
Fox News Host Blames Rising Cases on Not Enough Vaccinations


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  john-russell  •  4 years ago  •  1 comments

By:   Katherine Huggins (Mediaite)

Fox News Host Blames Rising Cases on Not Enough Vaccinations
Fox News' Trace Gallagher pushed back on mask mandates and encouraged vaccinations: "I shouldn't have to wear a mask because you chose not to get vaccinated."

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

By Katherine HugginsAug 8th, 2021, 7:00 pm Twitter share button <?php // Post Body ?>

Fox News anchor Trace Gallagher on Sunday blamed the rising Covid-19 cases in the U.S. on not enough vaccinations, saying he thinks "it's a mistake not to get vaccinated because the bottom line, it could save your life."

Fox Nation host Abby Hornacek began the conversation by bringing up former President Barack Obama's 60th birthday party where "he was seen dancing maskless," as well as noting the ongoing protests in France against its Covid-19 health pass.

"If that ends up happening here in the United States, do you think we'll see the same thing?" she asked.

"Yeah, I mean, it's possible. People are pushing back on this kind of thing," Gallagher replied. "And by the way, the Obama thing? It was scaled back so much, Abby, that the police officers were calling the traffic situation a [shit] show, because they couldn't get control of it."

"The whole thing is somebody invariably will get Covid because of that gathering, and they're going to push back with the whole hypocrisy thing which is, I think, fair," he continued. "But we are not seeing a rise in cases because somebody didn't wear a mask somewhere, we're seeing a rise in cases for one reason: because not enough people are getting the vaccinations."

Last month, the U.S. had a weeklong rolling average of 22,028 cases (July 7) that has jumped to an average of 108,513 (Aug. 7). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has largely attributed the jump to the contagious Delta variant and insufficient vaccination rates.

"Look, I'm a big believer in the vaccine," Gallagher said. "I think it's a mistake not to get vaccinated because the bottom line, it could save your life. But you have to remember we're a free country, and people are free to make their own decisions and free to make their own mistakes."

He then put up a quote from Reason Magazine that he believed "summed it up," which compared not taking the vaccine to "people who smoke, eat too much, ride motorcycles, or go rock climbing."

"In a free society, people have the right to make their own risk assessments, even if others don't approve, and the rest of us should get to live our lives without limiting ourselves because of the decisions made by others," the quote read.

Gallagher then jumped off the quote, to say that while he does not think the vaccine should be mandated in the U.S., mask-wearing should also not be mandated because of someone's choice not to be vaccinated.

"Should we mandate vaccines? It's America, we shouldn't," Gallagher said. "People are going to push back if we do. And the same thing if you don't want to get vaccinated, I shouldn't have to wear a mask because you chose not to get vaccinated."

Watch above, via Fox News.

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1  seeder  JohnRussell    4 years ago

Fox News is reaching the total pinnacle of foolishness and nonsense. 

On one hand they oppose vaccinations because of "freedom" , and on the other hand they oppose masks because of lack of vaccinations. The morons are trying to put themselves into a win win situation in "owning the libs", which is a lose lose situation for the country. 


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