
Pentagon Briefed About Alien 'Off World Vehicles': NY Times


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Via:  john-russell  •  5 years ago  •  29 comments

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Pentagon Briefed About Alien 'Off World Vehicles': NY Times
The New York Times published a story Thursday night about the likelihood that aliens have visited Earth. The main takeaway? Aliens could be real and the U.S. government has been conducting classified briefings in recent years about things left behind by "off world vehicles."

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Matt NovakToday 6:30AM• Filed to:aliensaliensare aliens real?new york timesharry reidUFOsmilitarypandemicdonald trumppresident trump822

The New York Times published a story Thursday night about the likelihood that aliens have visited Earth. The main takeaway? Aliens could be real and the U.S. government has been conducting classified briefings in recent years about things left behind by "off world vehicles."

Naturally, the new article appears on the 17th page of today's paper because everything else here on Earth is fucking bonkers and the existence of aliens barely makes headlines. There is, after all, both a pandemic going on and the frightening rise of a neo-fascist government apparatus helmed by a sociopathic narcissist.

So what does the new article have to say about the possibility of little green men—aside from the ones currently in Portland? A well-funded group inside the Office of Naval Intelligence is actively investigating unexplained encounters between members of the military and unidentified flying objects. And while some of the "materials" recovered by U.S. government sources have turned out to have perfectly innocent explanations, some materials are still a total mystery.

From the Times:

Eric W. Davis, an astrophysicist who worked as a subcontractor and then a consultant for the Pentagon U.F.O. program since 2007, said that, in some cases, examination of the materials had so far failed to determine their source and led him to conclude, "We couldn't make it ourselves."

Davis says he's briefed many people in government, including U.S. Senators:

Mr. Davis, who now works for Aerospace Corporation, a defense contractor, said he gave a classified briefing to a Defense Department agency as recently as March about retrievals from "off-world vehicles not made on this earth." Mr. Davis said he also gave classified briefings on retrievals of unexplained objects to staff members of the Senate Armed Services Committee on Oct. 21, 2019, and to staff members of the Senate Intelligence Committee two days later.

Former Nevada Senator Harry Reid, who has long championed the cause of exploring UFOs, told the Times that he believes the U.S. government has alien materials in their possession. Perhaps more disturbingly, he also believes that people in the private sector have materials as well.

"After looking into this, I came to the conclusion that there were reports—some were substantive, some not so substantive—that there were actual materials that the government and the private sector had in their possession," Reid told the Times.

By the end of the article, Reid even notes the possibility of "retrieved craft," the idea that the U.S. government may have an alien spaceship of some kind in its possession.

The classified nature of government briefings has been the main hurdle to getting information out to the public, according to the Times. But this isn't the first time that the New York Times has dropped a story about aliens that seemingly confirms their existence. Back in 2017, the Times reported on a secretive Pentagon group that was studying UFO encounters. Dubbed the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, the program has been since renamed.

Footage released in the past three years show some encounters that are very hard to explain. The U.S. Navy has even confirmed that the videos are real.

You can read the full story over at the New York Times.

Are aliens real? No one knows for sure. But if they land on our planet in a very public way we might not have the ability to deal with their shit in 2020.

Not now, aliens, we've got some more pressing matters that need our attention. In case you didn't notice, we've got this whole global pandemic thing happening as formerly democratic countries devolve into chaos. Try us again in a couple of years when people like Donald Trump are hopefully behind bars. We'll gladly offer him up as a bizarre specimen for your human zoos or whatever else it is you've come to do.


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  seeder  JohnRussell    5 years ago

I could accept the possibility that some beings from another part of the universe have somehow made it to earth over the course of millions of years.  I dont accept that thousands of such space travelers have visited earth since WW2.  It makes no sense. 

If there is anything like that going on, it is more likely a supernatural manifestation. 

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
1.1  Greg Jones  replied to  JohnRussell @1    5 years ago

With billions upon billion of galaxies and uncountable stars and their planets, there surely must be some locations in the Universe that would have a "Goldilocks Zone" around a fairly stable star like our Sun. These planets could have liquid water on their surfaces and the moderate temperatures would allow life to form and evolve just like it did here on Earth.

The chances that a humanoid type of life, even an advanced life form, exists elsewhere in the Universe, are quite plausible. But sadly...there is no way they could have made it to Earth if we are to believe the laws of physics. If such life forms had ever made it to Earth, someone would have exposed the evidence long before now...for fame and/or fortune.

