
20-Year-Old Body Parts Found in Police Station


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Via:  nona62  •  9 years ago  •  1 comments

20-Year-Old Body Parts Found in Police Station

20-Year-Old Body Parts Found in Police Station

As many as 100 body parts found in locked room in Indian city of Unna

Posted Feb 2, 2015 1:09 PM CST

(Newser) While cleaning part of a police station in the Indian city of Unnao last week, workers found bags of human remains inside a room that had long been lockedand the body parts are likely two decades old or more. A superintendent of police tells CNN that the room was used as a mortuary, holding bodies before funerals, until 2008 when a hospital took over that duty. The Times of India reports the workers spotted the parts, kept in bags "scattered" throughout the room, through a window. But its count, more than 100 skeletons and 400 "viscera" were present.

"These body parts were to be shifted to the district hospital mortuary, but we don't know how they have since been kept here in the police station," the superintendent says. No foul play is suspected, but an investigation is underway and DNA testing will be done. CNN points out that many bodies were found floating in a river in the district two weeks ago



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Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    9 years ago

No foul play is suspected, but an investigation is underway and DNA testing will be done. CNN points out that many bodies were found floating in a river in the district two weeks ago


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