Putin: Black Lives Matter Caused Disorder and Destruction, We Don't Want That To Happen In Russia
Category: News & Politics
Via: john-russell • 4 years ago • 22 commentsBy: Ian Schwartz On Date (rcpvideo)

Posted By Ian Schwartz
On Date June 16, 2021
Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed Black Lives Matter in the United States when asked about the treatment of Alexei Navalny and other political opponents in Russia at a press conference in Geneva on Wednesday following his meeting with U.S. President Joe Biden.
"Here is a question. What political organizations of the United States and other members of the Western community, which organizations should be supported in Russia?" Putin asked. "We're just like the Americans did back in the '30s, we're calling them foreign agents. But they are not prohibited from working. They are not prohibited from working, foreign agents don't need to stop operating. If they are extremist in nature, that is another thing. That organization that you mentioned has publicly called for mass disorder, they have publicly called for breaking the law, called for minors to participate in activities against the law. They were talking about using Molotov cocktails against authorities as well, including against the police."
"America just recently had very severe events after the killing of an African-American," Putin said. "And an entire movement developed known as Black Lives Matter. I am not going to comment on that, but here's what I do want to say is what we saw was disorder, destruction, violations of the law, etc. We feel sympathy for the United States of America but we don't want that to happen on our territory and we are doing our utmost to not allow it to happen. Some fears has nothing to do with anything."
The ABC News reporter wasn't satisified with Putin's answer and asked for him to follow up:
MORE: @rachelvscott follows up to Russian Pres. Putin: "You didn't answer my question, sir. If all of your political opponents are dead, in prison, poisoned—doesn't that send a message that you do not want a fair political fight?" https://t.co/oU2NdPiY8kpic.twitter.com/fxWwNkfzvY
— ABC News (@ABC) June 16, 2021

Vladimir Putin agrees with Trump. What a shock.
BLM should be proud that Putin would not allow a group like theirs in Russia.
Are there even people of color in Russia, besides Asians?
hat organization that you mentioned has publicly called for mass disorder, they have publicly called for breaking the law, called for minors to participate in activities against the law. They were talking about using Molotov cocktails against authorities as well, including against the police."
Trump and Vlad both got it correct. It's not Q-Anon or the Proud Boys, et al, he is referring to
Do you actually believe Putin is not a racist ?
He is a true friend of the current republicans.
So you think dozens of deaths, thousands of police injured, billions in property damage etc.. is a good thing?
Do you think Putin's whataboutism is a good thing? Whataboutism is always his gambit ... Vlad thanks you for playing.
utin's whataboutism is a good thing?
Not at all. Putin is wrong to compare Navalny to BLM.
How many BLM leaders were indicted by the Trump DOJ for violent acts in the protests last summer? I can't recall seeing a figure on that.
I have no idea. It's generally legal to tell people to steal things. For instance, BLM leaders can say
"I don't care if somebody decides to loot a Gucci or a Macy's or a Nike because that makes sure that that person eats. That makes sure that that person has clothes," Atkins said, according to NBC Chicago.
"That's reparations. That is reparations. Anything they want to take, take it because these businesses have insurance. They're going to get their money back. My people aren't getting anything."
Do you think telling people that is good for our country?
At least 25 Americans were killed during protests and political unrest in 2020
Findings from Armed Conflict Location and Event Data raise concerns about continued violence during and after election day
At least 11 Americans have been killed while participating in political demonstrations this year and another 14 have died in other incidents linked to political unrest, according to new data from a non-profit monitoring political unrest in the United States.
Nine of the people killed during protests were demonstrators taking part in Black Lives Matter protests. Two were conservatives killed after pro-Trump “patriot rallies”. All but one were killed by fellow citizens.
The new data highlights the danger of the presence of guns during politically charged protests, and raises concerns about continued violence during and after election day, when many Americans anticipate delays, confusion and protests before the winner of the presidential race is confirmed.
Violence at US protests
The new data on fatalities and violence at American protests comes from a database created by the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data project ( ACLED ), a non-profit, working in collaboration with a group of researchers at Princeton.
ACLED, a widely cited source for data on civilian casualties in Yemen, has been a non-partisan monitor of protests and violence in the Middle East, Asia, Europe and Latin America, and launched its US Crisis Monitor in July, citing concerns over hate crimes and rising political violence .
