Opinion: Marjorie Taylor Greene's 'gazpacho police' sums up this moment - CNN
Category: News & Politics
Via: john-russell • 3 years ago • 78 commentsBy: New York Democrats (CNN)

(CNN)"I know nothing." That was the response members of the Order of the Star Spangled Banner were supposed to give when asked about their secret society, which was founded in 1849.
The fiercely anti-immigrant, anti-Catholic group evolved into the American Party, but it will be forever remembered by another name. The "Know Nothings" became a powerful political force, commanding the allegiance of more than 100 members of Congress in the 1850s, as Lorraine Boissoneault wrote in Smithsonian Magazine. Last week, a Republican member of Congress, Marjorie Taylor Greene, lashed out at Speaker Nancy Pelosi, falsely accusing her of having "gazpacho police spying on members of Congress," apparently mistaking a cold vegetable soup from Spain for the Gestapo, the Nazi regime's secret police. The botched reference was widely mocked on social media, and Greene later made fun of herself, tweeting: "No soup for those who illegally spy on Members of Congress, but they will be thrown in the goulash." It wasn't the first time Greene had reached for wildly inappropriate Nazi comparisons. Even if she had gotten the term Gestapo right, there would have been no excuse for comparing the Capitol Police with the murderous agents of Hitler's Germany. Greene's blunder came at a head-spinning moment, when hyperpartisan politics and the long-running pandemic have combined to produce a cavalcade of misinformation, disinformation, ignorance, conspiracy theories and self-defeating protests -- as if knowing nothing has become a feature, not a bug of 2022.

The hilarity never ends
Did the spying on American citizens ever stop?
Why do conservatives tolerate the kind of idiocy that Marjorie Taylor Greene represents?
I do believe the Repubs are giving her competition in the primaries. It seems like the GOP is trying to get rid of their fringe element. What are the dems doing to try and get rid of their fringe element like Omar, Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib, Pressley and Bush? Or are they the face of where the dems are going?
Taylor Greene is an idiot. AOC is not an idiot. End of story.
Great to hear. The more dems that feel that way, the more they will get trounced in the midterms. The farther left the dems go the more independents will want to bring the party back to the center and end up voting repub until that happens.
P.S. AOC is an ignorant fool.
P.S 2, you replied to yourself but I assumed you were replying to me.
AOC an arrogant fool? By what measure?
AOC and Marjorie Taylor Greene are on different levels of intelligence, and MTG is on the bottom
Any measure
Excellent, just keep saying that.
Nice explanation. All you got? Or is slander the only ticket you have?
Some of them.
Like, for example, those behind The Lincoln Project:
Trump vs. Toilets
But still-- just over 60% of Republicans still support him.
There are plenty out there. I have faith you have seen them and must have rationalized them in your own mind. Since according to her the world will be over in about 10 or so years you only have a little while to continue doing that. Maybe she needs help on her cow flatulence team. Carry on.
Trump Trump Trump. When the race card doesn't fit just use Trump.
"AOC is not an idiot".
You could have fooled me...and millions of others
Democrats allow other democrats to have different opinions, unlike the republicans who punish those that don't toe the line.
It seems the dems might be better served if they railed them in. If they are seen as going to far left it will hurt them in the end.
I keep hearing repubs have been hijacked by Trump and his followers. How can that be true if they are going to primary one of his most vocal supporters?
I think leaving the republicans marching in duck step is sufficient. Some of us prefer independent minds and differences of opinions.
So you feel they should give up all pretense of free thought?
Want independent minds and differences of opinions? Not very high on the liberal agenda.
More and more of the people on the fringe will lose as we move forward. That is fine with me. Overall it does not help their cause if they end up being unemployed but that is OK with me.
If the goal is to have the other party in control than go for it. Even Nancy finally said Bush and her defund the police is not where the democratic party stands. She gets it, I guess you don't.
There are more than a dozen fireplaces in the WH, yet Mr. Stable Genius clogs up a toilet trying to destroy official records.