Professor Quiet
1.1.1  Ozzwald  replied to  Greg Jones @1.1    5 years ago
The chances that a humanoid type of life, even an advanced life form, exists elsewhere in the Universe, are quite plausible.

Why limit it to humanoid?  Intelligent life may look like something we have not yet imagined, and to an extend, something we may not even recognize as intelligent.

But sadly...there is no way they could have made it to Earth if we are to believe the laws of physics.

Are you sure?  Quantum physics seems to have radically different laws that may allow it to happen, plus there are some very interesting theories that would allow us to bypass conventional physics (i.e. wormholes, etc.).  We're just thousands of years too early for those possibilities.

If such life forms had ever made it to Earth, someone would have exposed the evidence long before now...for fame and/or fortune.

Nowadays, with everyone owning a cell phone with camera, I would agree with you.  10 - 20 years ago, I'm not so sure.  Even today there are multiple instances of unidentified objects moving near ISS, or even the shuttle (back then), where the camera mysteriously cuts off until that object is no longer in the field of view.  Coincidence?  Probably, but who knows for sure.

1st radio broadcast was 1902, so our sphere of awareness is over 100 light years in diameter now.  It is no longer a matter of "seeing" Earth, it is now detecting intelligent broadcasts and following them to their source. An alien version of SETI.

Thrawn 31
Professor Participates
1.1.2  Thrawn 31  replied to  Greg Jones @1.1    4 years ago
With billions upon billion of galaxies and uncountable stars and their planets, there surely must be some locations in the Universe that would have a "Goldilocks Zone" around a fairly stable star like our Sun.

Technically every star has a habitable zone, an area where liquid water can exist on a planet's surface. The question is whether there are planets in those orbits and do they actually have oceans like those here on Earth. We have discovered numerous planets within a stars habitable zone outside of our solar system, and actually have 3 of them within our own. It actually seems that this piece of the puzzle may actually be rather common.

These planets could have liquid water on their surfaces and the moderate temperatures would allow life to form and evolve just like it did here on Earth. The chances that a humanoid type of life, even an advanced life form, exists elsewhere in the Universe, are quite plausible.

This is where things really get interesting. There is no reason life would have to be carbon based like here on Earth, they could be silicon based. And of course other form of intelligent life could have evolved, advanced, and gone extinct long before we ever existed, or even within the last 500 years, and we would never know. Or they could have evolved/advanced into a form we wouldn't even recognize. Tons of possibilities.

But sadly...there is no way they could have made it to Earth if we are to believe the laws of physics. If such life forms had ever made it to Earth, someone would have exposed the evidence long before now...for fame and/or fortune.

Based upon our current understanding of physics, yeah. Not unless they have developed an advanced form of stasis or have an extremely long lifespan. It is possible they know things that we do not and have found ways around the universal speed limit, but even if that were the case, why come here?

And yeah, if there was solid evidence of aliens coming to Earth SOMEONE would have exposed it by this point. 

Account Deleted
Freshman Silent
1.2  Account Deleted  replied to  JohnRussell @1    5 years ago

Alien visitations? I would want some real proof.

Show me their discarded beer cans and I will believe.

By the way - what size tires do you use on an Off World Vehicle? Would they use All-"Terran" or Mud-"Terran"?

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
1.2.1  Trout Giggles  replied to  Account Deleted @1.2    5 years ago

I'll show you a collection of beer cans when I come back from my October fishing trip.

And no aliens will be harmed in the experiment

Account Deleted
Freshman Silent
1.2.2  Account Deleted  replied to  Trout Giggles @1.2.1    5 years ago

Remember while fishing that  the Sasquatch are not aliens. They were probably here first. I don't know if they drink beer or not but you might take some extra just in case.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
1.2.3  Trout Giggles  replied to  Account Deleted @1.2.2    5 years ago

We bring about 3 60*** packs to start...but then always have to go buy more.

If I do see him, I'll give Darryl a beer.