ACLED found that the overwhelming majority of the more than 9.000 Black Lives Matter demonstrations that took place across the US after the killing of George Floyd have been peaceful. News reports at the height of demonstrations over Floyd’s killing cited dozens of deaths in connection with protests, but many of those turned out to be examples of deadly crimes carried out in the vicinity of protests, rather than directly related to the demonstrations themselves, the researchers concluded. ACLED’s dataset only focuses on political violence .
Most of the protesters killed this year were shot to death, and many of the incidents involved confrontations at protests that escalated and turned deadly when at least one of the people involved had a gun.
Lee Keltner , a navy veteran who made custom western hats, was shot after a “patriot rally” in Denver on 10 October. Video and photographs of the incident appear to show Keltner slapping a security guard for a local news crew, who responds by pulling out a gun and shooting him.
Aaron “Jay” Danielson , a far-right Trump supporter, was shot after a rally in Portland in August. Danielson’s suspected killer, Michael Reinoehl , was a leftwing protester who called himself an “anti-fascist”, and who was later shot to death by law enforcement officials, an outcome Donald Trump referred to as “ retribution ”.
Garrett Foster was reportedly carrying an AK-47 rifle when he was shot to death in July by an armed man who had been driving a car through a crowd of Black Lives Matter protesters in Austin. Whether Foster threatened the driver with his gun is still disputed. The man who shot and killed Foster, the US army sergeant Daniel Perry, had previously tweeted “Now is the time to take up arms and protect yourselves against violence” and responded to a Trump tweet in June about “protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters” by saying, “Send them to Texas we will show them why we say don’t mess with Texas.”
Citing those tweets, analysts at a thinktank that monitors domestic terrorism classified the shooting as an act of “violent far-right” domestic terrorism . But Perry has not yet faced any criminal charges, and a local prosecutor in Texas said the incident was still under investigation .
Both Reinoehl and Perry have claimed they were acting in self-defense when they opened fire and that they felt their own lives were in danger.
In Kenosha in August, a 17-year-old carrying a rifle he was not old enough to legally possess shot and killed two people , Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber, and seriously injured a third at a volatile late-night protest . His lawyer has argued the teenager, who came to Kenosha from Illinois, was also acting in self-defense .
In Louisville, the photographer Tyler Gerth was shot and killed at a downtown park where protesters gathered. The alleged shooter, Steven Nelson Lopez, was homeless and had a history of severe mental illness, and had reportedly been asked to leave the park earlier because of his behavior. Many of the protesters in the park were armed and on edge, and returned fire when Lopez started shooting, local news outlets reported .
In Las Vegas, Jorge Gomez was wearing body armor and carrying several guns when he was shot to death by Las Vegas police at a protest in June. Before he was shot, several protesters told Gomez they disapproved of him being armed, and even a journalist questioned him about why he was holding his gun in his hand with his finger on the trigger, the Las Vegas Sun reported . Las Vegas police officer Shay Mikalonis was shot in the head during the same protest, and reportedly remains paralyzed from the injury. Officials have said the 20-year-old Las Vegas resident charged in the shooting had not been participating in the protest before the attack, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported .
Other law enforcement officers have been injured in non-fatal shootings this year, including two Los Angeles sheriff’s deputies shot in Compton while sitting in their patrol car in mid-September, and two Louisville police officers shot in late September during a protest over the lack of serious charges against police officers in Breonna Taylor’s killing.
James Scurlock , a Black Lives Matter protester with an infant daughter, was shot to death in Omaha in May after a confrontation with a white bar owner outside the man’s bar.
Other demonstrators died when cars drove through or rammed into crowds of Black Lives Matter protesters. Summer Taylor , a Black Lives Matter protester who worked in a veterinary clinic, was killed in such an incident in Seattle. So was Robert Forbes , a black protester from Bakersfield whose sister recalled him demonstrating decades earlier over the brutal police beating of Rodney King. In St Louis, Barry Perkins , a father of two, was killed after being dragged and run over by a FedEx truck during a protest in May.
Killings amid political unrest
In addition to the people killed while demonstrating, at least 14 more Americans have been killed in other incidents linked to political unrest this summer, including seven people shot during alleged looting of businesses, among them David Dorn , a retired police officer shot during the robbery of a pawn shop in St Louis; two California law enforcement officers murdered by an alleged anti-government “Boogaloo” extremist , one person found dead in a pawn shop in Minneapolis that had been set on fire ; an eight-year-old shot to death in Atlanta ; and a Louisville restaurant owner who was shot dead by the national guard .
Some of those killings remain unsolved.