Once again, it is the conservative republicans that punish each other for thinking on their own, not the liberal democrats.
Joe Manchin says hello.
Has Joe Manchin been censured or punished in any way? Lost any committee memberships? Been denounced by the DNC?
AOC has an education. I'm not sure Large Marge graduated from the 8th grade
Oh. OK. In that case Kyrsten Sinema says hello.
This is not a road you want to go down. She has already undermined every defense you can offer on her behalf.
The woman supposedly has a degree in economics but doesn't know how the unemployment rate is calculated, FFS.
What, you didn't realize what we were discussing when you interjected your comment?
Has Kyrsten Sinema been censured or punished in any way? Lost any committee memberships? Been denounced by the DNC?
Kyrsten Sinema was censured by Arizona only. No federal punishment has been meted out.
Which counts.
They have been pretty vocal about Joe and Kristin. And there has been talk about primarying them both.
University of Georgia. A little bit of research could go a long way, or maybe not if the answer does not fit in your narrative.
Some of the squad has denounced him and they are talking about primarying him
Sticks and stones. We're talking punishment.
I repeat, sticks and stones.
Yes it does, but barely. Anything else, or can you just come up with the 1 example?
Is this a contest? The original thought was that the dems will pay at the next election if they don't do something to rail their far lefties in. There are other ways to do that other than censure, don't be so focused on that to ignore the rest. . As I said before Nancy is beginning to speak out against some of what they say, and some democrats talk about getting rid of them through the primary so obviously they are not totally into letting them do what they want. She has done so against a couple of them and is pretty worried about them also. So no, the dems are not all about free speech in the congress and the rank and file liberals are against free speech if it does not fit in with their narrative.
You are talking punishment, I am talking railing them in and that includes alot more than punishment.
I repeat You are talking punishment, I am talking railing them in and that includes alot more than punishment.
Did she get her PhD in Dumb Assery?
Yes, we are comparing how republicans and democrats deal with members that have a difference of opinion. Weren't you paying attention?
That's not the point WE were discussing, and not what we have replied to each other about. Right now it is what you are trying to change a losing discussion around to.
So you have gone from punishments, to claiming Nancy said something that hurt their feelings? Sticks and stones....
And again, SINCE YOU ASSOCIATED NANCY PELOSI TO THIS, what punishment has Nancy's House inflicted on them? Or are you so upset because she dared disagree with them???
That would be AOC
I'm pretty certain AOC knows the difference between cold soup and a terrifying police force
Really, that is all you have? Mispronunciation?
I will see your mispronunciation and raise you cow farts and end of the world claim.
who mistakes the gestapo for cold soup? bend over backwards defending this crap why dont you?
Mispornunciation? Seriously??? The woman is a walking, talking, ignorant disaster. Nobody with an ounce of sense gets that mixed up
Freudian slip?? LOL
Sorry couldn't pass it up
Correct, it was me, AND it was what you kept responding to until you realized it was a lose, lose situation for you.
Like I said, you have lost the point I was making, so you are trying to disengage from it.
whoops...I'm glad you didn't pass that one up
So you think she believes gazpacho is the German police and I choose to believe it was a pronunciation issue on her part. Neither one of us can prove we are right so we can just keep believing what we want.
Lose lose? Not thinking so dude. What I actually realized is you were evading the question. So let us bring it back. I stated it looks like the repubs are addressing the far right fringe and asked what the left is doing about their fringe element. Based on your response and attempt to deflect it seems your response to the question is they are doing nothing. Let me know if that is not the case.
People like Marjorie Taylor Greene are simply not careful about what they say and that's part of why she says so many stupid things
I called her a fringe element of the republicans. I stand by that. I am also giving her the benefit of the doubt as to what she meant to say. Why does the left seem to care so much about a word that they can not prove what she meant to say when there are so many other things with her that are a problem? I would be more concerned that you are thinking about her in terms of porn than what she may or may not have thought when she said it.
