"Largest Protest Ever" Being Organized In Oklahoma

Even a pandemic disease with cases and outbreaks rising can't keep down a good social protest movement, and thousands are set to descend on an Oklahoman city soon to protest against an array of vast injustices. The protest organizers say the attendees are willing to risk their health and social disapproval from both within the public health community and the general public in order to make their important grievances known.
The biggest issue for the protesters is the lack of appreciation shown by racial minorities in America toward the benevolences showered upon them by the majority. Why, the Oklahoma protesters ask, is there a need for ingrate minorities to kneel down during the national anthem when everyone knows the Republican Party ended slavery in 1865. Racism itself ended forever when the Republican Party single handedly passed the Civil Rights Act in 1964. And everyone knows blacks get more welfare than whites. White people are the good guys in all this , and yet nitpickers keep complaining about "racism". Now the Oklahoma protesters are forced to take things in their own hands and let their true feelings known by a mass protest in Oklahoma on Jun 20.
There is also a need for mass protest against communism (which do gooders try to sneak into America under the guise of "social justice".) Every decent and proud American knows that the only good government program is a dead government program, and those who want equal treatment for gender issues and racial issues, and something done about "income inequality" are pinko losers who disrespect the time honored reality of "dog eat dog" (social darwinism). Every other prosperous country in the world has a version of the modern "welfare state" , but the Oklahoma protesters know that God wants every American man and woman to be for themself. That builds backbone. It is so important that we should name schools and churches after the great protest leaders like Ammon Bundy and Grover Nordquist, and of course, Stephen Miller.
National protest co-chairmen
And then the protesters in Oklahoma will turn their attention to the biggest opponent of freedom of them all, the media. The media are unAmerican. The media is the only thing standing between the protesters and their constant effort to spread fake news. If it werent for the media everyone would know that Joe Biden tapped Donald Trump's personal phone calls with Michael Cohen where Trump tried to stop Cohen from paying off sex workers that Trump had patronized , and the media is preventing everyone from finding out that Biden had four Brazilian transvestites pee on him in a motel room in Newark, New Jersey during a cocaine spree in 1994. The protesters in Oklahoma know that only Fox News and The Daily Caller tell the American people the truth. American Thinker used to but then the commies got it banned from internet forums.
Protesting is a great American tradition and the protest leader is the greatest American of all time. At great cost to his own mental health he has led the protest for 5 years now, against all odds and against the wishes of the "majority". Who cares about the majority of Americans, the protesters of Oklahoma have unfinished work , they still need to "lock her up".
The majority of Americans think like you do? Any evidence of this belief?
The only thing missing is the date change. I thought for sure you'd be telling us that the event was switched from the newly minted "Junteenth" to the about to be christened "Axe-handle day"!
Trump's latest Gallup poll approval rating is 39%. You do the math.
I think you need to do some math. Progressives do not and never have equaled 61% of the population.
Because polls are always so damn accurate./S
People never lie to polls. Polls never ask questions skewed to get a desired result. Polls never over sample a desirable population grouping to get the answers they want. Polls never, ever, lie about the results they get. Hanging up the phone before the question is even asked, or a "Fuck you", is not a vote for Biden.