Father and son arrested and charged with murder in death of Ahmaud Arbery

A white man and his son who are accused of killing an unarmed black man in Georgia in February have been arrested after video of the incident sparked widespread outrage.
Gregory McMichael, 64, and Travis McMichael, 34, were arrested in the death of Ahmaud Arbery, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation announced. Both men face charges of aggravated assault and murder.
Arbery, 25, was shot to death in Brunswick , a coastal city about midway between Savannah, Georgia, and Jacksonville, Florida, on Feb. 23 as he was running through the Satilla Shores neighborhood. His family says he was out jogging, while the McMichaels claimed that they thought he was a burglar.
Video released Tuesday by attorneys for Arbery's family appears to show an altercation between a group of men before what is alleged to be the fatal shooting.
According to a Glynn County police report, Gregory McMichael first spotted Arbery on foot "hauling ass" down Satilla Drive and immediately thought he was a burglar who had recently been targeting the neighborhood.
Gregory McMichael armed himself with a .357 Magnum, and his son grabbed a shotgun. They jumped into their pickup truck and chased Arbery. Police said a third man, identified as a neighbor, joined the chase and jumped into the McMichaels' truck.
The police report did not specify whether Arbery had a gun, but lawyers for the family say he was unarmed.
In the video, Arbery is seen running down a road as a white pickup truck is stopped in front of him. Arbery runs around the vehicle. The video then shows Arbery and another man appearing to tussle as shots are fired.
NBC News cannot verify what occurred before or after the events shown in the video.
George Barnhill, one of the prosecutors who first handled the case, defended the actions of the McMichaels and their neighbor in the truck. In a letter to the Glynn County Police Department obtained by NBC News, Barnhill wrote that the men had "solid first hand probable cause" to chase Arbery, a "burglary suspect," and stop him.
Barnhill also said that after he watched the video of the incident, "given the fact Arbery initiated the fight" and grabbed the shotgun, he believed Travis McMichael "was allowed to use deadly force to protect himself" under Georgia law.
The office of Tom Durden — the district attorney in Liberty County, who is now handling the case — asked that the GBI begin an inquiry Tuesday, and the bureau's Kingsland Office began investigating Wednesday.
Arbery's death sparked nationwide outrage, with many activists, politicians and celebrities sharing a social media post urging people to contact the Liberty County prosecutors to demand that the McMichaels be charged.
Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp called the video of the shooting "absolutely horrific" and said Georgians deserve answers.
"I have full confidence in Vic Reynolds and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation," Kemp said. "I know that they will be working around the clock to thoroughly and independently investigate Mr. Arbery's death to find the truth."
"Black Panther" and "Creed" actor Michael B. Jordan shared the call to action Wednesday , saying on Instagram that the video made him sick to his stomach.
"Just because you may not experience racism, doesn't mean it doesn't exist and if you don't think anything is wrong with this video or try to defend this in any way, you are a part of the problem," Jordan said.
Joe Biden, the apparent Democratic presidential nominee, called Arbery's death a "grave injustice" during a virtual roundtable with African American lawmakers in Florida on Thursday.
"This family and the country deserves justice, and they deserve it now. They deserve a transparent investigation of this brutal murder," Biden said. "But our nation deserves it, as well. We need to reckon with this. This goes on. These vicious acts call to mind the darkest chapters of our history."
The McMichaels were to be booked at the Glynn County Jail. It was unclear whether they have retained an attorney.
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Pure pre-meditated murder by some serious Red-necks.
"Hauling ass"???? Well, compared to the two fat azzes who killed him, a steady walk would be considered as "hauling ass" by their standards.
They had the nerve to drive past him, set up their truck to block him, and then kill him in cold blood????
And these 'good ol' boys' used to work in law enforcement??
I wonder if they are also going to go after the person who shot the video..............they damned well should.
I do wonder why it took so long for that video to make it to the proper authorities.
Because the three men in the white pick up truck were still free, armed and dangerous?
