Ron Johnson Carries Trump, Russia's Water on Ukraine and Joe Biden

The lights are on but nobody is home at Johnson's!

This is precisely the line of attack that the U.S. intelligence community said that the Russian ratfckers would pursue this time around, and Johnson is the primary parrot.
By Charles P. Pierce Sep 16, 2020 TONI L. SANDYSGetty Images
We have kept a weather eye on Senator Ron (Shreds of Freedom) Johnson, Republican of Wisconsin, ever since the Tea Party coal-slurry avalanche swept him into office a decade ago. Up until the arrival of El Caudillo del Mar-a-Lago, Johnson was a fairly run-of-the-mill wingnut legislator, but then, in 2018, over the Independence Day holiday, Ron Johnson took a trip and came back as a menace to the American republic. How coincidental you believe this is depends very much on the condition of the turnip truck that brought you to town.
On July 4, 2018, Johnson and several other Republican senators were entertained in Moscow by, among other people, Sergei Kislyak, a central figure among the Volga Bagmen and good friend of Michael Flynn, then the Russophilic White House national security adviser. Johnson, who previously had been a harsh critic of the regime of Vladimir Putin, returned from Russia on this trip with kasha failing to melt in his mouth. From the Washington Examiner :
Johnson said he's worried that Congress over-reacted to Russia's election interference, which resulted in legislation that tied Trump's hands with mandatory sanctions. "I've been pretty upfront that the election interference — as serious as that was, and unacceptable — is not the greatest threat to our democracy," he said. "We've blown it way out of proportion — [as if it's] the greatest threat to democracy ... We need to really honestly assess what actually happened, what effect did it have, and what effect are our sanctions actually having, positively and negatively."
At which point, Johnson began to carry water for the White House and, by extension, for the Kremlin's efforts to get out from under charges that it had ratfcked the 2016 election, and that it was preparing to do it again. (This mutuality of interests ought to raise all kinds of alarms.) In pursuit of that, he has become the mainspring of the misinformation plot that seeks to pin the blame for the sabotage of Ukraine on Joe Biden, and to tie it to Biden through his son, Hunter. This manufactured tale was one of the go-to diversions for the president*'s defenders during the impeachment proceedings, and it has been kept alive as an important element of the president*'s re-election strategy, behind which Johnson has thrown the full weight of his chairmanship of the Senate's Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.
Johnson's attitudes changed considerably following his July 4th trip to Moscow. STEFANI REYNOLDSGetty Images
One major flaw in the plan, however, is the fact that Johnson has demonstrated repeatedly that he's a few bratwurst short of a tailgate. (In October of 2019, he put in an appearance on Meet The Press that will go down in history of mumbling as an unquestioned masterpiece.) He could bumfuzzle the whole thing into splinters but, on Tuesday, Johnson and his committee escalated their efforts on behalf of the president*'s campaign. From Politico :
In a party-line, Republican members of the committee gave its chairman, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), the power to compel testimony from several current and former officials, including former FBI Director James Comey and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, who involved in the transition process in 2016 and 2017 as well as the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. The authorization itself means Johnson will be able to wield the threat of politically explosive subpoenas — some against witnesses Trump has repeatedly styled as archenemies — even after Congress recesses in October and the election draws increasingly close...
Romney said the Biden investigation "has the earmarks of a political exercise," citing "recent remarks in the media" — a clear reference to Johnson's recent public statements indicating that his investigation will denigrate Biden's prospects in the election. Romney also said it was "not the legitimate role of government, for Congress or for taxpayer expense, to be used in an effort to damage political opponents." Johnson is preparing to release an interim report in the coming days on that probe, which examines Hunter Biden's role on the board of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma. There's no evidence that Joe Biden or his son were involved in any wrongdoing.
As has been reported, this is precisely the line of attack that the U.S. intelligence community said that the Russian ratfckers would pursue this time around. And Ron (Shreds of Freedom) Johnson is the primary parrot. Thanks, Wisconsin. Seriously.
Related Story The President*'s Town Hall Was a Train Wreck Charles P. PierceCharles P Pierce is the author of four books, most recently Idiot America, and has been a working journalist since 1976. This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at Advertisement - Continue Reading Below More FromPolitics With Charles P. Pierce The President*'s Town Hall Was a Trainwreck Virus Is Novel, Deadly Conditions Aren't Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Bill Barr Can't Make Me Feel Sorry for John Bolton President Take 'Em Out Wants His Nobel Peace Prize If This Is Accurate, We're Talking the Hague They'll Marvel at How Long We Let This Go On The President* is Too Lazy to Go Strongman, Right? Scientists Should Stage a Walkout It's Time to Ask What Your Country Can Do For You Could the GOP Compete in Non-Ratf*cked Elections?

What an awful awful man. The was not a question...
Johnson is a Russian tool.
Have to wonder how many Russian bots comment here on NT.
(I'd name the most obvious but Perrie wouldn't like it).
I can guess. It does seem like there is more than one though.
Check Johnson's campaign accounts.
Does he have any cash 'squirreled away' offshore?
What does Johnson have to gain by supplanting Russian propaganda and running interference for Trump?
He likely has Russian blackmail on him just as Putin has on Trump.
Perhaps the Russians were threatening him saying they would release the video of his 'side pussy' crying out in passion "Oh Ron Johnson! Oh Ron Johnson!".
Talking cat says Oh Long Johnson