Four Broward County Teachers Die From COVID In 24 Hours
Category: News & Politics
Via: john-russell • 4 years ago • 68 commentsBy: Ed Scarce (Crooks and Liars)

Ironically, or morbidly, Broward County's School Board just voted to defy Gov. DeSantis' order to drop the mask mandate. Jeez, I wonder why? Perhaps the prospect of more teachers dying was a consideration for them, but not DeathSantis.
Source: CBS Miami
MIAMI (CBSMiami) - When it comes to picking its victims, COVID-19 does not discriminate.
The vicious virus, in less than one day this week, between Tuesday and Wednesday, claimed the lives of three Broward County school teachers and one of its assistant teachers.
Broward Teachers Union President Anna Fusco said, "Within a 24-hour span, we had an assistant teacher pass away, a teacher at her school pass away, an elementary teacher pass away and another teacher at a high school."
You would think this stunning number of educators dead from COVID in such a short time period, with less than one week before school begins, would be unfathomable, but Fusco says she hears about such tragedies way too often.
4 Broward County Florida Educators die from COVID in 24 hours.
"Within a 24-hour span, we had an ASSISTANT TEACHER pass away, a TEACHER at her school pass away, an ELEMENTARY TEACHER pass away and another TEACHER at a high school." — Cleavon MD (@Cleavon_MD) August 13, 2021
Within 24 hours, 3 Broward County, #Florida school teachers and 1 assistant teacher DIED of #COVID19.
"The teachers ironically all {died} around the same time Broward County's School Board voted to defy @GovRonDeSantis' order to drop the mask mandate." — Dena Grayson, MD, PhD (@DrDenaGrayson) August 13, 2021

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The million dollar question remains:
After all, we let them go to the front of the line!
Good question and here is an answer for you.
A better question is why haven't the parents of thousands of children not been vaccinated or kids between 12 and 18 have a vaccine rate of 33%.
Oh, two days ago.
It's about time Kavika seeing as they were allowed to go in front of the most vulerable many months ago .
I think TPTB in Florida want everyone to contract covid as a bass ackwards way to achieve herd immunity.
Herd immunity or thinning the herd?
gee, that's real sad...
Most teachers tend to be left wing woke liberals
Are you implying that it is okay that they died???
And you couldn't be more wrong about that.
While most teachers, tend to be liberal, math and science teachers are slightly more Republican.
That doesn't mean that all Republicans are conservative
and it certainly doesn't mean anyone is "woke" or more "woke" than anyone else.
It just points out that being unvaccinated is a poor health decision.
I'd bet these teachers weren't.
So says the woke 'conservative'. @!@
Somewhere there's a study that states teachers are divided 44% moderate, 44% liberal and 9 - 12% conservative.
Being outnumbered 9 -1 conservatives are simply incapable of distinguishing between moderate and liberal
More like a ''slept'' conservative.
Insanity runs rampant.
So does stupidity.
Lol. You guys fall for anything.
Ok, I’ll play along - the headline is pretty simple - four teachers die from covid in 24 hours. What are they falling for?
Four teachers didn't die from covid in one day in Broward County.
And even if they had, which they didn't, why would that be news? School isn't in session and they would have been infected weeks ago.
But, a union boss makes up a fact that works against the Republican target, so the media ran with it. No surprise.
"Broward Teachers Union President Anna Fusco said, "Within a 24-hour span, we had an assistant teacher pass away, a teacher at her school pass away, an elementary teacher pass away and another teacher at a high school."
Perhaps because four people are dead, and in this case were teachers, just as schools in many of these Red States are choosing to go back to school without mask and social distancing protocols.
"The deaths were all recorded within a 24-hour span, according to union officials representing employees of the local school district."
Do you have ANY evidence that this was fabricated? I mean, other than perhaps some tip you got from the Qanon conspiracy theorists? Anything? Or is it that you just don't trust anything anymore so anything that is reported that shows your right wing ideology in a negative light should be considered "suspect"?
I'm not really surprised that another right wing conservative is pulling accusations out of their nether regions without any proof, it's become par for the course for many of them, but why would you actually believe anyone with more than half a brain should listen to you?
Anna Fusco lied.
Perhaps because four people are dea
Four teachers didn't die from covid. The premise is a lie. If two construction workers die from cancer in New York in a day, is it a national story? Of course not., Y
But liberals are addicted to fear porn and attacking DeSantis with whatever nonsense is at hand. So this became a story, much like Rebekah Jones.
have ANY evidence that this was fabricated?
You can start with reading the actual link to this story.
