Santa tells crying boy he won't bring him Nerf gun
Category: News & Politics
Via: john-russell • 5 years ago • 16 commentsBy: Sophie Tanno (Mail Online)

A 'woke' Santa Claus in an Illinois shopping mall reduced young boy to tears after refusing his request for a Nerf gun for Christmas, telling the child he would bring 'no guns — not even a Nerf gun'.
Sabella DeCarlo took her son Michael to visit Santa at Harlem Irving Plaza in Norridge, Illinois on December 6, and rushed in to comfort him when Santa said he refused to bring him what he wanted.
After DeCarlo blasted the mall Santa on Facebook, complaining that the man let 'his own personal beliefs' steal her son's 'Christmas magic,' a representative for Harlem Irving Plaza apologized and revealed that this particular Santa is now out of a job.
A 'woke' Santa Claus in an American shopping mall refused a child's request for a Nerf gun for Christmas, telling the little boy he would bring 'no guns — not even a Nerf gun'
Sabella DeCarlo took her son Michael to visit Santa at Harlem Irving Plaza in Norridge, Illinois on December 6, and comfortED him when Santa said he refused to bring him what he wanted
In the video, Michael sits down at a social distance from Santa, who is set up behind a Plexiglass barrier on the opposite side of a table.
Santa asks him, 'What do you want for Christmas?'
The boy can't says he doesn't know, but after some more nudging from Santa, answers that he'd like a Nerf gun.
'No, I — nope, no guns,' Santa tells him.'
The boy's mother jumps in to clarify that the boy is asking for a Nerf gun, but the Santa Claus continues to refuse.
'No, not even a Nerf gun,' he can be heard saying.
Santa continues: 'If your dad wants to get it for you, that's fine, but I can't bring it to you. What else would you like? Lots of other toys. Legos. There's bicycles. There's cars and trucks. What do you think?'
The child bursts into tears and his mother once again intervenes to comfort her son.
'You'll still get one,' she reassures him.
After Santa refused to bring him a gun, he said: 'If your dad wants to get it for you, that's fine, but I can't bring it to you. What else would you like?'
Toy: A Nerf Blaster is a toy gun made by Hasbro that fires foam darts, discs, or foam balls
A Nerf Blaster is a toy gun made by Hasbro that fires foam darts, discs, or foam balls.
DeCarlo later took to Facebook to condemn the Santa for telling her child 'no' due to his own 'personal beliefs'.
'My poor baby. This was the first year Michael was excited to go see Santa. It was supposed to be magical but instead I had to watch my sweet little boy fight back tears because Santa told him No because of his own personal beliefs,' she wrote.
'I had to think fast and explain to him that this Santa was just a helper and not the real guy.
'I just wanted to console my baby and get him out of there, flipping out on Santa would have only made it worse. His Elfie is going to bring him a Nerf gun directly from the North Pole, from the real Santa, tonight.'
In a follow-up post, she added that 'some of Michael's Christmas magic was stolen from him today.'
Harlem Irving Plaza later released a statement saying that this particular mall Santa no longer works there.
The boy burst into tears in an incident that was shared online by his mother
DeCarlo blasted the mall Santa for sharing his personal beliefs during the exchange
'The HIP and our third-party Santa company are distraught and deeply apologetic about the unfortunate incident which occurred at Santa set on December 6, as both parties strive for families and their children to have a happy holiday experience,' the statement said
'Santa is heartbroken and crushed that he has made this child so sad and upset, and turned in his resignation.
'The Santa company will continue to remind all Santa's how important it is to not impose personal opinions during visits with the children.
'HIP immediately contacted the family and worked with our Santa company in hopes of rectifying the situation.
'We are happy to report that the 'real' Santa visited the boy at his home today to bring him a nerf gun! We hope we restored Christmas magic to this boy and his family with Santa's special visit.'
DeCarlo said she appreciated the mall's 'quick response and kindness'.
Meanwhile, social media commenters are joining into blast the mall Santa.
Social media commenters are joining into blast the mall Santa for refusing the boy
'A Santa who scolds a child for requesting a Nerf gun is a Santa who deserves a firm a**-kicking from dad,' wrote one.
'Props to mom. I would have snatched his beard off,' tweeted another.
'This is hohohorrible!! How dare Santa jump on the no gun bandwagon,' complained one more.
Several have decried the mall Santa for pushing 'liberal,' 'woke,' and 'politically correct' ideals, with one writing: '#WokeSanta needs coal in their stockings making that boy cry. Thankfully, a real Santa made the situation right.'
Others who identify as liberal say that this isn't representative of liberal values — and they, too, are unimpressed with Santa's behavior.
'I'm very liberal and my kid has a solid stockpile of nerf guns and ammo. This Santa approached this completely wrong. And has no business being a Santa with his garbage,' wrote a Facebook commenter.

What an asshole. Why would you do this? It's not like he is really going to be bringing him a gun - of any kind. This Santa is a self-important douchebag.
OK, Santa Dickless. Legos will be fine.
Great solution but can you shoot a nerf dart out of it?
He's shooting something out of them, but I'm not sure what the projectile is.
You could use nerf bullets. My kids had a nerf gun and the bullets looked just like what he's shooting out of that gun.
That is some damned fine engineering. Whoever built these should be proud
What the...If his Lego gun can pierce a can...
Santa should have just said "ok, what else ?"
On the other hand, the right seems to be trying very to make a big deal out this very minor incident. There are at least a dozen videos of this same scene up on You Tube.
And I doubt very much that this is the first Santa who told a kid he wasnt going to bring him a toy gun.
Why does this need to be political? He's a mall Santa, not a real Santa. He won't be delivering toys for real and he doesn't have the privilege or responsibility of raising any of these kids.
It's his job to make children happy, not to make them cry. If you have to be a conservative to give a shit about not making children cry, then sign me up, but I really hope that's not the case.
I seriously doubt if the mall Santa thought he was making anything political.
These people were definitely trying to make it political though.
Leftist Santa Makes Kid CRY with his Unconstitutional Nerf Gun Ban (Liberals Ruin Christmas)
Woke Santa makes small boy cry after refusing his Nerf gun Christmas request
LIBERAL Santa Makes Kid Cry After REFUSING To Give Him A Nerf Gun - These People Are INSANE
Liberal Santa Ruins Christmas Over Nerf Gun
They could be right. I suppose he fits the profile.
I just think a mall Santa could have a point of view on what is appropriate for kids and keep it to himself.
I'm sure you could probably troll some socially conservative Santa, too.
If only I could put my adult brain in my four year old body.
Mean Santa!
"You'll shoot your eye out kid"
"A Christmas Story"
I completely understand.