Andrew Cuomo lashes out at reporters who disrespect Donald Trump - Washington Times
Category: News & Politics
Via: john-russell • 5 years ago • 28 commentsBy: Jennifer Harper (The Washington Times)

A conversation on a New York radio station took a surprising turn on Tuesday when Gov. Andrew Cuomo spoke out against the news media’s hostile and disrespectful treatment of President Trump.
“There is a nastier tone now with the press, not just in New York but all across the nation. There’s a nastiness, a disrespect that never existed before,” Mr. Cuomo said in an interview Tuesday with WAMC, a public radio station based in Albany.
He also imagined how his father and New York former governor, Mario Cuomo , would have handled such behavior.
Iif anyone had used the tone that they use with me in some of these press conferences with my old man, you’d be lucky if he didn’t come around and deck you,” Mr. Cuomo said.
He was particularly annoyed with the behavior of reporters.
“The way they question President Trump in some of these press conferences — I’ve never heard that tone used with a president. There’s supposed to be decorum. You can not like the person, or disrespect that person — but there’s still an institution that each person represents,” Mr. Cuomo continued.
“There are reporters who are just unprofessional. They don’t know the facts and ask really biased questions. They come with a question to fit what their editor wants for that night. There are reporters who ask questions which are unintelligent,” he said.
The governor also reinforced what was once a basic rule in the White House.
“You want to say, well, I don’t like the president, and I disrespect him, but it’s still the office of the president,” Mr. Cuomo said.

This is, of course, absurd.
Andrew Cuomo is not trusted by progressives and many Democrats, and this is a good example of why.
OMG. He rips Trump all the time, and it's fine. But he makes one legitimate criticism about how the press treats Trump and now Cuomo can't be trusted. Call the Thought Police! A crime has been committed. Just amazing.
NO ONE in the press has ever treated Trump inappropriately.
If you want to be respectful to a known pathological liar, crook, bigot, moron , and cheat, go for it. But dont expect other people to be.
Should we talk about the plagiarism Joe Biden committed at law school? How about the family stories he stole from other people and passed off as his own? How about the time he talked about Indian immigrants working in convenience stores? How about the time he praised Obama for being an articulate black man?
But hey, if you want to be respectful of that, go for it.
Trump supporters are always good for absurdities.
Tacos named 3 or 4 instances where he says Biden did something inappropriate. Trump's figures are in the hundreds and thousands. The two are not comparable. Seriously, people who think Trump and Biden are comparable in such ways are totally clueless and probably shouldn't handle sharp objects.
What a bizarre moral standard. You condemn bad behavior (and yes, I do acknowledge Trump's bad behavior) in one person, but entirely dismiss it in someone else. And your excuse for this is that you think one does it more than the other.
At least have the integrity to condemn the bad behavior in Biden or others. Otherwise, you have no grounds to bitch about Trump and your complaints look like hollow partisanship.
NO, I know one person does it more than the other. Someone would have to have been Rip Van Winkle for the past 5 years to believe otherwise.
Trump earned no respect. Zero, zip, zilch, nada. Andrew Cuomo is jerking everyone's chain.
30 years ago, Biden was considered unfit for office. He's the same person, but the standards have obviously changed.
It's a complete waste of time to converse with you.
Maybe Perrie will ban me and I can escape this farce.
Nobody is forcing you to be here, just delete your account. Adios.
We can't disagree with you. It would be a blessing.
If your goal is to have everyone obediently agree with you on everything, then yes, you are wasting your time. You could try talking to a mirror instead.
one one hundred thousandth , of what TRUMP HAS
Cuomo is right on multiple points.
All of that is true. They are unprofessional. They are often ignorant. They demonstrate ever-increasing bias. They try to set people up with gotcha questions for headlines and clicks. And sometimes they just ask stuff that's stupid.
It doesn't happen only to Trump, of course, but I would say the press does it more eagerly with him than they do with politicians they actually like.
Once upon a time, most of them cared about appearing professional. More and more of them don't care.
I normally side with Cuomo, but during his news conference on November 18th he stated that Western New York hasn't lived the full pain of COVID's wrath. I lost all respect for him in just that one statement.
People in big cities don't really care or ever consider rural Americans.
But I'm not rural, I'm a ten minute drive to the outskirts of the City of Buffalo.
I know he only cares about Albany and New York City
He probably considers you to be rural