An Amber Alert has been issued for John Durham
Durham is 71 years of age, a republican, has an uncanny resemblance to Canada’s famous Bald Beaver and likes to get stuffed.
Mr. Durham was last seen hiding in A.G. Barr’s butt crag.
If you see Mr. Durham DO NOT under any condition mention Donald Trump as the latter is responsible for the former’s flight to sanity.
Whatever happened to Johnny?
If one can't find anything, keep digging...
He went to take a crap and the hogs ate him.
Unnamed sources say that he will be indicting Obama, Biden, H Clinton, Pelosi, Shumer, AOC and Tom Hanks any day now. Word has it one of them farted, but they all denied it. As soon as a grand jury can be convened they plan on getting subpoenas for their under garments so they can sniff test them. The one found to have farted will be carted off the GITMO while the rest will be put in corners of the Oval Office under a time out.
I think the defendant should be made to wash his or her under drawers on the White House Lawn. That will teach them about farting in public
He's somewhere in eastern Europe getting a face transplant.
he's hiding in plain sight at the dog park.