Well This is Incredibly Stupid

US track and field star Sha'Carri Richardson has been suspended for one month from the Olympic team after testing positive for THC, a chemical found in marijuana, the US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) announced on Friday.
I am getting so tired of seeing athletes getting into trouble for using a drug that is not performance enhancing at all, if anything it would make your performance worse, and has been legalized in like half the country.

Richardson had booked her spot at the Tokyo Olympics with a runaway victory in the women's 100m at the US Olympic track and field trials in Eugene, Oregon last month. Due to the positive test, her Olympic trials results were automatically disqualified and she will not be allowed to participate in her signature 100m race at the Tokyo Olympics later this month.

Once again the dumbest rule in all of sports has reared its ugly head and now the US best sprinter in the 100m (and favorite to win the gold) is no longer able to compete because she used one of the least harmful drugs on the planet, outside of sports, and during a time of emotional distress. It'd be nice if everyone could get on the same page with marijuana and just acknowledge that it absolutely should not be placed in the same category as cocain, heroin, etc. and is definitely not a performance enhancer.
It definitely does not enhance an athlete's performance. Now if she was competing in a math competition...
In fact, wouldn't it do the exact opposite?
I would think. I know my body wants to just set itself down somewhere but sometimes the brain says...Who's got a tricky algebra problem they need solved?
How exactly is marijuana an "enhancement drug"? It might make sense if it was a food eating competition or a couch sitting competition, but the Olympics?
Exactly. If anything the athlete using it is putting themselves at a disadvantage. I especially love this:
And yet in 2018 they removed alcohol from the prohibited substances list. Apparently alcohol does not pose a health risk to athletes according to WADA. Never mind literally every available shred of data. In the minds of WADA and USADA if she had shown up to the meet shit faced and collapsed in the middle of the heat that would have been okay.
Alcohol doesn't pose a health risk?
Hey...Liver? You here that? Stop bitching about that 12 pack I drank last night! You're fine!
THC enhances my performance every time I go online. So much so that I have to tamper it down with copious quantities of a Scotchlike substance.
Better off being a man pretending to be a woman than a woman smoking pot if you want to be an Olympian
Meth, coke and booze are undetectable in hours...
A contact high shows traces a few weeks later on.
Yeah, this is STOOPID!
Sha'Carri Richardson has taken full responsibility for her mistake and says she will be back to competing in events when her suspension is over.
If marijuana is on a prohibited list you can't use marijuana.
Hopefully by the time the next olympics or world championships roll around this archaic rule will have been changed.
Hopefully by the time the next Olympics or world championships roll around smoking weed will be one of the competitions...
You can die from drinking too much water, no one has ever died trying to smoke too much weed.
Once you hit a certain level of high, you can't get 'more high', you just get 'less weed'.
Two reactions to this:
1) Marijuana? Who fucking cares? It’s not remotely performance enhancing unless “relieving anxiety” is performance enhancing, and why would you begrudge that to anyone? What a dumb rule.
2) Even so, she’s an Olympic athlete and should know better. It might be a dumb rule (no - it is a dumb rule), but you still know it’s there, and breaking it weeks before the Olympics is pretty dumb, too.
But back to 1, it is incredibly stupid by all accounts.
This is a stupid rule and by the way Marijuana has been legal here in Virginia for 2 days now