'I've got a jail cell': Trump and his 'goons' threatened with arrest by angry Philly DA if they disrupt Election Day - Raw Story

Published 1 day ago on October 30, 2020
By Tom BoggioniBill Barr and Donald Trump (AFP)ShareTweet
In a very blunt warning on CNN on Friday morning, Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner served notice to Donald Trump that a jail cell awaits him if he keeps encouraging his rabid followers to interfere with voters on Election Day.
Speaking with host Alisyn Camerota, Krasner was asked about a tweet he directed at the president this past week and what message he was trying to send to Trump when he wrote, "I've got something for you."
"That means I've got a jail cell and I've got criminal charges and you can stand in front of a Philadelphia jury, which, by the way, is a diverse jury, and you can explain why you thought it was okay to come to Philly and steal our votes. This is the birthplace of democracy and we are not doing this — wannabe fascists stay home," Krasner explained.
"So you are dispatching detectives or prosecutors to try to make sure that there's no voter intimidation?" Camerota pressed.
"We are dispatching both. and the Philadelphia Police Department has a very good plan for Election Day," he replied. "We have a bigger bunch than ever — they are extremely well trained and we're looking for new things. We've never really had to be concerned that a bunch of knuckleheads were going to show up at the polls with guns. if they do it this time, they're going to have a problem. Because the fact is, the Second Amendment does not protect people who claim to be in a militia and have not been summoned by the governor."
"Militia is not something you get to be by saying it — it's something you get to be when governmental authority summons you," he continued. "If you want to dress up like GI Joe and claim you are protecting the polls when we all know what you're really doing is intimidating voters, you're getting locked up."
"I think the truth is, the president is a lot of talk," he added. "These guys with the little skinny gray-beards are a lot of talk. When when the Proud Boys tried to do a march in Philly, they had to import people from Indiana. They couldn't do enough to do a small march in Philly. I think this is a lot of talk — we're going to be very vigilant and expect to have a very, very successful voting day."
2020 Election
'So, so cruel': Rights advocates sound alarm about immigration agenda Stephen Miller is crafting for Trump's 2nd term
Published 12 mins ago on October 31, 2020 By Common Dreams
Immigrant rights advocates along with Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his supporters responded with alarm to reporting this week that Stephen Miller, a senior adviser to President Donald Trump, is plotting how to "rev up Trump's restrictive immigration agenda" and is ready to "unleash executive orders deemed too extreme for a president seeking reelection" in the event of a Biden loss next week.
NBC Newsreported Friday that Miller, speaking as an adviser to the president's campaign, laid out four top priorities in a 30-minute call Thursday: "limiting asylum grants, punishing and outlawing 'sanctuary cities,' expanding the so-called travel ban with tougher screening for visa applicants, and slapping new limits on work visas." Implementing these policies would require a mix of legislation and executive action.
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2020 Election
REVEALED: Far-right extremists are circulating plans to lock down Arizona streets if Trump is re-elected
Published 1 hour ago on October 31, 2020 By Matthew Chapman
On Saturday, The Arizona Republicreported that far-right paramilitary groups are circulating plans to lock down neighborhoods in the Phoenix, Arizona metropolitan area in the event that President Donald Trump is re-elected, supposedly to police left-wing protesters.
"In Arizona, the head of the Prescott-area chapter of the Oath Keepers group, which recruits military and law enforcement officers,has warned residents to be prepared to protect their neighborhoods from feared extreme left-wing protesters who would be upset should President Donald Trump be re-elected," reported Richard Ruelas. "Part of that the pro-Trump group'splan involved closing streets and assigning monitors to control access, according to a planning document shared with The Republic."
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2020 Election
America's crimes against humanity aren't on the ballot this year — but they should be
Published 1 hour ago on October 31, 2020 By Dave Masciotra, Salon
The 2020 presidential election is a life-and-death decision for thousands of people vulnerable to COVID-19, for a globe under the assault from the climate crisis, and for the future of American democracy. And yet for all the urgency, the political campaign still suffers under the weight and stench of bullshit.
This article first appeared in Salon.
Philosopher Harry Frankfurt warns in his bestselling pamphlet "On Bullshit" that "bullshit" is more injurious than the blatant lie. One reason among many is that bullshit blurs the line between reality and fiction, offering a manipulative incorporation of truth to strengthen its own capacity to persuade. Absolute falsity, in contrast, is obvious to anyone with minimal awareness of the facts. When the Trump administration recently declared that one of its grand achievements was "ending the pandemic," most people laughed in disbelief. This is a lie fit for consumption only from inhabitants of a collective similar to the Rev. Jim Jones'.

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Pennsylvania is prepared for rightwing agitators...
Lock'em up.
This Philly DA sounds like one of the good guys.
I always say, I don't have an accent. Philly was the first capital of the USA and was central to the colonies.
Everyone else has an accent, lol. Not us.
Fly Eagles Fly.