National Education Association endorses Biden for president

The teachers union, the largest labor union in the U.S., is handing Biden a prize ahead of the Tuesday primaries.

The National Education Association announced Saturday that it is backing Joe Biden for president, handing the Democratic frontrunner a prized endorsement ahead of Tuesday’s big-state primaries as he aims to wipe out his last remaining major opponent, Sen. Bernie Sanders.
Lily Eskelsen García, president of the 3 million-member teachers union, praised the former vice president as a “tireless advocate for public education" who understands the nation’s “moral responsibility to provide a great neighborhood public school for every student in every ZIP code.” The NEA is the nation's largest labor union.
He’s screwed now the union goons also endorsed Hillary.
Trade Unions will still support the Democrat. That is a moral imperative for them.
Hopefully some of their memberships realize how bad this Democrat is for things they hold dear, such as their second amendment rights, and vote accordingly.
But don’t hold your breath.
A National Union organization supporting a Democrat for POTUS? This is not news. It’s an absolute.