Donald Trump Reportedly Praised Hitler During Trip Honoring U.S. Troops, New Book Claims
Category: News & Politics
Via: john-russell • 4 years ago • 29 commentsBy: Lee Moran (HuffPost)

Hitler "did a lot of good things," Trump told then-White House chief of staff John Kelly, per Wall Street Journal reporter Michael Bender.
By Lee Moran
Donald Trump praised Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler during a 2018 trip to France to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I, a new book claims.
"Well, Hitler did a lot of good things," the then-president told White House chief of staff John Kelly, according to passages from Wall Street Journal reporter Michael Bender's "'Frankly, We Did Win This Election': The Inside Story of How Trump Lost" that were published by The Guardian on Wednesday.
Trump reportedly made the observation while Kelly was reminding him "which countries were on which side during the conflict" and connecting "the dots from the first world war to the second world war and all of Hitler's atrocities," said Bender.
Kelly was "stunned" by Trump's remark, told the then-president he "was wrong," argued "the German people would have been better off poor than subjected to the Nazi genocide" and said "you cannot ever say anything supportive of Adolf Hitler. You just can't."
But Trump was "undeterred," said Bender, and pointed to the recovery of Germany's economy under Hitler in the 1930s as proof.
Trump later denied making the comment, per Bender.
On the same trip, Trump reportedly called U.S. troops who died in World War I "losers" and "suckers."
Elsewhere in Bender's book, he said Trump wanted troops to "beat the fuck" out of, shoot and crack the skulls of civil rights protesters who assembled following the police killing of George Floyd.

I will remind those of you who dont like this that the reporter is from The Wall Street Journal, a highly thought of, if conservative, news source.
There have been multiple stories now related to Trump's comments to various people on his trip to France in 2018. Where there's smoke there's fire usually.
why shouldn't it be believed, he has ill literate Lee taken a few pages out of some of Hitlers methods, to create a playbook, to capture the ignorant , and follow his cult like CULT !
Please the WSJ didn't carry water for Trump. They joined in the main stream media TDS as much as the rest of their cohorts.
That is just a small sampling of the TDS driven Journal's articles and opinion pieces. Trump and the WSJ had a long ongoing feud; which the left has promptly ignored. So long as the WSJ posted an anti Trump article the left loved them; the second they didn't it was back to being a far right conservative rag not worth reading.
24/7/365 - c'mon - give it a rest.
We've heard this pack of lies before
yea, never any similarities huh ?
Why would a Wall St Journal reporter lie about Donald Trump?
They wouldn't.
Here we go again with the "reportedly" story that draws libs to it like red meat, especially if the name Trump comes up in it, even as a passing.
[deleted, the seeder is not the topic]
Bugsy, comment on whether or not you believe Trump would praise Hitler, not on the seeder. The story is based on a book written by a reporter for the Wall St Journal, not on John Russell.
The author of the book attributes the statement about Trump to Trump's former chief of staff John Kelly. I don't think Kelly has denied it.
Take your lame arguments up with Michael Bender, the author, or John Kelly.
This isn't a damn "would"; the article is claiming Trump did with no sources other than the author.
Does Kelly even know about it? Have to know about it first before you can deny. Even if Kelly were to deny it you and the rest would just claim he is covering for Trump.
You are the one that keeps seeding this regurgitated crap. By the way WSJ couldn't stand Trump any more than the rest of the media. Which is the reason they used each other's articles as "sources", w/o ever verifying them.
The book was completed weeks, if not months ago. Of course Kelly knows about it. He is quoted in the book.
You sound afraid that it is true.
Not afraid of anything.
Just wondering how much you are getting paid to keep this anti Trump shit up? He is no longer President; shouldn't you be concentrating on Biden now? Of course that would mean facing reality; not the left's strong suit. Keeping Trump in the headlines is the only thing Biden has going for him. He doesn't have one accomplishment to stand on; other than he isn't Trump.
Trump is holding a press conference today. He has been on television numerous times over the past few weeks. He has held two rallies that according to him were attended by tens of thousands of people in the past two weeks. He did a town hall with Sean Hannity on Fox News a week ago where trump hinted he is running for president again. He is doing everything he can to keep himself in the spotlight, .....but I am the one "keeping this shit up".
I'll make you a deal. If Trump shuts the fuck up and leaves America alone, I will leave him alone.
And that other guy isn't??????
you don't believe this sounds Trump like ? No really, you couldn't see Trump saying those things ? Cause you know damn well that this sounds exactly like what Trump would say, but defend the indefensible away, as again and again, he's proven you wrong, as he's the Lying individual who's still here, and has yet to say so long, cause didn't you hear, he won the election and will be reinstated in August, cause he's truly a liter amongst convictions and quarts, cause it's prison or bust, and all of those sorts, , of sordid thoughts thawt less of, by more ons, and those without retorts...
Who cares? It's just another nothingburger.
Any comment can be taken out of context by anyone else depending on their biases. The left and mass media did it repeatedly and copiously during Trumps fours years. Meanwhile shotgun Joe babbles on incoherently and you just happily fiddle away ..... amazing! Absolutely amazing!
Not Trumpsters. In some cases it undoubtedly makes them love him more.
Your biases destroy any logic you may be able to muster on this topic John.
Destroy it completely.
People like you are the reason Trump is still a thing. Congratulations.
Your politicized categorization of people you've never even met is the real problem John.
Sadly you will never be self aware enough to see that because you've been disjointed far too long, much, much too long.
Guys, keep the comments away from the personal. Only warning.
Sure...Hitler may have improved the German economy...for a short while!
But he destroyed that economy with his wars!
p.s. and never forget his war machine was built on the backs of slaves