Watch: Cowboys For Trump Leader Calls For New Rally With "Blood Running From The Building" - The Paper.
Category: News & Politics
Via: jbb • 4 years ago • 37 commentsBy: Tierna Unruh-Enos (The Paper.)

In a series of remarkable videos posted on social media after an armed incursion by pro-Trump domestic terrorists into the US Capitol Building left four people dead, Otero County Commissioner and Cowboys For Trump founder Couy Griffin shows that he was there and warns that, "this is what you are going to get. You are going to get more of it."
"There will be blood flowing from that building," Griffin says in a second video posted this morning. In it he calls for a second rally on Inauguration Day to "plant our flag" on the desks of Speaker Pelosi, new Senate Majority Leader Schumer and even President Trump, "if we have to."
"The people are showing that they've had enough," says Griffin says in an edited video posted to the Facebook page of the pro-Trump group Cowboys for Trump Wednesday night after the day's assault on the Capitol. "The are people ready for fair, legal elections or this is what you are going to get. You are going to get more of it."
Griffin is seen speaking from the west front of the Capitol Building. As the video pans left to right across the crowd, others in the mob can be seen having overwhelmed secure areas, climbing scaffolding and pushing into an archway leading into the building.
During his rambling speech, a man standing with Griffin interrupts by saying, "we are well armed." Griffin responds, "and we aren't going anywhere." Police later reported that they recovered 5 guns and are investigating two pipe bombs and Molotov cocktails left on the Capitol complex. Pictures from the day showed some protestors carrying sidearms and zip ties often used to detain persons against their will.
"We aren't going to let our elections be stolen by China," Griffin says. Watching as more pro-Trump terrorists push forward onto the Capitol's secure areas, Griffin adds, "whatever it takes to take our country back."
In Second Video, Griffin Targets Pelosi and Trump, Warns of "Blood Running" from Capitol
Even more emboldened, on Thursday morning Griffin posted a new video captioned "Cowboys for Trump war live" from Roanoke, VA where he denounces Trump for backing down from the fight and warns that the "movement" will continue "with the President or without a President."
Then the video gets scary. Griffin postures that "we could have a Second Amendment rally on those same steps that we had that rally yesterday. And if we do, it's going to be a sad day because there's going to be blood running out of that building. But mark my word, by the end of the day we will plant our flag on the desk of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer… and Donald J. Trump if it comes down to it."
Later in the video he returns to the idea of a second rally and suggests it occur on January 20th, Biden's Inauguration Day.
"It may get a lot more western than it did yesterday," says Griffin.
Equally remarkable, one of Trump's most vocal and visible supporters in New Mexico appears to turn on Trump himself after Trump told those occupying the Capitol to go home.
"We're frustrated. We're done," says Griffin. He called newly-elected Republican Congresswoman Yvette Herrell a "lukewarm politician" for denouncing Griffin and the mob as terrorists.
"Losing is not an option," he adds. "Mr. President, when you say I will never concede in a speech at noon, and then at 6:00 you give a message out that you are conceding, that's not the type of leader I follow…. Cowboys for Trump has never been recognized by Trump."
"You had an elected official from Otero County there yesterday," Griffin says.
"The only good Democrat is a dead Democrat"
In a separate incident captured in a video posted in May, Couy Griffin said Democrats were anti-American and opposed to President Donald Trump.
"I've come to a place where I've come to the conclusion that the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat," Griffin said in a video on the Cowboys for Trump Facebook and Twitter pages according to reporting shared by the Associated Press.
In response to criticism, Griffin said at the time that he was not thinking of any particular Democrat and that his comments were misconstrued.

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Cowboy? My Ass!
Drugstore cowboy. They think it's all about the hat, lmao.
All hat, no cattle.
Shouldn't he be expecting a visit from the FBI and/or Secret Service?
With a restraining order...
I was thinking zip ties....
I prefer an arrest warrant.
Morning Paula. With luck he will not go quietly and they will have to use force...what a shame. Tasering it also a very good option so he can put it on many are so fond of doing these days...
The doorbell is ringing now......
I heard a report on the news this morning that the fringe mentally disturbed conspiracy nuts are going bananas. This is probably a very dangerous time for America. Stay at home for awhile.
That was called "June"
oh you are doing comedy now. and i thought you were so serious all the time.
Lighten up Francis. What I said actually happened to me once and it was not fing funny.
Trump threw them under the bus, with a firm condemnation... he threw them under the bus on national television.
He didn't mean a single word, and everyone knows it, but still... He has thrown lots of others under that same bus, as soon as they were of no further use to him... and the criminals who sacked the Congress of the United States watched as he did it.
They have no excuse for being surprised that he has betrayed them as he has betrayed so many others.
I love how he promised law breakers would be dealt with. When it happens to him, I hope they replay his own words to him...on a continuous loop.
It is impossible that he won’t whipsaw back to his previous MAGA nuptials. He is preprogrammed for this behavior.
There are cowboys in Virginia?
Probably. I know there are lots of horses in Virginia. But I bet the horse drivers there wear jeans and plaid shirts instead of suits and ties.
I guess the lovers have long departed.
That's a shame. Virginia really is beautiful
In VA, it would be jodhpurs and side saddles.
Don't forget the barking foxhounds!
And the mint juleps after the hunt.
I would think that he'll be hearing a knock on the door from the SS and FBI.
Good luck explaining your threats to them after the attempted coup.
"I was just joking"
Ah, the Trump defense.
He is a domestic terrorist.
There is a place for him in Guantanamo.
Looks like this guy missed the party and wants a redo.
"Losing is not an option," he adds. "Mr. President, when you say I will never concede in a speech at noon, and then at 6:00 you give a message out that you are conceding, that's not the type of leader I follow….
Have you ever had bone spurs dude? They can give you occasional light to moderate discomfort. He was all up in there in spirit though.
Morning. I cannot believe that anyone would give their lives up for a bloody politician of any party.
The politician would not give a rabbits of who you are they will be walking around the next day. While you are six foot under.
What is it you mob say...what a dumb arse American. You really have to see and hear it to believe it.
Roll on Jan 20th... thank god for the normal well adjusted Americans that are in the majority over there. You have our support and sympathy having to go through all this crap.
Stay strong and stay safe...
In the Ojibwe language it's ''moosh noosh'' which translates to ''dumb ass''