
Officer's act of kindness helps shoplifter out of difficult situation


Category:  Other

Via:  nona62  •  9 years ago  •  8 comments

Officer's act of kindness helps shoplifter out of difficult situation

  • LONDON, Ky. (WKYT) - It started with a complaint about a shoplifter, but it ended with an act of kindness.

    A London police officer took it upon himself to help a suspected shoplifter after realizing the man was in a difficult situation.

    "As a police officer, it's not black and white for us," said Officer Justin Roby. "There's a lot of gray. And you have to cipher through everything and you really need to figure out the whole story."

    Roby was called to the Kroger on North Main Street in London on Saturday, Jan. 17 after a loss prevention officer stopped a man who was shoplifting.

    The suspect was a single father who had fallen on hard times, Roby said. The man was caught stealing baby formula for his six-month-old son, who was with him at the time.

    The store's loss prevention officer told Roby he did not want to press charges, and Roby agreed.

    "Me citing him for court wouldn't have done any good for him," he said. "He's already short on money, can't afford formula, so me making him appear in court, he's still not going to have any food for that baby."

    But what Roby did next showed the shoplifter what it truly means "to protect and serve" one's community.

    He bought some formula himself, giving it to the man for his baby.

    "You put yourself in the situations," he said. "I think, 'Well, what if me and my son, what if this was us?"

    Roby also gave the man a message, saying he told the man there are a lot of people and organizations - including the police department - that are available to help those in need.

    Roby told WKYT's Garrett Wymer that there was nothing special about what he did, saying that his fellow officers do selfless acts - changing tires, giving people rides to homeless shelters - every day. It is just not always seen.

    "I think when [a lot of people] look at us, they see just the uniform and just the car, just the tools that we have on our belt," Roby said. "But behind the uniform, I'm a human being and I'm a person out in this community just like any of them. I have a little boy. I'm a father just like that gentleman was.

    "We're not these robots," he said. "There's a human behind the badge."

    Officer Roby says a lot of people are struggling, and you do not have to be a police officer to offer a helping hand.



jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    9 years ago

What agreat act of kindness.

Freshman Silent
link   LynneA    9 years ago

"You put yourself in the situations," he said. "I think, 'Well, what if me and my son, what if this was us?"

What a beautiful display of humanity! His actions reflect what he carries in his heart and mind.

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    9 years ago

You;re welcome RW. We read so much negativity, I try to post stories like this when I come across them. Stories like this re-new my faith in humanity, an remind me that there are good people in this world.

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    9 years ago

Police offices oftenget a bad wrap...I guess this proves that not all Police Officers are bad.

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     9 years ago

Kudos to the officer.

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    9 years ago

Thank you Kav. Not too long ago , people were "bad mouthing the Police Officers as if all of them were horrible monsters. I'm glad to see some positive news about them.

Unfortunately,it seems as though we don't read enough positive news about anything .

I love reading about things that people do.


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