
His Penis Extension Broke -- And 9 More Crazy Reasons People Divorced


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Via:  nona62  •  9 years ago  •  9 comments

His Penis Extension Broke -- And 9 More Crazy Reasons People Divorced

His Penis Extension Broke -- And 9 More Crazy Reasons People Divorced

Divorce happens for all sorts of reasons. Sometimes spouses grow apart, sometimes they simply fall out of love. Sometimes one spouse adopts 550 cats and everything goes to hell.

Yes, every so often a divorce story surfaces that's so bizarre, it makes your craziest divorce or breakup moment seem totally normal in comparison. Here are 10 of the most unusual divorce stories we've ever read:

1. He didn't like the movie "Frozen."

Sometimes you just have to, um, let him go if he has bad taste in movies. Apparently, one Japanese woman divorced her husband after finding out that he "didn't care for" the film "Frozen," according to the U.K.'s Metro news . She told him, "If you cant understand what makes this movie great, theres something wrong with you as a human being," and demanded a divorce.

2. She was possessed by a genie.

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Sometimes a marriage just loses its magic. At least that's what one Dubai man said when he divorced his wife who was "possessed by a genie," according to Gulf News . After she refused to sleep with him, her family told him that she was possessed by a "dijn," a type of genie from Arabic mythology. Several religious experts had reportedly attempted to exorcise said genie to no avail.

3. His penis extension broke.

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Pretty self explanatory. After finding out that his wife was unsatisfied in bed, one unfortunate Russian man obtained a special penis prosthetic, according to the U.K's Metro news . When the prosthetic fell off during a wild sexscapade, he promised to get a new one. But, as the man told Metro, it was too late: "She said she was fed up with my failures in bed and wants a divorce."

4. She had an "excessive and insatiable desire for sex."


Apparently you can have to much of a good thing. That's what one Indian man claimed when he divorced his wife because of her insatiable sex drive . He told the court that his wife had been "aggressive, stubborn and autocratic," forcing him to take medication to boost his sexual stamina and threatening to sleep with other men if he failed to satisfy her.

5. He nicknamed her "Guantanamo" in his cellphone.

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Not all pet names are created equal. Just ask the Saudi woman who apparently filed for divorce after discovering that her husband had nicknamed her "Guantanamo" if his cellphone, as reported by Al Arabiya news . She discovered the unflattering nickname, based on the infamous U.S. military prison, when she called his cellphone and realized that he had left it at home. The man claimed the nickname was to protect the couple's privacy, saying "I dont want people sitting around me to know that this is my wife calling." (Apparently, he would rather people think that the Guantanamo Bay prison is calling him?)

6. Her parrot told her that her husband was cheating.

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One Chinese woman found out about her husband's infidelity from her pet parrot, according to ABC News . Her feathered friend offered clues when he started saying the words "divorce," "I love you," and "be patient." Soon after, she went to see a divorce lawyer and brought the parrot with her. This is no isolated case: apparently several cheating spouses have been exposed by an overly chatty parrot .

7. She adopted 550 cats.

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One man divorced his wife after she brought over 550 cats into their home, according to the Times of Israel . He told court officials that he was unable to sleep on his bed, which was covered in cats, and unable to eat a meal because cats jumped on the table and stole his food. The couple attempted to reconcile but divorced after the woman refused to give up her pets.

8. He cleaned too much.

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One German woman divorced her husband after 15 years of marriage because she couldn't stand his constant cleaning, reported Reuters . She had always hated his perpetual tidying up and rearranging of furniture, but one day he took it too far: The man tore down a wall in their home because it was too dirty. What a mess.

9. She kissed a horse (and she liked it.)


One man divorced his wife after finding a photo of her kissing a horse on one of her social network accounts, according to Emirates 24/7 News . His wife was unapologetic, saying that the photo showed her love for Arabian horses and that she didn't want to be with a man who thinks kissing a horse constitutes cheating.

10. She had an affair... in the 1940s.

old love letter

One Italian couple ended their marriage in 2011 after the 99-year-old husband found love letters written between his 96-year-old wife and her former flame, according to USA Today . The love letters were from the 1940s, but once a cheater, always a cheater



jrDiscussion - desc
Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    9 years ago

He cleaned too much.

Really? This is a problem?

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    9 years ago


Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober    9 years ago

How about if he cleaned with his penis extension ?

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     9 years ago

''she wanted to much sex''....Hmmmmm, I'll have to think about that.Smile.gif

''he broke his weenie''...LOL, no comment.

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    9 years ago

Petey...Grin.gif Grin.gif Grin.gif Grin.gif

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    9 years ago

'she wanted to much sex''....Hmmmmm, I'll have to think about that .

That's the last thing I would think would be a problem..Grin.gif

deepwater don
Freshman Silent
link   deepwater don    9 years ago

The parrot talked... Too funny. Maybe he should have adopted 550 cats, got her a horse to kiss, or of course a penis extension.

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    9 years ago

LOL dd........Too funny!!

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    9 years ago

''he broke his weenie''...LOL, no comment ROFLOL


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