Chris Hayes: GOP offers no policy ideas, just obstruction and trolling

"Republicans understand they have no power right now—except to delay, and troll, and make things difficult for the Biden administration," says Chris Hayes on bad faith obstruction from senators like Tom Cotton and Ron Johnson.

"Republicans understand they have no power right now—except to delay, and troll, and make things difficult for the Biden administration," says Chris Hayes on bad faith obstruction from senators like Tom Cotton and Ron Johnson.March 5, 2021
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Is it any wonder that the once Grand Old Party of Abraham Lincoln is now known merely as the gop?
GOP supports only 2 policies, tax cuts for the wealthy and legalizing discrimination against any minority group they dislike. They have offered nothing else for decades.
Gee, Chris...
Some of us have been saying this for years. SCREAMING it!
RepublicanNew Fascist Party has not presented anything in favor of the American people in... decades.The only thing they know is tax-breaks for the ultra-rich.
I thought the left wing endorsed resistance. Is this another double standard on the left?
Not at all, the "left" endorse intelligent policy and have been bringing those bills to the floor for years, Republicans endorse dismantling the government, as their hero Grover Norquist said, down to the size that they can drown it in the bathtub. All they want it deregulation and tax cuts for their wealthy donors which is what they've been doing the last four years. Now they have gone back to simply whining and obstructing as that's all they've got when they're not in power.
Chris Hayes is the spokesman for intelligent choices? Isn't that an oxymoron?
In case you didn't notice, Trump kicked out Grover Norquist when the Republican controlled Congress enacted a tax increase. That tax increase certainly upset a lot of Democrats and those Democrats promised to cheat to avoid the tax increase.
In case you didn't notice, the political left has been demanding dismantling police departments, deregulating voting, deregulating immigration, deregulating college finance, and, in general, dismantling the Constitution. And the political left has obstructed and trolled attempts to enact intelligent policy that would correct the problems created by Democrats.
BTW, Republicans have a high level of power over redistricting because Democrats lost so badly down ballot. And that's why Democrats are butt puckered.
I hate this obstructionist crap, no matter who is doing it.
Get rid of the filibuster and it is done.
I'm fine with the concept of a filibuster because I think minority voices should be heard. But it should operate in a sensible way, not in the thick-headed way that it does now. Give people an hour or whatever to speak their piece and then get on with the vote. Right now, they don't even say anything. They just demand a vote of 60 "to end debate" that isn't even happening. It's all pretend.
I have no problem with a senator(s) being able to point out issues with/or offer up improvements to a bill. In fact I approve of it. I think 1 hour per senator is fine, but they can only go once, and the maximum is 100 hours on any given bill.
After that the bill goes to a bit if the majority still wants it to and it is a simple majority vote. End of story. The 60 vote deal is horseshit and has turned the senate into an entirely worthless body that constitutes little more than a drain on tax dollars.
Being a senator in the minority is the biggest grift out there. You literally get paid to do absolutely nothing except say no and threaten a filibuster no matter the bill. Because of the filibuster you don’t even have to read the proposed legislation, offer up any improvements, or propose anything yourself. They can get away with this because voters know about the filibuster and how it prevents anything real from happening, so they feel comfortable voting for any fucking jackass because they no it doesn’t matter, no real legislation will pass and nothing will change.
Get rid of the filibuster and put the onus back on voters to elect serious people to the senate because if they don’t they may see some radical changes to things they like. Make votes matter again, and make voters responsible for what their government does.
Green eggs and Ham, Cruz. What a waste.
Exactly, the filibuster let’s retards like Ted Cruz read a fucking Dr. Seuss book, not even comprehend what he read, and get paid $200,000 a year and have the best benefits package on earth.
That is the type of deep policy debate and bipartisanship the filibuster has gotten us.
In his defense, at least he got up and said something. Most filibusters kill legislation with no one speaking at all.