She has beliefs that seem out of touch with reality, that does not mean she is stupid. If you are looking for people that say stupid things you sure do not have to look outside your own party to find them. AOC is a gold mine.
I wasn't thinking of her in terms of porn. I misspelled the word thankuverymuch
So you want people to give you the benefit of the doubt but are not willing to give her the benefit of the doubt? At least I am consistent in giving you both the benefit of the doubt.
I don't have a history of spouting off about conspiracy theories such as the infamous Jewish Space Lasers, the gazpacho police, and putting people in the ghoulash.
But do whatever you wish
I had goulash in Budapest, superb.
I will.
No. Not barely.
They actually censured her for refusal to override standing protocol that they will all be desperate to invoke next January.
Why? So you can move the goalposts further?
I'm sure you'd love to claim that none of the shithousery they endured is legitimate because they weren't ritually disemboweled in an Aztec temple on Shrove Tuesday during a leap year when an alligator kills a fur seal in NY Harbor or some other such inventive form of denial.
But you know damn well they stood up for what they believed was right and they were excoriated for it, and you also know you're trying to sell a massive pile of bullshit when you pretend that's somehow insignificant.
It would seem there are only two Democrats with enough brain and spine to voice their own thoughts, and they were both victims of yet another bullshit tantrum by the teenage mean girl wing of the party. Apparently, none of the rest of them remember the last time a Democrat invoked the nuclear option and how much that fucked the Democratic Party.
I'd be inclined to agree with you..... if she wasn't such a notorious moron. So I'm not sure about this.
I am not sure either, and we will never be sure. For all anyone knows she was thinking about lunch. In the grand scheme of things it really doesn't matter.
You mean the spying authorized by St. Ronnie of avatar?
I agree with this, but MTG is far from the only person to do this and it should be condemned every time it happens. Security, police, and our military are equated with Nazis all the time. So are purely political opponents. It’s not right but MTG is playing in the sandbox that was already there. She didn’t invent this disgusting tactic. Just ask Pelosi.
Pelosi defends likening federal agents to stormtroopers after Barr testimony
I was thinking more of her describing the Nazi secret police as a Spanish soup
See, now, that’s just funny.
Excellent graphic!
Almost wasted as a comment-- why not seed it as a graphic for discussion?
Hey, anyone hear the one about the new harry Potter Movie?
Its about evil magic, evil potions-- a struggle between the forces of ultimate good and ultimate evil!
Its called:
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Cold Gazpacho!
Because the last 4 seeds I have posted got no traffic, so why waste my time.
I visit your seeds if I see them
Well-- at least she didn't compare them to cold soup!
Greene is not the problem. The problem is the electorate that knowingly gives her the opportunity.
I saw interviews of people in her District-- she is very popular.
BTW, her district borders Alabama.
Which explains a lot.
It certainly would explain her feet. They are the result of inbreeding.
The problem is the brain dead morons who voted them in to begin with.
The right has finally broken down the barriers to allow ignorance to rule and it is the saddest thing. I frequently disagree with right wing policies and but truly wish someone in the Republican party had stood up to save them from themselves on many different levels.
The saddest thing of all is how they promoted Trump rallies while ignoring and downplaying Covid, even as their own base was dying, the way they ignored those "super spreader events" and ignore how many Republican politicians eager to get Trump endorsements in several states ended up dying from Covid. The way they even ignored the death of Herman Cain and many right wing voices on radio and TV.
While the rest of the country that had some common sense and those on the left tried their best to promote vaccines, masks, distancing, safety which was the path to save lives. Saving lives, even the lives of those we may disagree with is a far more moral outcome. Sad beyond belief that no real Republican leadership was strong enough to save more lives within their own base.
I do believe rather than exalt right wing rhetoric and their embrace of ignorance, we can only hope and pray a new day will dawn and those who value reality over party, who value the public good over party, and value their own base will apologize and lead the way.
We should be able to disagree on policies just like we may disagree on a food choice, but it won't happen without a strong Republican leader to lead them away from harm, like ignorance.