The Republican Party, once the party of Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt, is now # TheirParty — an institution of mockery, self-dealing, and power accumulation. They are the GOP.
I identified as Republican ( even thought I'm not a big fan I did vote for Uncle Ronny ) until McCain went far right on his primary and picked Palin as a running mate. I was pretty much done by the time the Tea Party got highjacked by the alt+right.
So you are the guy who still shills for the Lincoln Project grift? I thought it went away after the whole soliciting children for sex thing got exposed.
This is Donald Trump's Party....
They're right, it is his Party!
Your Republican Party? It's gone.
If you thought it could be saved, you're wrong....
Talk to us after the midterms.
The party of FDR, JFK, and LBJ bears little resemblance to the Dems of today.
Hell, the party of Clinton bears little resemblance to the Dems of today.
I'm not a big Reagan fan, but the likes of Gaetz and MTG are tap dancing on his grave. Reagan would be considered a RINO by the Trumpublicans today.
If he were alive today, no doubt Trump would call him a RINO-- and then label him with some negative name.
Retrograde Reagen? Ridiculous Reagan? ... or something similar!
I have friends of varying political views. To a person, all those who identify as Republicans is very unhappy as to what trump to their party.
I identified as Republican ( even thought I'm not a big fan I did vote for Uncle Ronny ) until McCain went far right on his primary and picked Palin as a running mate. I was pretty much done by the time the Tea Party got highjacked by the alt+right.
So you are the guy who still shills for the Lincoln Project grift? I thought it went away after the whole soliciting children for sex thing got exposed.
Is it any wonder that the once Grand Old Party of Abraham Lincoln is now known merely as the gop?
I wonder why no one has ever said that?
If I remember right, that cartoon appeared the day after Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated.
I take that back, it was the day after the Kennedy assassination.
I think they reran it when Trump got elected...
All i know is Lincoln has been rolling around in grave since the "Lincoln Project" named itself after him and he hasn't stopped rolling yet .....