
Caitlyn Jenner Receives Only 1 Percent of Vote in California Recall Election


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  jbb  •  3 years ago  •  3 comments

By:   Ryan Smith (Newsweek)

Caitlyn Jenner Receives Only 1 Percent of Vote in California Recall Election
"Keeping Up with the Kardashians" star Caitlyn Jenner barely broke the top 20 candidates hopinh to replace California Governor Newsom.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

PoliticsCaitlyn JennerCalifornia Recall ElectionGavin NewsomCalifornia

Caitlyn Jenner's bid to become governor of California has crumbled in spectacular fashion, with the gubernatorial candidate currently holding 1.1 percent with 94.4 percent of the partial precinct recall votes counted.

At press time, the vote count has the former Olympian barely cracking the top 20 of the 46 candidates who had entered the doomed race to replace Governor Gavin Newsom in Tuesday's election. The tally currently doesn't include vote-by-mail or provisional ballots.

Jenner's current results stand in line with previous polling, with a recent Trafalgar poll showing that just 1.3 percent of California voters indicating intention to vote for the Republican candidate, despite her name recognition. A Public Policy Institute of California poll also found her with one percent.

Newsom survived the election with ease, with a solid majority of Californians voting against having him recalled, allowing the Democrat to serve out the remainder of his term after being voted into office in 2018.

Reacting to the news, Jenner expressed her shock at Newsom's success at the polls, telling reporters that "it's a shame" he enjoys continued support in high numbers.

In video footage shared by CBS News, the erstwhile Keeping Up with the Kardashians star slammed Newsom as she said: "He didn't campaign on not one of his successes, because he doesn't have any.

"I can't believe that this many people actually voted to keep him in office. It's a shame, honestly, it's a shame. You kind of get the government you deserve."

Acknowledging her arrival into the race as an "outsider," Jenner went on: "When I decided to do this, I was coming in as an outsider. I've been around politics a long time, but never actually running for office.

"And I thought I really needed some great people to surround me, to help me get through this, that know the ins and outs of politics. And I was able to assemble a great team, a great group of people. And I have to thank all of them, for giving me the guidance, the help, the work on issues. To find out where the issues are, what do we need to fight for."

caitlyn-jenner.jpg?w=790&f=c779558b761e11ee54b6fa0e8e397afb Caitlyn Jenner talks to reporters about homeless issues during campaign to overthrow California Governor Gavin Newsom on August 12, 2021 in Venice, California. At press time, Jenner held just 1.1 percent of the vote in the recall election.David McNew/Getty Images

On Tuesday, as the polls opened, Jenner made an appearance on Newsmax, telling Eric Bolling that she was "hoping for the best" with the results.

"For me, it's just so up in the air [with] what is going to happen," she said. "I'm hoping for the best. Number one, we gotta get Gavin Newsom outta there. I think it's going to be difficult doing that, but I'm hoping for the best."

"Honestly, every place I go—I mean, on the street, here and there—the people, they're all coming up to me and saying, 'We gotta get rid of this guy. We gotta recall Gavin Newsom.' I've only had one person come up to me in the last five months and say, 'I think he's doing a great job.' That just doesn't happen. Everybody knows he's doing a horrible job."

Caitlyn Jenner, a GOP candidate in California's recall, speaks after the vote to remove Gov. Newsom failed: "I can't believe that this many people actually voted to keep him in office. It's a shame." https://t.co/cagDpkFQdSpic.twitter.com/2cONQbrtMu
— CBS News (@CBSNews) September 15, 2021

Continuing her attack on Newsom, Jenner added: "The guy has been a hypocrite. He's destroyed this state. The state's been going downhill for years and it's only accelerated under his rule. And he's like a dictator sitting up there. One set of rules for him and the rest of them for everybody.

"If he doesn't get recalled, I pity the people of California. I mean, I think he's gonna be emboldened and come down on us even worse, with more mandates, more this. It's not gonna be pretty."

When asked by Bolling if she would consider running against Newsom at the end of his term, or go for a congressional seat, Jenner responded: "One thing I can say is I have thoroughly enjoyed this process. It has been uplifting, rewarding."

.@Caitlyn_Jenner: "I'm hoping for the best."
"The people are coming up to me and saying, 'We got to get rid of this guy, we got to recall Gavin Newsom." @EricBolling. pic.twitter.com/9OjFl5k0pd

— Newsmax (@newsmax) September 14, 2021

She added: "I'm a compassionate person, I love the people, the process has been great. Once this is over with, we're gonna evaluate, see where we're at. We do have options.

"Number one, I will be involved in something with the homeless issue, whether I'm governor or not... Election integrity is gonna be extremely important, so I'll be doing a lot of things in the future."

As her gubernatorial campaign came to a close this month, Jenner defended Texas' controversial new law banning abortions at six weeks, while also stating that she supports abortion rights.

"I am for a woman's right to choose," Jenner told CNN. "I am also for a state having the ability to make their own laws, and so I support Texas in that decision. That's their decision."

Read more

  • Jenner Says She Supports Texas Abortion Law, DeSantis' COVID Strategy
  • Vaccine Mandates Scored a Huge Victory in the California Recall Election
  • Gavin Newsom Warns Trumpism is Not Dead in Speech After Recall Victory

Jenner, who announced her gubernatorial candidacy in April, has previously spoken about her political ambitions, revealing in July 2017 that she was considering running in the 2018 race for the U.S. Senate to represent California.

"I have considered it. I like the political side of it," Jenner told Catsimatidis on AM 970 at the time. "The political side of it has always been very intriguing to me. Over the next six months or so, I gotta find out where I can do a better job.

"Can I do a better job from the outside? Kind of working the perimeter of the political scene, being open to talking to anybody? Or are you better from the inside, and we are in the process of determining that."

california-governor-gavin-newsom.jpg?w=790&f=1b7b2f25629dd950b75a84de0e80f178 California Gov. Gavin Newsom speaks to union workers and volunteers on election day at the IBEW Local 6 union hall on September 14, 2021 in San Francisco, California. Newsom will remain in office after surviving the recall vote.Justin Sullivan/Getty Images


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  seeder  JBB    3 years ago

The candidate of The 1% got 1% percent of the vote!

Professor Principal
2  seeder  JBB    3 years ago

Caitlyn Jenner and the damn gop in California today!


Professor Principal
3  seeder  JBB    3 years ago

Jenner was whooped by this guy who also lost it.



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