Apparently the guy who took the video has been charged. He may have been the neighbor who joined the racist murderers
That is what it looks like, he may well be charged.
No kidding! I've been hearing about this, but haven't really looked at anything on it. One of the linked articles claims that a neighbor jumped into the truck with them. Can't see more than two people in the video. Maybe the neighbor is the person videoing from behind. Seems to me, the guy shooting the video clearly was in on it, or perhaps he had the wherewithal to start videoing once he figured out what was going on.
Regardless, I'm at a loss. Let's say the bastards did actually believe he was a burglar. WTF justifies going after the guy? Dammit this pisses me off. I'll even give them the benefit of the doubt, ignore the video evidence and assume the guy was running down the road, carrying stolen property, they witnessed him stealing. WTF justifies your actions? Nothing. I can't buy that this is anything short of murder.
This is what I've read. If true, he may be charged as an accessory to murder.
Well, he "intentionally" ran back to his house to grab his weapon of choice before willingly going with them to "head off" their intended target.
Pure cold blooded murder on all three partners - intent - choice of site - fully loaded with weaponry - and were not in the mood for discussion.
I actually saw someone on Facebook try to convince everyone that Arbery, on foot, was chasing the armed guys in the truck.
You're right. It was cold-blooded murder. To me, the only question is, how many people tried to avoid bringing them to justice, and what will be done about that?
Unfortunately, with the existence of people like the victim-blaming idiot on Facebook, I have a feeling that very little will be done. The chickenshit DA and police chief will keep their jobs, and we'll see a case like this every few years or so.
If the person isn't in on this, the video might be an example of the sad state we are in. That assumes a few things though. 1) witness saw the men try and stop him earlier, 2) thought enough about the encounter to grab his phone...to video, 3) but not to call the cops.
Several assumptions, but one wonders. Also assumed is that we are seeing the start of the video.
Agreed - what does the rest of the video have on it??
Who knows? From my perspective, the bit we do see is enough to hang a murder charge on, regardless of what went on prior thereto. Don't have the authority to chase and shoot criminals. Don't have any justification to speed ahead, block someone's path, and shoot them dead, even if they did previously assault you. Damn sure don't have any justification for shooting a guy simply running down the road.
I've seen some talk about an alleged criminal history of the victim. Let's assume those rumors are true. Murder.
"Alleged" criminal history of the victim? Such as?
The killers' defense attorney has brought up prior convictions and a history of mental illness on the part of Arbery. I haven't been able to find out what those convictions were for.
It shouldn't matter, in a fair world. He was obviously not the aggressor here, and they obviously were. But it's what defense attorneys do - find ways to blame the victim to save their clients.
They should be arrested for accessory after the fact.
Sandy shared a link, above, that has a link to the DA's letter to the Sheriff's Office. The DA makes reference to some criminal history and metal health issues. Nothing descriptive though.
The DA goes through a brief analysis of the video, to support his immediate thoughts concerning an arrest. In this, he points to Abery's act of turning 90*, after passing the truck, and grabbing the gun, as potential evidence of self-defense on the part of McMichael, as well as some other issues related to lawful carry, citizens arrest, etc. I think his reasons are shaky, to start with the legality of the attempted citizens arrest, but I can't say that I disagree with his recusal and leaving the decision to arrest to the prosecutor next in line.
I guess nobody considered the fact that maybe Mr. Arbery grabbed the gun to defend himself? I don't think anybody wants to be shot
OK - gonna do a bit of supposition here - I used to jog 5 miles a day, 5 days a week and 3 miles the other two days.
The golden rule for all joggers, at the time, is/was always run FACING the traffic 'cause you can/could anticipate any upcoming issues. So, here is Arbery, doing his daily run, and, as is CLEARLY shown in the beginning of the video, is running FACING the traffic. As you go around the bend/curve, up ahead, you see a truck pulled over to the side of the road, on the RIGHT side and you are running on the LEFT side - as a good jogger would do.
