
Twitter suspends Marjorie Taylor Greene's account for one week following violation of platform rules


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  john-russell  •  3 years ago  •  23 comments

By:   Brian Fung and Donie O'Sullivan (CNN)

Twitter suspends Marjorie Taylor Greene's account for one week following violation of platform rules
Greene tweeted on Monday that the Food and Drug Administration "should not approve the covid vaccines." She also claimed the vaccines were "failing" and that they were ineffective at reducing the virus's spread.

Twitter has suspended MTG for her covid lies. 

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

(CNN Business)Twitter(TWTR) has suspended Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's account for one week following another violation of the platform's rules, the company said Tuesday.

Greene tweeted on Monday that the Food and Drug Administration "should not approve the covid vaccines." She also claimed the vaccines were "failing" and that they were ineffective at reducing the virus's spread. In response, Twitter labeled the tweet as misleading and prevented Greene from tweeting for one week. 210806203957-mtg-large-169.jpg

Marjorie Taylor Greene congratulates crowd for low vaccination rate01:59 The tweet, a company spokesperson said, "was labeled in line with our COVID-19 misleading information policy. The account will be in read-only mode for a week due to repeated violations of the Twitter Rules." Tuesday's suspension marks at least the third and toughest penalty Twitter has imposed on Greene for sharing misinformation. In January, Greene was suspended for 12 hours from Twitter for sharing conspiracy theories about the Georgia Senate runoff elections, a move that the company said violated its civic integrity policy. In July, Twitter suspended Greene again for 12 hours for sharing misinformation about Covid-19 and vaccines. (Greene was also temporarily suspended in March but was soon reinstated after Twitter said its automated systems had acted in error.)


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  seeder  JohnRussell    3 years ago

Ol' Hatchet Face is still trying to cause trouble for the vaccinations . A strait jacket may be in order. 

Professor Guide
2  Veronica    3 years ago

More should get the boot on more platforms for spewing lies.  

Professor Guide
2.1  Gordy327  replied to  Veronica @2    3 years ago

Then watch how quickly some will scream they're being censored.

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
2.1.1  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Gordy327 @2.1    3 years ago
Then watch how quickly some will scream they're being censored.

Indeed. They simply can't accept that private media companies can decide on their own CoC when people are using their bullhorns/media platforms.

The fact is that these folk lying and spreading misinformation and making false and sometimes dangerous claims is like screaming fire in a crowded theatre when there is simply no evidence of any fire. One can argue that most rational people won't believe the wild conspiracy theories these nuts try and spread, but the evidence shows there are still many gullible morons who actually do believe that the theatre is on fire. They believe the lies about vaccines being spread by clueless conspiracy theorists and that is leading to actual physical harm to the populace, people are effectively being trampled in their rush to the exits because some nut job is falsely screaming fire.

The media companies could actually be held responsible if they didn't attempt to mitigate some of that damage by denying the bullhorn to those habitually making such false claims like Marjorie Taylor Greene and other right wing nut jobs.

Professor Guide
2.1.2  Gordy327  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @2.1.1    3 years ago
They simply can't accept that private media companies can decide on their own CoC when people are using their bullhorns/media platforms.

What happened to all those alternative sites that supposedly do not "censor" anything? I don't hear anything about them. Those who complain about "big tech" seem to be staying on big tech related sites. I guess they do not put their money where their mouth is.

One can argue that most rational people won't believe the wild conspiracy theories these nuts try and spread, but the evidence shows there are still many gullible morons who actually do believe that the theatre is on fire.

Anyone who buys into conspiracy theories or related talk (i.e. "the election was stolen" or "Trump won") is clearly not rational. But rather quite delusional.

They believe the lies about vaccines being spread by clueless conspiracy theorists and that is leading to actual physical harm to the populace

It seems they're ignoring what Covid is doing. 

The media companies could actually be held responsible if they didn't attempt to mitigate some of that damage by denying the bullhorn to those habitually making such false claims likeMarjorie Taylor Greene and other right wing nut jobs.

