‘As they’re being intubated, they still don’t believe it.’ The COVID denial won’t die

Photo: Kansas City Star
Our friends in health care have seen plenty to impale the heart in this COVID-19 pandemic, but nothing more tragic than this: the sight of guilt-ridden young children who believe they’ve killed an unvaccinated parent by bringing the virus home.
“And as they’re dying, the kids are at the bedside apologizing,” a hospital nurse tells me.
“You’ve actually seen that?” I ask her.
“Multiple times,” says the nurse.
My Kansas City nurse friend, who can’t use her name because she isn’t authorized to speak to the media, occasionally shares this inconceivable, untold tragedy with dinner companions who obnoxiously insist on spouting their anti-vaccine views to her over burgers and beer.
Some of them are shamed into silence by what she tells them. But others cling stubbornly to their defiance, even after hearing of parents who’ve left their children motherless or fatherless because of it — and left them with a lifetime of self-reproach for something that clearly wasn’t their fault.
Of course it isn’t the kids’ fault they got sick and may have gotten their unvaccinated father or mother deathly ill. While Dad or Mom could’ve easily gotten vaccinated, the children could not have. “But they still just feel terrible, because they feel like they killed their parent,” she says.
Our friends in health care have seen plenty to impale the heart in this COVID-19 pandemic, but nothing more tragic than this: the sight of guilt-ridden young children who believe they’ve killed an unvaccinated parent by bringing the virus home.
“And as they’re dying, the kids are at the bedside apologizing,” a hospital nurse tells me.
“You’ve actually seen that?” I ask her.
“Multiple times,” says the nurse.
… but they”ll pony up for Ivermectin.
… but they”ll pony up for Ivermectin.
Or even..Bleach!
This happened some time ago-- hopefully people have finally stopped donng it!
Some Americans Are Tragically Still Drinking Bleach As A Coronavirus ‘Cure’
Despite months of warnings that it’s unsafe, some Americans are still attempting to self-treat for coronavirus by drinking bleach products, prompting Georgia officials to send out a warning that doing so could be fatal.
Gov. Brian Kemp (R) has been informed that the department is receiving reports about residents using chlorine dioxide to “treat” coronavirus.
Using household disinfectants to treat Covid-19 has become a troubling issue during the coronavirus pandemic, which hasn’t been helped by President Donald Trump suggesting unproven remedies.
At an April news conference, Trump wrongly suggested injecting disinfectant as a potential treatment, leading the makers of Lysol to release a statement saying "under no circumstance should our disinfectant products be administered into the human body (through injection, ingestion or any other route).”
Trump also took a regimen of hydroxychloroquine as a preventative measure against coronavirus, which was later shown to be ineffective against Covid-19.
Some of them are shamed into silence by what she tells them. But others cling stubbornly to their defiance, even after hearing of parents who’ve left their children motherless or fatherless because of it — and left them with a lifetime of self-reproach for something that clearly wasn’t their fault.
Of course it isn’t the kids’ fault they got sick and may have gotten their unvaccinated father or mother deathly ill. While Dad or Mom could’ve easily gotten vaccinated, the children could not have. “But they still just feel terrible, because they feel like they killed their parent,” she says.
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COVID vaccine resistance goes on and on and on, even amid the delta variant and amongst the caring hospital workers who can help, if not the dying patients then their survivors. Astonishingly, many of those who’ve seen a loved one die still refuse to get vaccinated.
“We discuss it. We try to push it. Our doctors try to push it,” my friend says of efforts to vaccinate the survivors of COVID’s dead and dying. “It seems more often than not they don’t want it.”
Good God, why not?
(Cont'd. in seeded article)
The nurse says most complain they don’t know what’s in the shot, or they just don’t trust it or the government. Or they say they’ve gone this long without getting it, so they should be fine — unlike their loved one who succumbed to it.
Vaccine hesitancy — which feeds my friend’s hospital with an unending stream of patients from some of the most intractably vaccine-hesitant counties in America — shows up even in the most desperately ill. One man on the cusp of needing intubation told my friend’s nursing colleague she was an idiot for being vaccinated.