Trump launches Twitter barrage pushing conspiracy theories

President Trump unleashed an especially intense barrage of Twitter messages over the weekend, embracing fringe conspiracy theories claiming that the coronavirus death toll has been exaggerated and that street protests are actually an organized coup d’état against him.
In a concentrated predawn burst, the president posted or reposted 89 messages between 5:49 a.m. and 8:04 a.m. on Sunday on top of 18 the night before, many of them inflammatory comments or assertions about violent clashes in Portland, Ore., where a man wearing the hat of a far-right, pro-Trump group was shot and killed Saturday after a large group of Mr. Trump’s supporters traveled through the streets. He resumed on Sunday night.
In the blast of social media messages, Mr. Trump also embraced a call to imprison Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York, threatened to send federal forces against demonstrators outside the White House, attacked CNN and NPR , embraced a supporter charged with murder, mocked his challenger , former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., and repeatedly assailed the mayor of Portland, even posting the mayor’s office telephone number so that supporters could call demanding his resignation. ( New York Times )

We should not have a president of the United States spreading, or even believing in, conspiracy theories. It is good reason, in and of itself, to remove him from office through the ballot box.
He has nothing else but to stoke division and chaos in order to deflect from his own failures. This is the Bush aftermath on steroids. Bush had no record to run on and Republicans pretend they no longer even know his name. That fact gave rise to the fake "tea party" funded by right wing think tanks and Republicans who could not run on Bush and his terrible record. Now it is being REPEATED again, with the fake conspiracies and right wing nut groups replacing the "tea party" distraction because Trump cannot run on his failed policies, just like Bush. Don't fall for it AGAIN!!!