Wendy Rogers Pushes to Celebrate Confederate Gens on MLK Day
Category: News & Politics
Via: john-russell • 3 years ago • 18 commentsBy: Alex Griffing (Mediaite)

By Alex GriffingJan 17th, 2022, 3:52 pm
Arizona state Sen. Wendy Rogers (R-AZ) retweeted white nationalist Scott Greer on Monday calling for celebrating Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson .
Greers' call to celebrate Confederate generals came on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, in an apparent message to his supporters that he believes in the tenants of the Confederacy over those the slain civil rights leader.
Today, on #MLKDay, Arizona lawmaker Wendy Rogers has retweeted a post by white nationalist Scott Greer calling on people to celebrate leaders of the Confederacy. pic.twitter.com/0zLtvDbC3Z
— Nick Martin (@nickmartin) January 17, 2022
Rogers retweeted the controversial message just days after she spoke at former President Donald Trump's rally in Florence, Arizona.
"Arizona is a red state," Rogers declared during the rally. "We are not turning purple."
The Arizona lawmaker, who has embraced the QAnon conspiracy theory and pushed allegations that the 2020 presidential election was stolen, also led the crowd in chanting "decertify" during the rally.
Rogers, a freshman legislator who is running for re-election, announced last week that she raised an eye-popping $2.5 million in 2021.
No stranger to controversy the former Air Force pilot and die-hard Trump supporter has previously shared posts from notorious white nationalist and Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes .

A fine example of open blatant racism from a prominent MAGA fanatic Trumpster.
a somewhat related story
www.rawstory.com /mlk-day/
NH Libertarian Party deletes MLK Day tweet claiming Black people are 'in debt' to America for special treatment
Matthew Chapman 2-3 minutes 1/17/2022
On Monday, marking Martin Luther King Day, the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire tweeted, and then later deleted, a remark that Black people are "in debt" to America for special race-based favors.
"Black people in America get special access to essential drugs, receive special federal funding due to race, and are first-in-line for every college and every job," said the tweet. "America isn't in debt to black people, if anything it's the other way around."
The comment comes after former President Donald Trump made a similar incendiary claim about race preferences at his rally in Florence, Arizona: “The left is now rationing lifesaving therapeutics based on race, discriminating against and denigrating ... white people to determine who lives and who dies. If you’re white you don’t get the vaccine or if you’re white you don’t get therapeutics. ... In New York state, if you’re white, you have to go to the back of the line to get medical health.”
The Associated Press debunked this claim.
Jesus. Do better next time she's up for reelection, Arizona. Your GOP censured Cindy McCain for not supporting the Big Lie, but let this shit pass? Why not just adopt blatant racism and dishonesty as your platform and be done with it?
This woman is a very prominent Trump backer in that part of the country.
This woman is a very prominent Trump backer in that part of the country.
Another MAGA spouting the same old BS.
An outspoken supporter of Donald Trump, Rogers led a successful primary challenge against incumbent Republican Senator Sylvia Allen, who was long considered one of the most conservative Arizona legislators, and went on to win the 2020 general election for State Senate against Democrat Felicia French] She had previously made five unsuccessful campaigns for the United States Congress and Arizona Legislature.
Rogers is a member of Oath Keepers, an anti-government militia organization whose members took part in the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol.
Since being elected, her rhetoric has become increasingly extreme, including comparing herself to Kyle Rittenhouse and indicating agreement with the white supremacist Great Replacement conspiracy theory, and she has appeared on a webcast that promotes hate speech In October 2021, Rogers spoke at a QAnon-linked political conference in Las Vegas.
Affiliation with white nationalists
In June 2021, Rogers appeared on the online TV network TruNews to promote Arizona Republicans' audit of the 2020 presidential election results in Maricopa County, Arizona.
TruNews and its founder, Rick Wiles, are known for promoting antisemitism, including claims that "seditious Jews" plotted Trump's impeachment and that "the American people are being oppressed by Jewish tyrants." Rogers made the appearance on a show hosted by white nationalist commentator Lauren Witzke.
Rogers is a fascist low life.
You would think, out of a shred of decency, that Trump would reject this racists support, but no, he lets her speak at his rally last week.
Trump doesn't have a shred of decency, and promoting racism and division is a major element of his political efforts.
Trump used his Arizona speech to stoke his white grievance campaign by spouting blatantly false, racially biased propaganda. His unquenchable thirst for power is powered by creating hatred and division. He is a rabid dog.
Officially in NC & SC May 10 is officially Confederate Memorial Day.
It started out as a day to mark the anniversary of the accidental death of Stonewall Jackson killed by his own lookouts in 1863
and then later the capture of Jeff Davis in 1865.
Later it was an official holiday for the Sons of Confederate Veterans and more recently morphed into the
inclusion of Jeff Davis, Robert E Lee and Jackson.
In my years SC it was more popular than the first day of hunting
and when the National Memorial Day came around we were threatened not to close that day "or else".
I passed the Beaufort SC National Cemetery annually on May 10
where hundreds of 'supporters' picnicked to honor the 117 known Confederate vets buried there
along with 7,500 Union soldiers and 4,019 unknown Civil War causalities.
They still celebrate the Original big lies. They didn't start the war. They didn't lose the war
It wasn't about slavery. God was on their side alone.
And they acted with honor, not treason.
Now the ironic part of this is that almost everyone left Beaufort when the Union captured the city in 11/07/1861.
Every white resident and most of their slaves moved to OK or TX never to return.
During the war, Union forces and camp followers took over the city.
At the end of the war the city was invaded by carpetbaggers from Michigan and Wisconsin.
Almost everyone I met had roots in the Great Lakes areas but believed in the big lies lock, stock and barrel.
One might say the exact opposite of CRT, victims of a public school system that teaches them not to trust the Federal
government or anyone north of the Mason Dixon line.
In AL, MO and MS Confederate Memorial Day are also state holidays like NC & SC but occur at different points in April
Meanwhile Florida will step up to the plate yet again to stop acknowledging Lee & Davis and their birthdays.
Although no longer state holidays the newest legislation seeks to disenfranchise Confederate Memorial Day also.
It's an uphill battle but times they are a changing.
Florida Holidays Honoring Confederate Birthdays May Soon Be Erased (msn.com)
The only Civil War battle fought in the county that I live in, Marion County FL. Has an incredibly interesting history of which I just found out in the last few months.
Every state has their share of extremist fringe fruitcakes that manage to get into elected office. Rogers just happens to be Arizona's.
Don't forget Gosar, who is so extreme even his own family denounces him.
Arizona also has the lunatic Andy Biggs as a Congressman, who was also denounced by his own family members.
There is a woman running for Governor of Arizona now, endorsed by Trump, who may be worse than all of them.
"Kari Lake , the Arizona gubernatorial candidate recently endorsed by former President Donald Trump, has embraced fringe far-right figures in her campaign events, including publicly thanking a Nazi sympathizer for his support and appearing with figures linked to the QAnon conspiracy "