Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones arrested on drunk driving charge

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones was arrested in Texas early Tuesday on charges of driving while intoxicated following a spat with his wife, authorities said.

Travis County Sheriff’s Deputies were responding to a disturbance at Jones’ house in Austin around 10:10 p.m. Monday, when they saw him going 45 mph in a 40 mph zone and stopped him, according to an arrest affidavit obtained by The Post.
“When I made contact with Jones I detected a strong odor of alcohol coming from his person,” the deputy wrote in the affidavit.
Jones, 46, claimed he and his wife got into an argument while eating dinner at a sushi restaurant, where he’d guzzled a bottle of sake, the court document states.
He then said he walked the three miles home from the restaurant, where the couple continued their tiff — prompting him to drive to another residence he owns downtown “to get away from his wife,” according to the affidavit.
Jones’ wife had told dispatchers that the pair got into a physical fight that later turned into a verbal argument.
She said Jones had booked it in a black Dodge Charger and was possibly drinking, the document states.
Wait. What? There is a woman idiotic enough to be married to this POS?
LOL. I am not surprised.
45 in a 40 and a BAC below the legal limit?
OMG ..... stop the presses and hang the evil bastard!!
That's not the main thing. The DUI is, obviously.
But ... I read about this the other day and I don't think his BAC met the legal requirements for a DUI. I recall hearing in the past that officers have a lot of leeway and can actually give you a DUI if your BAC is lower than the legal limit, which seems bizarre.
Yeah, i adjusted my post after reading the article.
Perp aside, I have a tendency to not trust cops in situations like this. I've seen them take advantage of people too many times.
Watch, he will get with his buddy Trump and they both will declare the stop and arrest is a conspiracy.
Yes it does. Driving While Intoxicated is one thing. Driving While Impaired would be more fitting. From the article.....
Judgement call. Meh
Nah, you can fantasize that will happen so you have another excuse to bag on Trump some more but it ain't gonna happen.
I once proved that a friend couldn't have been speeding after getting a speeding ticket. I used a FOIA to get the time stamp of the cops call in to dispatch, time and distance math later it wasn't physically possible to do what the cop said he did.
You know what the magistrate told me? I don't care about math, i only care what the LEO tells me. The ticket stood.
Oh for fuck's sake.........................
A friend of mine once got a ticket for speeding. He challenged the calibration of the radar gun and proved through maintenance records that it had not calibrated in almost a year. The ticket was dismissed. As far as T/J, they could blow each other on 5th avenue during rush hour and I would not give a tinker's dam. My comment was just a failed attempt at humor.
Yeah, our Po-Po already had that one fixed by then. Its one of my preferred retirement jobs.
Golf course Ranger or Police cruiser radar tuner.
You can tune a piano but you can't tuna fish
OK Sparty - now THAT was good.
But, he wasn't frisked.
I despise Alex Jones, but nobody should be railroaded. What's the point of a legal limit if the cops can just ignore it?
I think he failed a couple of other tests, and impairment is the issue, some people are more impaired under lower levels of alcohol.
Okay, do you always drive the speed limit or below? I, like most people, never do unless i'm in Ohio with Michigan plates. Then i drive at least 5 MPH below the speed limit.
A self preservation technique for a Michigander driving in Ohio ..........
Then it's just subjective on the part of the officer - so why even bother with a legal BAC level?
If I'm on the highway, I tend to go 8 or 9 over. It's just too dangerous to go the speed limit, even in the right lane. And most cops won't give you a speeding ticket on the highway unless you're going 10 over. Knock on wood, but I have only gotten 1 speeding ticket ever, when I was 19.
If the speed limit is lower, I tend to go 4 over because they'll often ticket at 5 over, or so I've been told.
Driving too much below the limit might get you pulled over too, because the cop thinks you're drunk or stoned
Exactly but you want to know why?
Its a huge money maker for many municipalities. Cops, judges, court related workers, etc.
Its a huge revenue maker across the board .....
Okay back in the day in Michigan, (remember my definition for that?
) when our highways were 55, 63 would get you a free pass most places in Michigan with the Statee's. All bets are off if that section of highway is patrolled by a local Sheriffs or Police department and you better keep it 60 or below.
Now that highway speeds in Michigan are mosty 65 and 75. At 65 you want to keep the 8 over rule, 73 max and at 75 its best to keep it at 80 or less.
Those rules have kept me ticket free for over 20 years but the biggest rule is always slow down for speed changes. If in places it goes from say 75 down to 55 due to some local law drop her down to five over max. Thats where they ding most people and not at freeway speed.
That is a job no cop wants.
Human decency being one.
But he was pulled over because his wife had called the police to make a complaint of physical assualt against her by Alex Jones.
Geez getting pulled over for five over is a real buzz kill.
I know, i'd be getting pulled over daily, several times a day daily .....
He was pulled over due to the phone call to 911 by his wife about the domestic violence complaint.
Was he also in excess of the speed limit? Yes.
Did he also fail two field sobriety tests? Yes.
Did he reek of alcohol? Yes, sake is potent & smelly.
So they booked him. End of story.
In general it will cost him about $10K to fight or settle.
His next divorce is another matter.
Ah.....another right wing role model........hahahahahaha