To Jared Kushner, Black Americans' grappling with inequality, racism is 'complaining'
Category: News & Politics
Via: jbb • 5 years ago • 18 commentsBy: Michelle Garcia (NBC News)

I have had just about enough of that punk's no good unelected lousy low down lying ass. Haven't you?

Oct. 26, 2020, 4:38 PM UTC By Michelle Garcia
White House adviser Jared Kushner described Black America's issues with inequality and racism in the country as "complaining," during an interview Monday on "Fox & Friends."
"The thing we've seen in the Black community, which is mostly Democrat," he said, "is that President Trump's policies are the policies that can help people break out of the problems that they're complaining about, but he can't want them to be successful more than they want to be successful."
Jared Kushner on the Black community: "President Trump's policies are the policies that can help people break out of the problems that they're complaining about, but he can't want them to be successful more than that they want to be successful."
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) October 26, 2020
Kushner's words appear to blame Black Americans' disproportionate lack of wealth, job opportunities, health disparities and other inequalities on a lack of drive — suggesting the problem is that Black Americans don't "want" success enough. However, his comments do not address the roots of systemic racism.
"This dismissive approach to the issues that Black voters care about is indicative of Trump's callousness and disregard for the lives of Black people," Democratic National Committee National Press Secretary Brandon Gassaway, said in a statement. "We cannot afford another four years of a White House that does not take our voices seriously and tells us to be grateful for whatever scraps are leftover from the bargaining table. We need leaders who not only value our input but prioritize and act upon it. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are those leaders, and Black voters will continue to show up to the polls in record numbers to ensure that Donald Trump, Jared Kushner, and this failed administration get the message."
Shortly after the clip aired, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany released a statement: "It's disgusting to see internet trolls taking Senior Advisor Jared Kushner out of context as they try to distract from President Trump's undeniable record of accomplishment for the Black community. From criminal justice reform and record HBCU funding to record low Black unemployment and record high income increases, there is simply no disputing that President Trump accomplished what Democrats merely talked about. Those who have worked with President Trump have seen success on these joint objectives, unlike with previous failed Democrat politicians."
According to a 2019 McKinsey study, the racial wealth gap between Black and white families in America has been widening for decades, in part because white family wealth has continued to grow while Black families have stagnated.
The president's re-election campaign has been working with the rapper Ice Cube, who had promoted his own Contract With Black America as a platform for the presidential campaigns to adopt. The entertainer's plan included federal financial oversight, criminal justice reform, dismantling Confederate monuments and several other actions. He's received backlash for his willingness to work with Trump on a plan to address these historic inequalities, given Trump's record on addressing racism, including cutting diversity training in the federal government.
"I've told everybody that I'm not playing politics with this," Ice Cube said on Fox News over the weekend. "I'm willing to meet with anybody who could bring this to life and make it a reality."
Black Voices for Trump, an arm of the president's re-election campaign, says Trump will focus on bolstering Black businesses, enabling school choice, criminal justice reform, and supporting historically Black colleges and universities. His official campaign echoes these promises.
Meanwhile, Trump has repeatedly said that no president since Abraham Lincoln has done more for Black Americans. In particular, he has trumpeted the low Black unemployment rate before the pandemic affected the economy. The rate, however, had been slowly decreasing under the Obama administration, but still remained higher than other racial groups, even at its lowest point of 5.9 percent in May 2018.
Kushner also asserted that Black voters are creeping over to the Trump column in 2020. Four years ago, only 8 percent of Black voters chose Trump. While his opponent Joe Biden is leading with Black voters overall in the polls, some — particularly men — have shown interest in supporting Trump, according to a new FiveThirtyEight analysis.
Michelle Garcia
Michelle Garcia is the editorial manager of NBC BLK

