On a lighter note - Downton Abbey is back!
For fans of the show, these promotional skits are pretty funny:


Professor Guide

No fans here on NT? Get some culture, you incorrigible hillbillies!
Professor Guide

A) What's a Romcom?B) Are you nuckin futs?Clearly you haven't given it a chance! Downton Abbey isn't even close to being a soap opera. Yes, it's PBS, but it's some of the most relatable and clever writing on television, as evidenced by its immense popularity. Trust me - I never watch PBS stuff, but this is different, and the difference is evident in the skits seeded here. The characters are great, the plot twists are unexpected, the dichotomy between servant and master is compelling, and once you know the characters you understand that the show is the perfect mix of comedy and drama. Give it a whirl, but my suggestion is to go back to season one and start at the beginning.