
Special delivery: Cops help deliver baby on Philadelphia subway train


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Via:  nona62  •  10 years ago  •  1 comments

Special delivery: Cops help deliver baby on Philadelphia subway train

Special delivery: Cops help deliver baby on Philadelphia subway train

Sgt. Daniel Caban (left) and Officer Dorrell James helped deliver a baby on a SEPTA train in Philadelphia on Dec. 25, 2014. KYW Newsradio

PHILADELPHIA -- Transit officers in Philadelphia helped make a very special Christmas delivery.

The Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority says two transit officers jumped into action to help a mother deliver a baby on a subway train.

Sgt. Daniel Caban and Officer Dorrell James met the Market Frankford line El train when it arrived at the 15th Street Station in Center City around 6 o'clock Thursday night.

"As soon as we got there, I could see the baby's head coming through her sweatpants, and we just went right to work," Caban told CBS radio station KYW .

It didn't take long for the baby boy to arrive.

"Both the baby and mother are doing fine," SEPTA spokeswoman Kristin Geiger said, adding that they were taken to Hahnemann University Hospital for evaluation.

"I was hoping for a quiet day, but this is worth it," Caban said. "This is what our job about."

Both of the officers are also fathers. James said the delivery went as well as he could have hoped.

"Just a good Christmas, you know," James said. "I know it's definitely a good Christmas for that family."


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

Merry Christmas to the Police Officers and the family of the new baby!


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