We are not just getting rid of Trump. We are also getting rid of his lousy no good family including Jared...
He is a racist POS.
Like he knows what it's like to actually have to struggle...moosh noosh. (dumb ass)
I had thought that Jared was a cipher. Empty.
I was wrong. He is actively evil.
He has been taught at the knee of his father in law and his wife. Not that he hasnt always been evil , he is a slumlord after all, but his wife and her father lit a fire under him to keep up with them.
Why in the world would any sane black person vote Democratic?
Why would any sane black person not be absolutely repulsed by a lilly white silver spoon multimillionaire offspring of a felon telling them they just aren’t trying hard enough?
That's not how I read Jared's statement, but as I've said before people will see and interpret how they want to.
By all means then, please unpack for us how you interpret the statements from the lilly white silver spoon multimillionaire offspring of a felon, through your deep red lens. Without your breakdown your comment is pretty meaningless.
My Understanding: It's the last line. I don't read that as where Trump or Kushner believe the problem is that Black Americans don't want success enough, I read that as no matter how much Trump wants them to succeed all Trump can do is provide the opportunities with the policy changes. At a certain point the responsibility has to fall on the person who needs to change what they are doing in order to eliminate a problem they have.
I believe in the responsibility of the individual. I believe that you could hand a person $1 million dollars and if they don't change how they think and act they will not be able to better themselves and in short order will end up in the exact same situation they were in before they received the money. An outside force can only provide an opportunity, the individual must make the change and seize the moment.
And you don’t see any irony at all that this is coming from an incredibly privileged individual who has a history of discriminatory rental policies, who never had to worry about getting into a good school or how to pay for it because his criminal father donated millions to Harvard to buy his way in, who married into a family with a long history of blatant racial discrimination in their real estate practice, and who works for a racist president who enjoys the support of David Duke and a whole network of white supremacy?
This is why I said people will see what they want to see. You want to hate all things Trump so you look at how anything else can be brought in to the discussion to allow for your biases. It's ok, we all have biases. I try to look at the statement as it stands on it's own. Not saying I'm always successful but I do try. I even try to take Biden at his word on what he wants to do if elected for the Black community despite his long history of racism.
If my goal was to just “hate all things Trump”, I would post lies - you know, like Trump does all the time about his detractors. Do dispute any of the facts that I have laid out here?
You just keep deflecting away from what I put in 5.1.4.
Nope, I didn't dispute anything you posted in 5.1.5. If I were, it might be where you state that Trump enjoys the support of David Duke. I don't know that for a fact as I am not in Trump's inner circle and do not know the man personally but I do know that publicly Trump did disavow David Duke. But if Trump privately enjoys the support provided by David Duke I cannot say and I suspect you cannot either for the same reasons. I do however disagree with one statement in 5.1.7. You would not need to post lies in order to hate all things Trump, he does provide enough all by himself to handle any need.
But instead of deflecting away to continue an argument don't you want to directly comment on anything I said in 5.1.4 ? You asked me for my interpretation and I provided it.
I understand the point he was trying to make but it falls flat because of who the messenger is. When a racist Administration frames their message to suggest black people have to want to be independent or financial stable the real message is received loud and clear by those citizens who are white nationalist. Black people are lazy.
I do have to wonder if the same words were spoken by someone who was black or a known supporter of black policies would it have received as much scorn. I've heard similar language spoken and it was used as a way to rally or inspire the audience.
if Trump privately enjoys the support provided by David Duke I cannot say and I suspect you cannot either
I can refer you to the statement Trump made about QAnon - paraphrasing, he said he knows nothing about them but he hears that they really like him. Later he repeated that he “knew nothing about them”, except for that they fight against pedophelia. These statements are so nakedly stupid that they defy any sense of rational thinking. QAnon does not fight against pedophelia, they simply and obviously falsely accuse Democrats of engaging in it on a global scale. Please don’t insult our intelligence by implying that it is not clear that Trump enjoys the support of any lowlife willing to support him.
I'm glad more of Ice Cube's Contract with Black America is coming out. Seems to me he's willing to work with anyone to get this worked out. I applaud his efforts. But some of the things I've seen in his contract, historically conservatives fight against such as removal of Confederate monuments and diversity training