Fact Checking Trump On Health Care
PRESIDENT TRUMP: The historic action I am taking today includes the first ever executive order to affirm it is the official policy of the United States government to protect patients with pre-existing conditions. So, we are making that official.
We are putting it down in the stand because our opponents, the Democrats, like to constantly talk about it and yet pre-existing conditions are much safer with us than they are with them. And now, we have it affirmed. This is affirmed, signed and done, so we can put that to rest.
DON LEMON (CNN) : There is a lot for you to fact check there.
DANIEL DALE, CNN FACT CHECKER: That's like alternative reality stuff, Don. It's ridiculous in two related ways.
Saying that he's going to do the first ever executive order to protect pre-existing conditions is like saying I'm going to do the first ever executive order to say that people over 65 are going to get health insurance.
We already have Medicare and we already have protections for people with pre-existing conditions in our law, not an order, it's called Obamacare.
So relatively, saying that we are better for pre-existing conditions than Democrats ,who got Obamacare and want to protect it , while Trump is trying to eradicate Obamacare and replace it with not much, just an order saying we want to do this. It's just completely ridiculous and he keeps saying this over and over, Don.
Trump's comments on pre-existing conditions were meaningless.
Clearly it is a dodge of the three options Trump has. None of them are good IMO and yes, democrats will get some mileage out of it.
Trump issues an executive order to declare : It is now the official position of my government that 'existing conditions' will be protected .
That and two dollars will get you a cup of coffee in most places.
You're beating a dead horse. I already agreed with the premise of your seed. Trump has 3 options. He chose to just say trust me. The dems can harp on it, but right now there are just too many larger topics dominating the election, as in the appointment of a Supreme Court Justice.
Why would anyone in their right mind trust Donald Trump about health care? He has been saying for 5 years that he had a health care plan. Where is it? The same place his plan to spend 500 billion dollars on the black community is - nowheresville.
have you forgotten the traitor named John McStain so soon?