One of two fatal shootings of young black men in Seattle’s self-declared “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” was not politically motivated, according to ACLED’s review of details in the case , but the June shooting of Antonio Mays Jr , a 16-year-old, was found to be connected to the broader unrest. A Seattle Times review of footage linked to the chaotic scene of the shooting suggested that some people in the protest zone might have believed they were under attack when they fired their guns at the stolen Jeep Mays and another young teenager were driving into the zone.
Jessica Doty-Whitaker , a white woman, was shot to death early one July morning in Indianapolis. Her fiance told media outlets that her shooting had been preceded by a tense argument with some passerby about the use of a racial slur and the statements, “Black Lives Matter” v “All Lives Matter”. While they walked away from that confrontation, the fiance said, someone opened fire later and the 24-year-old mother was killed. Indianapolis police have not verified those claims or released any details about the circumstances of the shooting, and no one has been charged, but ACLED categorized the shooting as potentially politically motivated.
Victor Cazares Jr was described by friends and family as a supporter of Black Lives Matter . On 1 June, a day of widespread protests across the country, he was shot to death outside a neighborhood grocery store in Cicero, Illinois, that he was reportedly trying to protect.
While a Chicago resident was quickly charged in the shooting death of another man, Jose Gutierrez , that same day in Cicero, the Cicero police department did not respond to requests for comment about whether anyone had yet been charged in Cazares’s death.
“He was just standing there making sure that everybody is OK,” Cazares’ sister told the Cicero Independiente . “He wasn’t there to cause any violence. He didn’t even have a weapon.”
This list purports to show very few , if any, of the 25 deaths having been attributed to the actions of Black Lives Matter.
So you think dozens of deaths, thousands of police injured, billions in property damage etc.. is a good thing?
Are you talking about the unnecessary dozens of black deaths at the hands of LE?
I wasn't aware dozens were killed last year unnecessarily. Can you list them?
Oh, I didn’t realize that protestors only care about a single year of data for a century old problem.
So how many years do you have to go back to support your claim? I was only referring to one year worth of killings.
I’m supposed to keep a running tab of black people killed by police to appease conservatives? Lol, no. It’s your choice if you want to act like it’s not a real thing, but anyone who pays attention knows how real it is. I’m not saying every case of a black person being killed by police is as horrific as that of Tamir Rice, but the disparity between white people vs. black people killed by police following an event as minor as a broken tail light is obvious.
Russia is, and always has been, a vey racist country.
For example:
Russian racism 'out of control'
Roma family (photo: Amnesty) Some Roma families are too scared to go into St Petersburg (photo: Amnesty)
Racist killings in Russia are "out of control", according to a report by international human rights watchdog Amnesty International.
The Amnesty report, entitled "Russian Federation: Violent racism out of control", includes examples of police and prosecutors routinely classifying murders and serious assaults by skinhead extremists as lesser crimes of "hooliganism".
"Some Russian authorities are turning a blind eye," she said. "Instead of seeing only 'hooliganism' in vicious organised attacks on students from African, south-east Asian countries and non-Slavic Russians from Chechnya, Russia's police and prosecutors need to tackle head-on the growing scourge of violent racism in Russia."
She said President Vladimir Putin's government should adopt a comprehensive "plan of action" to combat racism and anti-Semitism.
See also:
Racism in Modern Russia - From the Romanovs to Putin
It's likely why so many racist Trump supporters love Russia and are enamored with Putin. Racist minds think alike.
"we don't want that to happen on our territory and we are doing our utmost to not allow it to happen."
As of 2009 there were a total of about 50,000 African Russians living in Russia out of 144 million people, that's just .03% of the population. Putin bringing this up is intended to evoke some bullshit hate response from the white supremacists and fucking worthless conservative fascists he knows listen to RT and love Russia more than western democracy. There is no movement or even a whisper of a BLM movement in Russia, that's simply ridiculous. Saying that he is having his underlings do their "utmost" to prevent such a thing is pure rhetorical nonsense.
The question he will never answer was the follow up of "You didn't answer my question, sir. If all of your political opponents are dead, in prison, poisoned—doesn't that send a message that you do not want a fair political fight?"
Putin is a weak sniveling tiny greasy piece of shit who uses his military to bully, suppress, assassinate, silence and arrest anyone who dares speak truth. Why anyone in America is listening to that fecal wart is beyond me and I can only imagine they've spent too long with their heads stuck up their own wannabe dictators ass and are now craving more since their wannabe dictator was humiliated and kicked out of office by the vast majority of Americans.