I need a nap...we bring at least 2 30 packs to start

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
1.2.6  Eat The Press Do Not Read It  replied to  Account Deleted @1.2    4 years ago

Way, way off, off Terrain.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
2  Trout Giggles    5 years ago

I remember once on here or maybe NV someone said a snarky comment about me (not to my face, of course) that "sure, believe in aliens, but can't believe in Jesus"

Anyway...I don't believe in the supernatural. I do think there is a possibility of another race of beings who could be monitoring our planet. Whether we're only under observation for scientific purposes or something more nefarious, that remains to be seen

Professor Principal
2.1  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Trout Giggles @2    5 years ago

There have been thousands of reports of UFO's around the world , just since the end of WW2.  Do you think thousands of alien spaceships have visited earth? If life is actually prolific around the galaxies, why would thousands of aliens visit an out of the way backwater like earth, and if thousands have come here, why isnt there more proof of it than a few mysterious briefings? 

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
2.1.1  Trout Giggles  replied to  JohnRussell @2.1    5 years ago

I dunno. I haven't been inside the mind of a space traveler. There could be infinite reasons why people have seen UFOs, some of them have been explained and others not. And like I said, we might be an experiment

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
2.1.2  Trout Giggles  replied to  JohnRussell @2.1    5 years ago

And why do you consider our solar system to be a backwater?

Professor Principal
2.1.3  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Trout Giggles @2.1.2    5 years ago

We have barely conducted space travel, and are technologically infantile compared to an alien civilization that could come as far as they would have if they are here. 

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
2.1.4  Trout Giggles  replied to  JohnRussell @2.1.3    5 years ago

Expand your imagination, John. Think of Gene Roddenberry and the Alien movies. It could be possible

Professor Principal
2.1.5  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Trout Giggles @2.1.4    5 years ago

The only way it would be possible is if the alien civilization had found a way to "fold" space and make the distances much shorter.  But even that wouldnt explain thousands of visits in a short period of time. 

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
2.1.6  Trout Giggles  replied to  JohnRussell @2.1.5    5 years ago

Wormholes, John...wormholes.

And warp capacity is the only way I believe space travel between solar systems* will be possible. We don't have it now but that doesn't mean we won't develop it in the future or that alien races haven't already done so.

*I believe that interstellar travel will only be possible never intergalactic

Professor Quiet
2.1.7  Ozzwald  replied to  Trout Giggles @2.1.6    5 years ago
Wormholes, John...wormholes. And warp capacity is the only way I believe space travel between solar systems* will be possible. We don't have it now but that doesn't mean we won't develop it in the future or that alien races haven't already done so.

Don't forget quantum physics. Those little tiny buggers are breaking standard physical laws left and right.  If they could be expanded to the macro, just about anything would be possible.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
2.1.8  Trout Giggles  replied to  Ozzwald @2.1.7    5 years ago

I forgot about quantum physics, Ozz! Thanks for the reminder!

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
2.1.9  Eat The Press Do Not Read It  replied to  JohnRussell @2.1    4 years ago

Perhaps, Science, and, the world will soon discover the "Why," in the interim, it is most interesting, inspiring, and puzzling.

I enjoy the journey, the exploration, the possibility, the broadening of our Consciousness.

Account Deleted
Freshman Silent
2.2  Account Deleted  replied to  Trout Giggles @2    5 years ago
observation for scientific purposes or something more nefarious

This may sound odd, but I would prefer it be "something more nefarious". As a race, we have a lot of experience dealing with grifters.

Anyway...I don't believe in the supernatural

Well - how about we don't call it "super"natural. Experiences vary. Me? I'm convinced of things "beyond the ken". But we can simply agree to disagree.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
2.2.1  Trout Giggles  replied to  Account Deleted @2.2    5 years ago

I try not to ridicule people who have experienced things that are unexplained. As I've stated before on this forum, I do believe in a higher power (Deist) so I guess I do believe in some kind of supernatural phenomenon.

Grifters? You think they could be con men? When I say nefarious think of "To Serve Man"

Account Deleted
Freshman Silent
2.2.2  Account Deleted  replied to  Trout Giggles @2.2.1    5 years ago
"To Serve Man"

I seem to have misplaced my link to "A  Modest Proposal Slow Cookery" by J. Swift. Soon as I find it I'll send it along with the "Tastes Just Like Chicken" book by G. Bear .

Thrawn 31
Professor Participates
4  Thrawn 31    4 years ago

While I have virtually no doubt that there is other life out there, I am highly skeptical of the suggestion that they have been here even once, especially over and over again. I mean, why? Not to mention finding us to begin with wouldn't be easy.


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