Something/someone made Arbery switch sides of the road, to the right side, before he reaches the truck (and, here the video starts its universe twirl completely off the subject). And, the next thing the video shows is Arbery pushing someone, who clearly has a weapon in his hands, from the front of the pick-up and, during the scuffle, the weapon is discharged twice, Rambo in the bed of the pick-up yanks out his .357 and jumps into the fray - with no one seeing the end of the video.
So - he didn't "comply with simple commands", such as "Hey Boy, com'ere a second - I wanna ast ewe some qurstions" - and as he turned to the back of the truck and was walking to the front, right hand side, Jr. pops out with his weapon. Arbery jumps into a defensive mode, tries to take the weapon and, in turn, is shot twice by Jr. Did Rambo get in any shots? We don't know - the video doesn't show.
IMHO, this was planned - premeditated - by friggin' former/present LAW ENFORCEMENT people, and they rightly deserve Capital Punishment.
I'd be very interested to know if this was just the end of a pattern of behavior.
I'm gonna do another bit of supposition here, and speculate that both of them have a history of unsavory interactions with people whose skin is darker than a paper bag.
I think you are right.
The DA that recused himself was waiting on the forensics to come back because of this. (at least, that's what he says) I can see where he is coming from on that issue. Who actually pulled the trigger, etc?
As for the ability to effect an arrest? I'm not on the same page as he is. The vigilantes could have lawfully arrested an offender if: 1) the offense was committed in their presence or 2) within their immediate knowledge. They could arrest an escaping offender if the crime was a felony.
First: I've yet to hear that they witnessed any crime being committed, so 1 is out.
Second, the news reports, apparently based on the police reports, claim that the McMichaels immediately thought Arbery was a dude that had recently been targeting the neighborhood for burglary. Thus, 2 is out. What is immediate knowledge? "We think that the words, "in his presence, " and the words "within his immediate knowledge, " are synonymous. To justify the arrest without warrant, the officer need not see the act which constitutes the crime take place, if by any of his senses he has personal knowledge of its commission. Thus, if he hears shooting or other noises, and runs immediately to the place and finds the offender with evidences of the alleged crime on him, or finds the offender running away as if in apparent flight from the crime, and in similar cases, the crime is considered as having been committed in the officer's presence or immediate knowledge. Lynn v. State. Georgia case.
Meaning, the crime just happened, the person making the arrest has personal knowledge of its commission, and the offender had evidence of the crime on him. Or, the person was "in apparent flight from the crime" that just happened. There has to be some immediacy. "I thought the guy may have been the guy that robbed old man Higgins last week" doesn't get you there. If that is where you are, then you call the authorities.
Now back to the self-defense. I don't think they had any lawful authority to arrest Arbery. If that is the case, then is Arbery not justified in engaging a person who is threatening the use of deadly force upon him?
100% agree. He was filming before he even came upon the scene. I feel he absolutely knew what was about to go down.
Should have happened months ago. Dereliction of duty by the DA and police.
Does Georgia still have the death penalty?
IMO, this is a modern day lynching
I think they do. Absolutely, it was a lynching.
Capital punishment is a legal penalty in the U.S. state of Georgia. Georgia reintroduced the death penalty in 1973 after Furman v. Georgia ruled all states' death penalty statutes unconstitutional. ... As of January 30, 2020, 76 people in total have been executed since 1983.
Yup - think they should get full benefit of the reintroduction of the law.
Bullet to the brain. There is no question in this case.
I am curious as to exactly how they came to this conclusion. Did he have a TV strapped to his back as he was running? Was he holding or carrying anything? None of the articles I have seen have suggested any such thing.
Was he sprinting or running at a sustained pace? I mean for fucks sake, any idiot (even a white man in Georgia, low bar I know) can tell the difference.
How, in any way shape or form, could some dip shit think this guy was running from a crime scene? I saw a black dude running down the road this morning, you know what I didn't do? I didn't think "fuck he clearly just robbed a house!" and run him over. I actually just thought "good for you, I need to do more of that...asshole".
Additionally I would like to ask these two, if I (a middle aged white male) had been logging alongside him, would they have shot? I like this question because there is no answer that doesn't make them sound like the total assholes that they are.