Sean, just copy and paste your evidence that the union leader lied about the four dead women.
Sounds simple.
Oh, I forgot about the 'whiny wiener lie detector ring' every right wing conservative got out of their container of Ovaltine! With something like that who needs 'evidence', right? /s
Sad to hear about the teachers but damn they were not vaccinated. That is stunning to hear since the virus is damn close to out of control in FL along with the positivity rate and hospitalizations.
DeSantis is also backing down on his threats to stop the pay of officials that mandate masks in schools and also did a little more backing down from his ''hard and fast'' rule that there will be no mask mandates in FL schools. His new position is that the districts can have a mandate and parents that don't want masks have to opt-out.
Meanwhile, another 24,000 new cases were reported today and the hospitalization are at 14,837 with 3,100 in ICU.
We are doing just great. /s
Sure wants to tie the deaths of these 4 people to the need to have a mask mandate in the school system but ignores that school hasn't started yet, 3 of them were known to be not vaccinated and the story doesn't indicate where they picked up the virus. But if they didn't get the virus I would hazard a guess that they were not too careful with social distancing either.
For the record I do agree with a mask mandate in public schools. There are too many children who are not yet eligible for the vaccines. I don't like forcing masks on children but it's something that can be done to help protect them. I would also like to see a mandate for all teachers and staff in the schools to also be vaccinated.
School started here for a large number of school districts on Monday the 10th another large number of districts will start on Monday the 16th. I believe there are only a couple that starts after the 16th. Boward county were the deaths took place starts on the 18th.
The school district in my county started on the 10th.
The 4 were all from Boward county school system and as the article and you state, that system has not started classes yet. So I stand by my first statement, the article is trying to tie these deaths to masks in schools. Using emotions rather than science seems a rather piss poor way to win the argument, would you agree?
3 of them were not vaccinated, why? The article doesn't go into that, it just uses their deaths to try to push the need for masks when school starts. Articles like this continue to highlight the sad state of journalism today.
I wasn't debating the context of your comment, I was only adding additional information as to dates and I also entered Boward's start date.
Perhaps the point the article might have been trying to make is that infected teachers could/will spread the virus to kids in their classrooms without masks.
What is a sad state of affairs is the sad state that Florida is in and that the Governor is making it a political statement since science does tell us that masks help protect people/kids.
The teachers not being vaccinated is beyond reason unless there was an underlying condition on all of them that prohibited it.
No words to describe the idiocy.
My bet is that they were friends or for one reason or another were associating.
How it should be dealt with is to recall this schmuck.
Well, when we have idiots like this at school board meetings...
... another fucking trumpster moron.
Found this ass too. He is threatening to attack people...
He should be under supervision...
Hope you don't mind John but I just read this.
Not trying to spam your seed. It just shows how screwed up it all is.
Excellent article-- very informative!
(Someone should seed it!)
The one about the kid in Reno really got me. They sent their positive kid to school...
Those parents should be charged with reckless endangerment.
Some places just need to close schools until it is safe
I can see limited school closures, but we really need for teachers and students to be vaccinated so schools can open up more safely. If that means mandates for teachers and eligible students, so be it. We have mandates for MMR, diphtheria, and meningitis. Kids lost a lot last year. Virtual learning was a bust for a lot of kids.
Also, with enhanced unemployment benefits ending in most places, closing schools could put many families under financially. Somebody has to stay home with younger kids who would normally be in school, meaning some workers will either need to quit their jobs (again) or cut their hours drastically. Areas of school closure are likely to see daycare closures, too.
Ah, yes, everyone is trying to do the CYA waltz. All those pointy fingers are missing a bigger picture.
The areas in dark purple on the map should be scaring the crap out of everyone. Those are areas where over half the population has been fully vaccinated and are experiencing high COVID case loads. What that suggests is higher rates of vaccination isn't slowing spread of the virus. And that is happening around the country and not just in Florida.
The science miracle isn't working. The country has been Fauci'd. Joe Biden followed the science but, apparently, the science has gotten something wrong.
No one is missing the big picture. It was stated all along that the vac was not a cure all, just will save you from death and hospitalization..
Why not just point fingers at the obvious. Everyone got complacent and we opened back up too early. Everyone gathering again and not wearing masks...
And we all know that people that received the vac can still catch it and pass it on.
The science got nothing wrong. If you are going to point fingers at least do it towards the appropriate direction.
Then please keep your mask on for the rest of your life. The virus is and has been mutating since it was introduced to the world. It will continue to do so. In fact, the common cold we all suffer is in the coronavirus family.
And what science got wrong was fucking with this virus in a lab in the first place.
