Blasts GOP’s ‘Legislative Terrorists’ in Epic Twitter Thread: Nowhere Have I Seen Jesus Christ Say ‘It’s Okay to Lie’
Category: News & Politics
Via: john-russell • 4 years ago • 4 commentsBy: colbyhall (Mediaite)

By Colby HallMay 12th, 2021, 8:15 am
Rep. Adam Kinzinger went Biblical in calling out his fellow Republican members of Congress on the very day that his colleague, Rep. Liz Cheney is almost certain to be voted out by her Republican caucus as Conference Chair over her political battles with former President Donald Trump.
At issue, of course, is the role that Trump will play as the leader of the Republican party moving forward, despite the fact that he was impeached for allegedly fomenting the deadly insurrection on the Capitol that was led by his supporters on January 6th of this year, and Trump's continued promotion of the baseless claim that he lost the 2020 general election due to fraud.
Cheney has called out Trump's "Big Lie" that the election was stolen, in response to Trump's reclaiming the same phrase to explain how the election was stolen, (made popular by Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels. )
Kinzinger spared no one in his epic Twitter thread that called out House Minority leader Kevin McCarthy , Minority Whip Steve Scalise , and members of the Freedom Caucus (which he mocked by calling them the "Freedom Club."
The Twitter thread speaks for itself, and neatly illustrates the current GOP Civil War that has spawned following Trump's first term in the White House. But it was Kingzinger's calling out Trump's lies — and the Republicans who enable them by citing the teachings of Jesus Christ — that are likely to hit hardest.
"As a Christian, I have read the words of Christ many times," Kinzinger writes in his sixth of a nine-tweet thread. "Nowhere have I seen him say or imply that it's ok to lie, so long as you own the Libs. I believe our open lies are an absolute abdication of our duty, and it is shameful."
Read the entire thread below:
1) Thread on @Liz_Cheney@SteveScalise and @GOPLeader: Truth and lies cannot Co-exist. On January 6th, Liz and Kevin McCarthy have just about the same speech, rightly casting blame at the former President for the violence.
— Adam Kinzinger (@AdamKinzinger) May 12, 2021
2) But Kevin wants to be speaker. He made the determination that if he appeased the Trump crowd, he could raise money and take the credit, when he was up for speaker. So he changed his tune and made the trek to Mar-A-Lago, in essence reviving the former Guy…
— Adam Kinzinger (@AdamKinzinger) May 12, 2021
3) he also (wrongly) assumes that people like me will vote for him for speaker, but the legislative terrorists in the freedom club wouldn't, so he needs to be all in with them. It's the cynical play that gives politicians the reputation we have…
— Adam Kinzinger (@AdamKinzinger) May 12, 2021
4). Anyway, he revived Trump and the panic spread through our conference, and Kevin made the decision for the party that trump and not Kevin or Mitch, would lead us. Despite Trump being a loser and a choke artist as evident by our loss of all leg branches and presidency…
— Adam Kinzinger (@AdamKinzinger) May 12, 2021
5) Liz stayed consistent. She didn't look for opportunities to attack Jan 6, but as conference chair she does press and is naturally asked about it. she responds truthfully. Kevin? He felt threatened, so instead of fighting for his job he went on offense against Liz…
— Adam Kinzinger (@AdamKinzinger) May 12, 2021
6) As a Christian, I have read the words of Christ many times. Nowhere have I seen him say or imply that it's ok to lie, so long as you own the Libs. I believe our open lies are an absolute abdication of our duty, and it is shameful.
— Adam Kinzinger (@AdamKinzinger) May 12, 2021
7) so Liz may lose, and MAGA-lago may celebrate. But i predict that the history books of the future will not celebrate. They will say this was the low point of the Republican Party. The loser former guy, who has thin skin and snowflake like personality…
— Adam Kinzinger (@AdamKinzinger) May 12, 2021
8) will solidify his momentary leadership, and we will solidify our position as a once honorable party that was marred by lies. My hope is that America awakens to recognize there are many that feel left behind that trump manipulates, but to help them we need…
— Adam Kinzinger (@AdamKinzinger) May 12, 2021
9) to stop reflecting their fears back at them, listen to them, and have solutions. I hope we wake up, admit it was us that caused Jan 6th, and use this to change course. I hope. @COUNTRY_F1RST#restoreourGOP
— Adam Kinzinger (@AdamKinzinger) May 12, 2021

The trifecta.
Its a shame that the sane people have to keep fighting the insane day after day after day, six months after the election. It's like a zombie movie and the Trumpsters are the zombies.