Good point.
At a certain point, the stupid is so severe that even we can agree.
Semper Fi guy.
And it is sad to say that it is a good point. In 2020 if a white person had been next to this poor son of a bitch, would he still have been shot?
That question right there reveals everything IMO.
You too, ooorah!!
There is a Facebook group with just shy of 70,000 members who are advocating for the murderers. Apparently, Arbery should have "complied with simple commands". The McMichaels are "God-fearing men who were only trying to protect their neighborhood."
70,000 idiots and counting.
70,000 reasons why I am convinced that our species doesn't deserve to leave this planet.
There do seem to be an inordinate number of assholes among us.
Not even assholes, just really, REALLY stupid people. Modern medicine has been a godsend to be sure, but part of me thinks our species might be better off without it in that the real dummies wouldn't be able to reproduce.
But we wouldn't have had Stephen Hawkings, either.
There are 11,000 more members in that group since I posted my comment.
You are right of course, hence why I am so conflicted.
And 11,000 more reasons I hate our species.
You're right. They are stupid. The group used to be named Christians Against Google, and some of the comments were public. One I was able to see talked about their endeavour to take down Google because "Google doesn't have the answers; God does."
As they say "If you see one cockroach, then there are a thousand more under the stove". Those 70,000 are just the tip of the right wing white supremacist iceberg.
Am I a bad person for hoping that we run into a dinosaur sized asteroid?
Lol, i appreciate the honesty
Ok, i don’t know you well enough to say you’re a bad person, but hoping that every human on the planet suffers, or worse, dies, is not a good thing.
But is our species continuing on or spreading amongst the stars a good thing?
We're due for a The Day the Earth Stood Still type moment.
Lol maybe just a little but a dinosaur sized asteroid wouldn't do any serious harm to the planet
A good thing for who? Or what? As a member of our species i’d say it’s a good thing we carry on.
Is it a good thing for the planet! Nope.
But hey, our individual time here is short so enjoy it as much as we can.
The ultimate question lol.
First, these guys should NEVER see the light of day.
Second, there is a FB called Justice for Gregory and Travis McMichael (which originally was Christians against Google, they changed the name). It is a group page so unless you join you can't see what's posted but this is their description:
And a heartfelt "FUCK YOU" to the family of the person they murdered.
According to another article I read this information is from the McMichaels statement. However the police have stated there had only been one break in reported in that area and that was when something was taken from one of the McMichaels vehicles.
I read the same article.
One more activity that's not safe to do if you're black...jogging.
Wouldn't be surprised at all if the "neighborhood watch" were day drinking in the garage when they noticed the "suspect". I would hope that if there is anything positive that comes from this pandemic it's that............
Don't know, pretty sure they just saw a nigger and decided murder would be fun.
That might be the language they use, but let's not, OK?
You know the context in which I am using the word. I would never use it outside of said (or academic) context.
And damn 1stwarrioir, getting a little bit of a liberal streak in you?!
Nah - just my Indian side parsing words
Haha, carry on marine, carry on.
Been watching this story for a couple or three weeks and all I can say is it's about damn time.
All I will say is, 25 years old. Three quarters of a lifetime of possibilities, all scrubbed and snuffed out, because of at best men with guns and a misunderstanding. I'm out of this one. It's just too much.
Great news from the GBI -
This is gonna get good.
On Wednesday, cellphone video showing Gregory McMichael, 64, and his son Travis McMichael, 34, confront Arbery was released. It shows the final moments of Arbery's life while he was jogging through the Brunswick neighborhood in February. Travis shot Arbery with a shotgun twice, and the 25-year-old collapsed, and died.
"I can tell you that there's more than sufficient probable cause in this case for felony murder ," Reynolds said Friday.
The director would not speak to police investigator's work prior to GBI's involvement, but said "in a perfect world" the bureau would have been asked to become involved in February.
In Georgia, the penalty for a felony murder conviction is either life in prison with or without parole or the death penalty.