Good! Now, if only those who willfully spread lies and misinformation were also held responsible too.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
3  Trout Giggles    3 years ago

Large Marge got a time-out did she? I think Twitter should make her stand in the corner, too

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Participates
4  Paula Bartholomew    3 years ago

One week? bfd.

Professor Principal
5  Kavika     3 years ago

How stupid is the woman?

Professor Quiet
5.1  Ozzwald  replied to  Kavika @5    3 years ago

How stupid is the woman?

3 words.

Jewish Satellite Lasers

Professor Principal
5.1.1  Kavika   replied to  Ozzwald @5.1    3 years ago

LOL, but that may be topped by this. 


Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
5.1.2  Trout Giggles  replied to  Kavika @5.1.1    3 years ago

Is there enough duct tape in the world to tape her mouth shut?

Professor Quiet
5.1.3  Ozzwald  replied to  Kavika @5.1.1    3 years ago


Professor Quiet
5.1.4  Ozzwald  replied to  Trout Giggles @5.1.2    3 years ago

Is there enough duct tape in the world to tape her mouth shut?

There are alternatives that might do the job.


Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
5.1.5  Trout Giggles  replied to  Ozzwald @5.1.4    3 years ago

I hear that stuff works so well that not even industrial strength acetone will remove it

Professor Quiet
5.1.6  Ozzwald  replied to  Trout Giggles @5.1.5    3 years ago
I hear that stuff works so well that not even industrial strength acetone will remove it

I say we re-label a bottle as "Trump Chapstick", and send it to her.

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Participates
5.1.7  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  Ozzwald @5.1    3 years ago


As they come.

Professor Guide
5.2  Gordy327  replied to  Kavika @5    3 years ago


Professor Principal
6  seeder  JohnRussell    3 years ago

www.mediaite.com   /politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-releases-unhinged-rant-twitter-only-cares-about-the-democrat-communist-agenda-for-america/

Marjorie Taylor Greene Releases Unhinged Rant: 'Twitter Only Cares About the Democrat Communist Agenda'


Rep.   Marjorie Taylor Greene   has responded to the   one-week suspension   she has received from Twitter after she publicly derided the efficacy of Covid-19 vaccinations and asked for the FDA to not approve them until more research is done.

News broke on Tuesday that the freshman Republican Congresswoman — and hardcore supporter of former President   Donald Trump   — was suspended from Twitter for a week after falsely claiming that Covid vaccines are “failing.” She also claimed they “do not reduce the spread of the virus & neither do masks.”

As you can see in the tweet above, Twitter offered a disclaimer saying that the Tweet may be misleading. In fact, it is not clear what scientific study she is citing when she says that the vaccines “do not reduce the spread of the virus & neither do masks.”

Over the past month, certain parts of the nation have seen a sharp rise in Covid-19 infections due to the new delta variant that public health experts say is far more viral in nature and potentially more deadly. In fact,  a current map of the highest infection rates coincides with many southern states that have the lowest rates of vaccination. This is why CDC Director   Rochelle Walensky   — and many other elected officials and media personalities — have correctly assessed that this is currently a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”

There  are   reports of breakthrough cases of Covid-19 among the vaccinated, however, the symptoms of those instances are almost always far lesser than those of the unvaccinated. The CDC recently reported that 99.99% of current Covid-19 hospitalizations are patients who have refused vaccinations. Which is, to a layperson, clear evidence that the vaccine is effective.

That data set with either not available to Rep. Taylor Greene or she willfully ignored it, in doubling down in her unhinged and largely illogical rant released via a statement from her Congressional office.

“I’ve talked with numerous people who have scary side effects like Myocarditis, blood clots and miscarriages,” she states, adding “And nearly 7,000 deaths are reported in VAERS on the CDC website.” What she doesn’t mention is that 7,000 cases are reported to the CDC but have not yet been confirmed. But even if they are all confirmed, that represents .004 percent of the over 160 million Americans who have received a shot. Or in other words, one individual of 25,000.

