Song concepts that need work
Am I the only one who finds old songs that are in desperate need of updating or even of complete revision?
Anyway , here is an idea that has been floating around in the vast sea that is my mind .
Take this old song and use its melody :
Then update the title to be : "Will you still love me when I violate your civil rights ?
Your assignment should you choose to accept it is either : 1] come up with your own example or 2] Make commentary on already posted "modifications" .
Be assured that the secretary will disavow your participation publicly , due to security concerns . Cue music from Mission Impossible ...
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The racism is in your mind . I was thinking more along the lines of sexism .
I should know better than to use the word "work" in a title . Live & learn ...
Instead of "Let It Be", make it "Let It Be Until My Rights Are Violated".
Stop talking in so disparaging a way about your self John . Have more self confidence ... unless you have finally accepted the full level of your lameness as unavoidable ...
BTW you have shown , once again your inability to follow instructions . [Cue music from Mission Impossible ...] . Am I the subject here ... No .
This is becoming more of an issue all the time . Thnx Dowser ...
That is also becoming more of an issue all the time ... unfortunately . And don't get me started on Herpes . Someone should put these words to music , maybe to the theme from the James Bond flick "Diamonds are Forever" . Title "Herpes is forever" .
Here's another musical brainstorm that thundered in my head :
Change the title to "Sell a kilo"
Next stop is Iran.
Well ... that scenario is looking less likely all the time . Between the sanctions , the plummeting price of oil and ISIL Iran has her hands full .
So instead I will introduce another of my revisions . Imagine this song :
being sung about the Bill of Rights . Title "I loved you just the way you were" . Those revised lyrics might also work being sung to Miley Cyrus !
78 views but not nearly so many comments . I guess this task was too intimidating ... I hope the kibitzers at least enjoyed the attempts of the rest of us .
If the kibitzers did not enjoy the thread , feel free to express your displeasure ... if you include the details .