Seth Rogen Tears Into Hugh Hewitt
Category: News & Politics
Via: john-russell • 4 years ago • 13 commentsBy: Josh Feldman (Mediaite)

By Josh FeldmanJan 10th, 2021, 3:59 pm
Jerod Harris/Getty Images
Seth Rogen got in a Twitter back-and-forth with conservative pundit and radio host Hugh Hewitt on Sunday.
Senator Marco Rubio criticized President-elect Joe Biden for not being more unifying in his comments after a violent mob of Trump supporters incited by the president stormed the Capitol to intimidate lawmakers:
Biden has a historic opportunity to unify America behind the sentiment that our political divisions have gone too far
But instead he decided to promote the left's efforts to use this terrible national tragedy to try and crush conservatives or anyone not anti-Trump enough
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) January 10, 2021
Hewitt echoed Rubio's sentiments about how Biden should be preaching unity:
The president-elect still has the opportunity to begin his Administration with an appeal based on Lincoln's first inauguration: "We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies."
— Hugh Hewitt (@hughhewitt) January 10, 2021
Rogen immediately went on a tear against Hewitt and said, "We've already established that your words are meaningless and you have no set of morals that you consistently abide by, and therefor you should probably just shut up?"
Hewitt responded with invites for Rogen to come on his show and remarked, "I do doubt your grasp on history and politics."
Rogen responded by telling him to "get fucked" and saying, "There might have been a time when your vocabulary could mask the fact that you're an empty toilet waiting to be filled with shit, just to give it purpose, but that time has passed."
We've already established that your words are meaningless and you have no set of morals that you consistently abide by, and therefor you should probably just shut up?
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) January 10, 2021
Come on the show Seth, and denounce me to your heart's content. I don't think you will want to discuss anything that involves genuine moral choice, such as subservience to the box office demands of the Chinese Communist Party or your beliefs generally. The invitation remains.
— Hugh Hewitt (@hughhewitt) January 10, 2021
My movies don't come out in China you moron.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) January 10, 2021
Please come on and discuss why Seth. Sounds like you have taken a principled position against the Chinese Communist Party which is news to me. I applaud that. We can talk about the Constitution, Trump, Lincoln, politics and principles.
— Hugh Hewitt (@hughhewitt) January 10, 2021
Everything is news to you because you're a fucking moron.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) January 10, 2021
Invitation is open Seth. It would perhaps be the first non-fawning interview you have engaged in, but it will be courteous, at least on my part. Send me DM with your number. Any day for as long as you'd like.
— Hugh Hewitt (@hughhewitt) January 10, 2021
Nah fam get fucked.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) January 10, 2021
I understand that is your favorite expression but I doubt you are limited to it. But I do doubt your grasp on history and politics. So the invitation is open and perhaps you will prove me wrong.
— Hugh Hewitt (@hughhewitt) January 10, 2021
There might have been a time when your vocabulary could mask the fact that you're an empty toilet waiting to be filled with shit, just to give it purpose, but that time has passed.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) January 10, 2021

Hugh Hewitt has spent the past four years making excuses for Donald Trump. I'm sure Seth Rogan knows this and so he gave Hewitt what he deserves. Period, end of story.
Who the fuck is Seth Rogen?
He comes across as a potty mouthed left wing idiot
He is an actor/writer/director.
[deleted] Greg, you can't ask "who the fuck is Seth Rogan" and then call him a potty mouth [deleted]
hewitt still defends nixon. he's a trump spin doctor that pushes patent medicines and investment scams to the gullible on the vast money laundering shell game that is right wing extremist, thumper-owned, media. I can totally appreciate where seth is coming from when dealing with a political relic of the last century. gfy hugh.
Seth did it exactly right. there is no point in going on his show because Hewitt is not looking to have an honest discussion, and as such telling him to fuck off is all the attention Hewitt deserves.
Hewitt is just an extreme contrarian constantly looking for cause. He reminds me of several members here.
Rogan's a coward.
Imagine thinking this makes him look good.
Why is he a coward ?
His response to an invitation to debate is to hide behind canned insults.
That doesnt make him a coward. He did what he set out to do. He made blunt vulgar insults to Hugh Hewitt, who deserves all of them.
There is no point in the debate, Hewitt is not coming from an honest position.
I like what Seth Rogan did. Sometimes you just have to be blunt with blowhards like Hugh Hewitt. Hugh Hewitt knew, in 2015 and 2016, that Trump was completely unqualified to be president of the US. Hewitt knew that, among other reasons, because he had Trump as a guest on his radio show early in the 2016 primaries campaign and trump proved himself to be an idiot.
Hugh Hewitt is one of those "conservatives" who would swallow the shit Trump funneled down his mouth in terms of lies, criminal behavior , the Ukrainian mess, and all that, as long as trump was nominating right wingers to the federal bench. Being an "intellectual" right winger, Hewitt is more interested in the Supreme Court than the Proud Boys. Trump gave him right wing judges, and he gave Trump excuse after excuse for Trump's behavior.
The only proper response to Hewitt is fuck you.