The Biden Response

None of us should be fooled! As I said last week defending freedom will have it's cost. Oh well, I'm not going to go into it.
Joe Biden just made his opening counter move in his ongoing dispute with Putin.
He cut off Russia from western financing.
He again claims that Nord Stream 2 will not move forward.
He authorized US forces to deploy in the Baltic states (but they are not threatened!)
"Who in the Lord's name does Putin think gives him the right to declare new so-called countries on territory that belongs to his neighbors?
"We still remain open to diplomacy. I'm hoping diplomacy is still available. Thank you very much."
In the game of Chess this opening move is 1.f3 also known as the "Barnes Opening."
He took 80 minutes to come out for his press conference. BTW Joe, it's not the beginning of an invasion - they have invaded.
Did it instill confidence in anyone?
Brandon is a natural born leader....from behind
He got lost in the hall 30 feet from the podium.
Maybe to the those that swear that he's doing good and there is no competence issues.
You've got jokes. (It's good to have a theme.
) Got any Russian invasion jokes-there?
Seriously, Ukraine is in dire straits with "mother" Russia and "daddy" Putin. I would not wish this bloodshed upon my worst enemies. It's all such a waste of lives. Why do humans wage wars? (Rhetorical.)
Just watch Biden. There you will find all the jokes you need to get you through the day.
Then that is something that Ukraine should work out. We need to stop being the worlds police force and stop getting involved in other peoples shit.
Wait! Don't get it twisted. I can agree with you about not being the world's police: USA. That being clarified, there is a legit issue here. Russia's Putin wants the option to reconstitute the Soviet Union and NATO membership 'power' can stop Russia's aspirational goal cold. The question then becomes this:
Is it better for the world that the U.S.S.R. stays dissolved?
Because at this stage of Russian aggression, Ukraine is a good place for world resistance to reconstitution of the Soviet Union to begin.
Now to President Joe Biden. This nation has only one president at a time. This is an international problem. It is a complex matter too. A nuclear power is acting aggressively on the world stage, despite being ask (told) to calm down and stand down. World war potential is 'lit.' Other 'rogue' nations could take up provocations and "egging on" rhetoric.
Do you relish the "mother of all wars" coming to the U.S.A. when it is not settled yet that we are united in our own 'house' order? I mean, some here are massing together to position themselves for a second civil war. Do we put aside our differences and work together now or be impotent in the face of a Russian power-play?
Remember this: When the world nations start signing 'agreements to fight' - a world war declared does not end until the last fighting country surrenders!
It's not a good day for the US.
And it's a terrible day for the Ukraine.
I doubt this would be happening if Trump had been reelected.
Here is what mike Pompeo just said:
"For 4 years, the Left parroted the hoax that our Administration was weak on Russia.
Yet, they didn’t dare invade Ukraine on our watch. But now they do.
Who do you think Putin feared more?"
Pompeo is arguing from 'silence.' He can't do that with any validity. As far as we know, Putin could have fallen in love all over again with Soviet-styled domination in 2019: But COVID PANDEMIC.
Russia, it turns out, was in 'combat' with Ukraine during the Trump-era and Donald offered Ukraine what sanctions against Russia? (I can't believe this pathetic back and forth is happening even as I write.) Pompeo should be 'big' enough to know that he can't get into a dictator's head or state a dictator's whimsical time-table. What an opportunist. None of this helpful. Grow up, damn it!
Ask and ye shall receive. I really need to bookmark this link. By the way- Trump gave the Ukrainians lethal aid; Obama didn't.
True. (As always there is more to the story coming from some conservatives, still true.)
I'm going to agree. Though, I hesitate to take anything at face-value from some conservatives who prefer bias, combative politics over rational discussion. Accepted, (for now) and thank you Texan1212 for providing it. (I am sure I heard about parts of it as I was heavy into politics here on NT and 'abroad' during the Trump years: I'll consider it something of a refreshing of my memory.)
There I did your "10 second Google search so you don't have to! And Pompeo? My response still stands. He does not know what is in the mind of Putin from 2017 through today. Putin's silence is not leverage for some conservative propaganda. BTW, it is childish to talk about conflicts and war in such petty 'power-plays' as this. Pompeo comes off "cheap."
I have no idea what you are now droning about. Let's not be petty. It consumes energy and is distracting.
So what? Russia and Ukraine have been in rebel 'conflict fighting' since its separatists invasion of Crimea, thereabouts. It's in the news. I don't know why this is so hard for you.
Thanks. Because, apparently your comments are becoming mind-numbing. It's like brain 'lidocaine' has been injected-I can't glom on to what you are writing. Bye-bye.
Russia is planning to evacuate its diplomatic staff from Ukraine to "protect their lives and safety," the Russian foreign ministry announced on Tuesday.
"Our first priority is to take care of Russian diplomats and employees of the Embassy and Consulates General," the foreign ministry's statement said, according to Reuters . "To protect their lives and safety, the Russian leadership decided to evacuate staff of Russian missions in Ukraine, which will be implemented in the very near future."
Why not? If you manufacture the cause of invading a sovereign nation, complete the ruse: Save the "innocent." /s
It was a sovereign nation, wasn't it?
Let's be thankful as Americans that he refused to take questions and didn't try to speak off script.
He wouldn't dare take questions. Can you imagine Rice and Klain pounding that into him?
Joe Biden is not an a position to do anything of consequence to Vladimir Putin. We have to buy oil from Russia right now because of the regulatory insanity Joe imposed on our once energy independent country.
The Russians own European energy right now too. The west likely agreed to surrender those two areas of Ukraine and impose worthless sanctions in response as long as the energy continues to flow. The last few weeks has been a coordinated disinformation campaign so spineless Western leaders can save face.
Right now that 5ft 7 little man owns the West and he's rubbing their faces in their weakness.
He's like the little bar room bully with the big guy complex scanning the room for a big coward.
Sounds like y'all would have prefered a Putanesque 6 hour history of the Universe. @!@
Well, it is his move again: