Trump Threatens Americans With Violence During Mid-Morning Meltdown
Category: News & Politics
Via: jbb • 5 years ago • 2 commentsBy: Caleb Newton (Bipartisan Report)

By Caleb Newton - September 10, 20200202
President Donald Trump doesn't seem to be taking the possibility of a loss all that well — to put it lightly. As polls continue to emerge showing the Trump campaign down, significantly, in key swing states, Trump took to Twitter on Thursday with a stunningly unhinged message of doom and gloom for Americans. Just the previous day, he'd defended himself for having admitted to intentionally (and deceptively) downplaying the Coronavirus, claiming he was simply trying to avert panic. On Thursday, he claimed that a Democratic victory in November would mean that "suburbs" would be "OVERRUN" with obscene levels of violence. There is no evidence for this claim. He's just unhinged.
He tweeted:
'The Democrats never even mentioned the words LAW & ORDER at their National Convention. That's where they are coming from. If I don't win, America's Suburbs will be OVERRUN with Low Income Projects, Anarchists, Agitators, Looters and, of course, "Friendly Protesters"'
The Democrats never even mentioned the words LAW & ORDER at their National Convention. That's where they are coming from. If I don't win, America's Suburbs will be OVERRUN with Low Income Projects, Anarchists, Agitators, Looters and, of course, "Friendly Protesters".
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 10, 2020
Trump seems so desperate that he's making up unhinged, paranoid conspiracy theories to try and get people to vote for him. Note that in this tweet, he doesn't even attempt to explain how this alleged wave of violence would unfold — does he mean to imply that Democrats would let violent criminals out of prison? Does he mean to imply that they'd encourage rioting? Does he mean to suggest that Democrats would bus violent rioters into suburbs across the country? Who knows. He didn't specify, and it's all nonsense, anyway.
His reference to oh-so-scary "low income projects" is an example of thinly veiled racism. Low income housing is often associated with minority communities, like black Americans. Suburbs, meanwhile, often seem associated with white Americans. Trump sounds like he's trying to build up white support by fearmongering about black communities. He's threatening Americans with an imaginary prospect of untold violence if he's not re-elected.
On Thursday morning, Trump also belligerently tweeted that Democrats should "OPEN THE SCHOOLS ( SAFELY), NOW!" He consistently acts like post-Coronavirus recovery steps are merely a matter of political will. They're not and never have been. Trump just ignores the public health component.
Democrats, OPEN THE SCHOOLS ( SAFELY), NOW! When schools are closed, let the money follow the child (FAMILY). Why should schools be paid when they are closed? They shouldn't!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 10, 2020

Meltdown Number Nine...Today! It is getting worse...
Oh damn, a politician using fear to bash the other side in the hopes of gaining additional votes. How terrible, how horrible... How typical in American politics. Mud slinging, who cares except the side it's aimed at. All politicians do it to some extent. I think a lot of people tend to ignore most of it, I know I'm tired of the type of campaigning that has taken over politics.