Michigan House Republicans offer COVID-19 ‘comeback roadmap’ for state’s reopening

Republican lawmakers said their suggestions have been made available to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in the “hopes she will consider the ideas and work with the House Republican caucus to build on the effort and lay out a detailed plan for Michigan families.”

“The people I talk to are understandably worried about the future and the uncertainty of what tomorrow will bring for their families, friends and loved ones during this pandemic,” reads a statement from Speaker of the House Lee Chatfield. “Between health concerns, lost employment, and changes to our very way of life, this is an unprecedented and unsettling situation for all of us. We need clear answers from our elected leaders about where we go from here and how our lives can go back to normal as safely as possible. This proposal contains our suggestions for the best way forward to prioritize public safety and make responsible, scientific decisions to guide Michigan’s comeback."
Here’s their suggested plan:
Go to the link to see the plan, couldn't get the article to format very well here.
The beginnings of a truly common sense plan.
The Senate has a similar plan on the Governors desk right now as well.
Bet Whitmer blasts there proposals.
She'd be wise not to but it wouldn't surprise me in the least if she did.
In for a penny, in for pound ....
She's getting it.
Look at what she did most recently, cancelling a coronavirus-tracing contract with companies run by a Democratic consultant who publicly wished President Trump would get "coronavirus ASAP."
I would like to think government could do it's job for a change and do what's best for the people.
Not just partisan snipe back and forth.
Well that wasn't the reason. It was because she rewarded them with a no bid contract and got caught.
It is common sense. That plan would for MA (which is peaking right now) fairly well. I also like the idea of designating those, who have had the virus and developed antibodies, as fit for essential work/duties. We absolutely need a dependable core workforce to handle health care and the food supply.