What you just said has no bearing on anything.
To you. But, that is your opinion and has no bearing on mine.
Except that's not quite what happened. Joe Biden told us that the fully vaxxed could return to normal. Rochelle Walensky and Anthony Fauci confirmed what Joe Biden told us. We'd hug our grandchildren, visit friends and family, get a haircut, go to church, and gather together over coffee like we used to. We'd be able to send our kids back to school.
There was a victory announcement. We were gonna have a helluva 4th of July celebration. That's what the country was told and confirmed by the experts. That's what really happened.
The science got nothing wrong except that areas with higher rates of vaccination are experiencing higher COVID cases just like areas with lower rates of vaccination. That's what the deep purple areas on the linked map shows. Vaccination is NOT slowing the spread.
Florida's vaccination rates are not out of line with the rest of the country. High density population centers in Florida really have achieved full vaccination for more than half the population. More sparsely populated areas of Florida are lagging. But the areas with higher pct fully vaxxed coincides with higher number of cases.
(Compare the pct fully vaccinated to the number of cases using the drop down menus on the map.)
I have come to expect that from you. All platitudes and no facts.
Most hospitalizations are from unvaccinated people...
And yes, it was working. You also seem to gloss over the fact of states opening up even before Biden said anything.
He was right in the fact that if we kept going in the direction we were headed, we would be a lot better off.
You can blame Biden all you want, fact is we still opened up too early, have the unvaccinated running around with the vaccinated and most people stopped taking any precautions.
Tell me exactly what is NOT FACTUAL in this:
The virus is and has been mutating since it was introduced to the world. It will continue to do so. In fact, the common cold we all suffer is in the coronavirus family.
So, what did I say that is not factual?
You are trying to hint that it is no worse than a common cold.
None of the variants of concern originated in the United States. The SARS-Cov-2 Alpha, Beta, Delta, and, now, Lambda variants did not originate in the United States.
We're being told that this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated which is a catchy marketing gimmick. The reality is that this is a pandemic of infected people entering the United States. And once a variant has been introduced by an infected person entering the United States, the variant spreads by infected people traveling around inside the United States.
The reality is that this is a pandemic of uncontrolled borders. If we'd spent more time and effort enforcing quarantines than arguing about mask mandates we could have brought the pandemic under control a lot faster.
I'm not blaming Biden. Biden only followed the science. Biden isn't a medical expert or epidemiologist. Biden can only follow the expert advice he's provided.
See where the problem lies?
Yes, the unvaccinated or people too stupid to take precautions.
No, I don't see it the way you do.
The way I took Biden was him saying vaccinated people that were negative could get together.
No problem with that yet, as we all know, we do not live in a utopia.
People will take any statement and run with it.
So we have the vaccinated starting to gather again and of course the unvaccinated will follow as will carriers.
WTF?? Because it's in the same family? Talk about a S-----T-----R-----E-----T-----C-----H.
Uh huh. That's why you had to bring it up, twice...
No reason at all...
Never once did I loose my sense of taste, sense of smell, or end up on a ventilator from a "common cold".
Ah, yes, the 'out of context' CYA two step.
Weren't we told by the experts that leadership by example was essential to convince people to take precautions? People not taking precautions is a failure of leadership.
Again, it seems that choosing scapegoats is a matter of expedient deflection. How very CYA.
The fact remains, Joe Biden is not a medical expert or epidemiologist so, at best, can only follow the advice provided by experts. What has been the leadership of Joe Biden within the context of people not taking precautions? Success or failure?
I guess you've never learned that we still have not found a cure or defeated that CORONAVIRUS, the common cold.
Lucky you. I have and many others I know have.
Fortunately, neither have I and to my knowledge has anyone I know. But with over 5 billion people in the world, I'm not willing to say no one ever has.
So it is your position that it will never be eradication so don't even try?
I never said that. But, you're permitted to imagine what you believe as long as you want.
However, many say we "eradicated" (your terminology if I'm not mistaken) smallpox. In fact small pox has not been totally eradicated.
Main Results
More like a simple fact.
People not taking precautions that have been repeatedly advised for well over a year now is a failure on the person not taking precautions. Medical/scientific experts have been saying to take precautions since the pandemic started.
No scapegoats. Just blame and responsibility to where it belongs.
Which he has done. Unlike the previous President. But people should listen to scientific experts over a politician regarding a pandemic, duh!
Success! Biden has told people to take precautions. He has worn masks. He encouraged people to get vaccinated. At this point, anyone who doesn't do those things is at fault. It's just common sense.
Oh, a tear.