folks stay in the dance getting saturated (drowning) in the love of their patrons over the many years. Thus, they fall prey to time, itself, weakening their professional and personal discipline. And that is when a charge comes that taints their reputation or record ahead of departure/retirement.
For example, there is another successful person beyond measure that comes to mind; "Judge Judy" Sheindlin, is putting her lifelong professional reputation at risk. She does not seem to know/discern that after so many years on television some of those persons who come on her show-don't really care about their case outcomes. They are showing up with a motive to bait her into saying something stern/nasty/career ending. It is better to realize what is happening and just retire without letting some loser make a 'rep' or compromise her stated reason for retiring. Sorry, Judge Judy, to make you my example! It happens everyday somewhere on the planet that someone tries to make a name for themselves by screwing up someone else.
Okay, and in the scheme of this discussion you and me are what exactly? I'll wait until you get back on point.
Time for the old guys to step down and let the young and the female take over. Chris was another old white guy who couldn't get out of the old ways. Epitome of old boomer.
Ah yes, a good old dose of "acceptable" racial misandry dished up from the left. Ageist as well for the perfect trifecta of hate.
Gotta love the hypocrisy of it all ......
Y'all got a goodly amount of "overstaters" and "overachievers" on the conservative side too that can stand pasturing. LOL!
Oh, I didn't know you liked Chris Matthews. I never said I hated him. I liked him well enough for years, but his attitude over women has turned me off for a while now. Also, please don't pretend to even know what hate is when you defend Trump's bullying and hate spewing every time.
I'm a boomer, so obvious I'm in a certain age group considered OLD, so how the hell is it ageist to complain about bad behavior from an old man? Boomer is a cloudy old state of mind that seems part of that generation now, although even younguns can have boomer mentality. If one thinks its an insult, perhaps there is a reason. I don't get bothered because I know what they mean. Get out the old farts before they younger generations don't have a chance to fix their mistakes.
Never said one way or the other. You were the one who made the comment not me.
Words have meaning and i know hateful words when i see them. You clearly have a chip on your shoulders towards old, white men. Lie to me again and deny it.
Oh i see, you are old, so you are free to bag on other old people without consequence? Hilarious!
Cuz there's no (or not enough) young females working at MSNBC?
I was talking about taking over in general. Pretty obvious men have totally effed up most things. Men are so comfortable lording their power over women they about ready to take away their rights to their own bodies and choices. That would not be happening if women actually HAD the power.
Since we are apparently generalizing here this is my experience. I've worked with some very effective women over the years but generally speaking i've found they have a hard time handling authority. The cat fights and misuse of power being prevalent in many cases.
That said if we look at effective managers as a percentage of the management pool i doubt its much different. There are more men screwing up because there are more men in the management pool. Percentage wise i bet the bad ones are pretty close in numbers between men and women.
But then again i don't have a chip on shoulders towards women like lots of women have towards men. To me its about the best person for the job. Man, woman, black, white, etc ..... i don't care. I want, i need the best person for the job no matter what and that is what i look for. Anyone who doesn't is only hurting themselve.