"Good Fighters" and "Great Negotiators": Donald Trump Is Weirdly Full of Praise for the Taliban
Category: News & Politics
Via: john-russell • 4 years ago • 17 commentsBy: Conde Nast (Vanity Fair)

He also declared the organization very "smart."
By Bess Levin
August 18, 2021
In April 2020, as the coronavirus was engulfing the U.S., then president Donald Trump declared at his then daily coronavirus briefing, "This is a very brilliant enemy. You know, it's a brilliant enemy. They develop drugs like the antibiotics. You see it. Antibiotics used to solve every problem. Now one of the biggest problems the world has is the germ has gotten so brilliant that the antibiotic can't keep up with it. And they're constantly trying to come up with a new—people go to a hospital and they catch—they go for a heart operation—that's no problem, but they end up dying from, from problems. You know the problems I'm talking about. There's a whole genius to it." The remarks were bizarre not just because, as the name suggests, the coronavirus is not a bacterial infection but a virus, and therefore immune to antibiotics, but because Trump was describing a disease that had by then killed more than 20,000 people in the U.S. in the sort of glowing terms he typically only reserved for himself. Brilliant! Genius! Sure, it was highly contagious and extremely lethal but damn if Trump didn't admire it for those very reasons because, as you'd probably figured out by that point, there is something very wrong with him.
Anyway, we were reminded of the ex-president's high regard of COVID-19 on Tuesday night when he appeared on Fox News to talk about how great the Taliban is.
Per Insider:
Former President Donald Trump praised the Taliban on Tuesday, calling the group "smart" and "good fighters."
"The Taliban, good fighters, I will tell you, good fighters. You have to give them credit for that. They've been fighting for a thousand years. What they do is they fight," Trump said on Fox News' [ Hannity ] on August 17. "The Taliban has circled the airport, and who knows if they're going to treat us right? All of a sudden, they'll say—well, frankly, if they were smart, they'd really—and they are smart. They are smart. They should let the Americans out," Trump said to Hannity.
The Taliban, of course, have not been fighting for 1,000 years, as the organization was founded in the early 1990s, though that's the least problematic thing that came out of Trump's mouth during the interview.
Composed of fighters called the mujahideen, the group took control of the capital, Kabul, in 1996, but it lost power in 2001 after American forces invaded. Trump's praise of the Taliban is alarming, considering that the group is known for its brutal, violent tactics. Just this year, the militant group beheaded an Afghan interpreter for the U.S. Army. The Taliban has also been accused of multiple bombings and assassinations. Afghan women are also fearful that they may be barred from working, stoned for breaking the rules, or even killed if the Taliban imposes its strict form of Sharia.

Donald Trump's Big Brain - the gift that keeps on giving - to his opponents.
He loves dictators!
Remember all the praise he heaped on Kim Jung Un?
One of the most barbaric dictators in the world!
He loves death more
Am amazed that 'the Trump brand' still sells to some.
This too. If I am not mistaken isn't the 'new Taliban leader of Afghanistan' the same dude Trump got Pakistan to release from prison in 2018 and send to Qatar or Dubai? The same dude traitor Pompeo signed the US withdrawal papers with?
you know Trump hasn’t been president for half a year already, right?
it’s okay to go more than an hour without thinking of him
way to "defend " the indefensible Sean.
BTW Fox News has Trump on every chance they get even though he hasnt been president for 7 months.
Yeah John - and there are some who keep him on NT 24/7/365 even though he hasn't been President for 7 months.
Wonder why?
Trump puts himself in the news. One does not need to be Sherlock Holmes to see that. He is already running for president again.
A/noon..Well hell just froze over...I actually agree on one thing Donald Trump has said...
The Taliban are bloody good fighters.. Regardless of what the mongrels do and have done, they will fight to the death if the face of massive odds...Even our Diggers have said the same..They are a very tough adversary and with basic arms look what they have achieved in 7 days, what we couldn't in 20 years.
As for them and their ideology, it needs a bomb dropping on it..
It depends on who and what they are fighting. But either way, there is a time and place for everything , and yesterday was neither the time nor the place for Trump to offer the opinion that they are great fighters and negotiators.
Spot on Shona, 100% spot on. I was going to say the same thing but you beat me there.
For some folks everything Trump says or does is stupid. Such is the malady we call TDS.
Sounds like Donald is falling in love again.
The Taliban are far smarter than the Biden administration. They already have proven it; and are continuing to do so.
Keep up with the "But Trruuummmmppppp!!!!!!!" All the deflection in the world won't overcome the incompetence and stupidity of Joe Biden.