Greene went on to attack Dr. Fauci who, she claims “only harshly criticize(s) bikers at Sturgis riding in open air with no masks, but is silent on Obama’s “sophisticated” birthday party super spreader event for Hollywood and Democrat elites?” Of course, former President   Barack Obama   abided by CDC guidelines   in hosting his party, while   Sturgis attendees , largely have not.

And finally, she hit the   cancel culture   note so popular within her base of supporters. “But Twitter won’t allow any real discussion of the truth from an elected Congresswoman because Twitter only cares about the Democrat Communist agenda for America,” she concluded.

Greene oddly appears to be a fierce opponent to Covid-19 mitigation evidenced by her recent praising of Alabamian supporters that their state had the  lowest   vaccination rate in the country, which was received with cheers. Alabama also currently   ranks 10th   in the nation with the highest infection rate, as of August 9th.

Read Rep. Taylor Greene’s full statement below:

Twitter Bans Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene for 7 Days

Today, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene released the following statement after her personal Twitter account was banned for 7 days:

“I have vaccinated family who are sick with COVID. Studies and news reports show vaccinated people are still getting COVID and spreading COVID.

I’ve talked with numerous people who have scary side effects like Myocarditis, blood clots and miscarriages. And nearly 7,000 deaths are reported in VAERS on the CDC website.

In my opinion, the FDA should not approve these vaccines until more research is done.

But Twitter suspended me for speaking the truth, and tweeting what so many people are saying.

Why does Dr. Fauci only harshly criticize bikers at Sturgis riding in open air with no masks, but is silent on Obama’s “sophisticated” birthday party super spreader event for Hollywood and Democrat elites?

Why is it “right and moral” to allow tens of thousands of COVID positive illegal aliens into our country and fly them into every state on the taxpayers dime, yet force our children to mask up for school?

But if I dare says the truth, Twitter suspends me because the truth is so offensive to the fragile hypocrites all over Twitter!

I refuse to be silent about these important life changing issues and the Communist Chinese bioweapon COVID.

After all, I’m an elected Representative of the people of Northwest Georgia — I represent the voice of my district.

Clearly Nancy Pelosi doesn’t care about these people, and clearly Twitter only cares about the left’s radical narrative.

They will allow porn on Twitter. They will allow posts about parents transitioning their children and changing their gender on Twitter.

But Twitter won’t allow any real discussion of the truth from an elected Congresswoman because Twitter only cares about the Democrat Communist agenda for America.

It’s a good thing my voters couldn’t care less about Twitter.”
Professor Guide
6.1  Veronica  replied to  JohnRussell @6    3 years ago

As Bugs Bunny would say "What a maroon".

Professor Principal
6.2  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  JohnRussell @6    3 years ago
Why is it “right and moral” to allow tens of thousands of COVID positive illegal aliens into our country and fly them into every state on the taxpayers dime, yet force our children to mask up for school? But if I dare says the truth, Twitter suspends me because the truth is so offensive to the fragile hypocrites all over Twitter!

This is a good example of why MTG is a world class idiot. For the sake of discussion lets stipulate that some covid positive illegal immigrants have entered the US.  It would still be wise , prudent and correct to "force" schoolchildren to mask up.  The mask is what will protect them from the virus, not conservatives handwringing about "illegal immigrants" . 

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Participates
6.3  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  JohnRussell @6    3 years ago

Her voters probably can't even figure out how to turn on a computer.  They are like the scene in Zoolander where Derek and Hansel resemble the apes when confronting the monolith in 2001.

Professor Guide
7  Tacos!    3 years ago

I don't generally love when these platforms censor people, but you can't hardly blame Twitter on this one.

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Participates
7.1  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  Tacos! @7    3 years ago

She sticks her foot in her mouth so often that she has athlete's tongue.


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