
Democrats have finally figured out the problem with their own #MeToo standard


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  texan1211  •  4 years ago  •  12 comments

By:   Eddie Scarry (MSN)

Democrats have finally figured out the problem with their own #MeToo standard
Right-wingers are naturally amused by the crumbling reputation of Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo because why wouldn't we be? The national media built him up as a competent manager of the pandemic when he was anything but, and now his party has once again to decide how serious they are with their untenable "believe all women" standard because three women have accused him of inappropriate conduct.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Right-wingers are naturally amused by the crumbling reputation of Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo because why wouldn't we be? The national media built him up as a competent manager of the pandemic when he was anything but, and now his party has once again to decide how serious they are with their untenable "believe all women" standard because three women have accused him of inappropriate conduct.

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That second point really frustrates Democrats because they only have themselves to blame for finding themselves in that very uncomfortable position.

Liberal New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg is a prime example of that frustration. "Many Democrats are sick of holding themselves to a set of standards that Republicans feel no need to try to meet," she wrote. "At a certain point, making sacrifices to demonstrate virtue, in the face of an opposition that has none, makes a lot of Democrats feel like suckers."

But this isn't the fault of Republicans. It was Democrats who gurgled for years that in accusations of sexual misconduct and inappropriate behavior, the burden of proof was not on the accuser but the accused. It was President Biden who said in 2018, "You've got to start out with the presumption that at least the essence of what she's talking about is real."

By contrast, the Republican reasoning was, "Hey, maybe we should try that concept called due process and give the accused a chance to defend himself!"

It's not Republicans' fault that Democrats chose a stupid, unfair standard and then got mad that anyone would actually expect that they hold themselves to it.

With the accusations against Biden, they mostly abandoned it anyway.

Cuomo is under state investigation following the accusations leveled at him by two former aides. A third woman, who did not work for Cuomo, has also come forward with her own accusation. If Democrats were to go by their own previously stated standard, all of them would be calling on him to resign, but they're not. Most of them are simply supporting the investigation.

They've finally settled on due process. Better late than never.

Original Author:Eddie Scarry

Original Location:Democrats have finally figured out the problem with their own #MeToo standard



jrDiscussion - desc
Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
2  Vic Eldred    4 years ago

What is amazing about this story is the degree of outrage by progressives, or should I say their "values."  Cuomo is in trouble for two things: 1) the moving of covid infected individuals into nursing homes, which causes many covid deaths and 2) saying inappropriate things to women. Progressives seem far more upset about the latter.  Those two offenses are not equal.

Transyferous Rex
Freshman Silent
2.1  Transyferous Rex  replied to  Vic Eldred @2    4 years ago

Vic, you've seen enough of this to know that the latter is the one that will topple any tower. Executive decisions? I don't think so. Don't forget the media gathered for Cuomo's daily circle jerk last year. Which story are they going to cover? Which story are the liberals going to yell louder about? The one they should have been yelling about and covering last year? Not a chance.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
2.1.1  Vic Eldred  replied to  Transyferous Rex @2.1    4 years ago

They were tone deaf to the deaths weren't they?

Transyferous Rex
Freshman Silent
2.1.2  Transyferous Rex  replied to  Vic Eldred @2.1.1    4 years ago


That should sum up how they have conducted themselves on a multitude of issues. In my parts, we have a saying, "you lay with dogs, you're gonna get fleas." Not saying the right doesn't do it, but the left has really been going along with a lot of things of late, with an apparent naive belief that they are wearing flea collars.

Thrawn 31
Professor Participates
4  Thrawn 31    4 years ago

Never knew much about him but the general consensus seems to be that he is an asshole. Just step down Cuomo, lying about COVID death rates and being a creepy old douche to a bunch of aides isn’t something you are gonna survive. Sure you can wait out an investigation, but you are done.


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