
Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Is Essentially Not About NATO


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  steve-ott  •  3 years ago  •  9 comments

By:   Maria Popova and Oxana Shevel

Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Is Essentially Not About NATO
Instead of taking at face value Putin’s claim of being threatened by the non-existent prospect of Ukrainian membership in NATO, Western leaders and theorists of realism ought to take at face value Putin’s disdain for democracy that he has expressed on multiple occasions

A longer look at Putin’s two decades in power shows that, above all, he fears political competition in the neighborhood. When mass protests over rigged elections swept across the post-Soviet space in 2003-2005, toppling the Georgian and Kyrgyz incumbents and preventing the pro-Russian candidate from taking office in Ukraine, the Kremlin exploded with fiery rhetoric about Western-backed anti-Russian plots.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

In his Feb. 15   Just Security   article   “Ukraine: Unleashing the Rhetorical Dogs of War,” Barry Posen argued that NATO and Ukraine should have cut a deal with Russia because the Ukrainian military would surely be defeated by Russia without direct U.S./Western military participation and U.S. offers of equipment were only encouraging a potential Ukrainian insurgency against Russian occupation that would be as bloody as it would be futile. The prescription depends entirely on Posen’s assumption that to satisfy Russia, all Ukraine would have had to do would be “to swallow the bitter pill of accepting armed neutrality between NATO and Russia, rather than NATO membership.”

This assumption contradicts events of recent months and the historical record. While Vladimir Putin has claimed that his goal is keeping Ukraine out of NATO, he also insisted that he was just conducting military exercises. Instead, he is invading Ukraine again. He likewise insisted in 2014 that he wasn’t capturing Crimea, despite the presence of his unidentified “Little Green Men” and his subsequent annexation of the peninsula, or that he was not fighting in Ukraine’s Donbas area in the east all these years, despite all evidence to the contrary. There is no reason to take Putin at his word. His   Feb. 21 diatribe   conferring Russian recognition of independence for the two eastern Ukrainian regions of Donetsk and Luhansk and his order for Russian troops to move in as ostensible “peacekeepers” shows clearly his disdain for diplomatic resolutions.

Moreover, this is not even primarily about NATO.

NATO’s eastward expansion may have played a role in straining the relationship between Russia and the West, but mainly because, for Russia, seeing former satellites eagerly abandon it for the greener pastures of Euro-Atlantic integration stung. However, Putin’s rhetoric and actions over almost two decades reveal that his goals extend beyond imposing neutrality on Ukraine or even staving off further NATO expansion. The larger objective is to re-establish Russian political and cultural dominance over a nation that Putin sees as one with Russia, and then follow up by undoing the European rules-based order and security architecture established in the aftermath of World War II. Given these goals, Ukrainian neutrality is a woefully insufficient concession for Putin.

If Russia’s main concern had been NATO enlargement, it would have reacted with rhetoric and/or hostile actions in its neighborhood after each step in the NATO expansion process. The largest wave of NATO’s eastward expansion took place in March 2004, when seven Eastern European countries joined, including the formerly Soviet Baltic states. Russia “ grumbled , ” as the   New York Times   put it then, by adopting a Duma resolution criticizing the expansion, but no hostile and sustained rhetoric followed about NATO enlargement as a Western plot against Russian interests.

In 1997, Ukraine’s President Leonid Kuchma signed the Charter on a Distinctive Partnership between NATO and Ukraine, and in 2002, he publicly   declared   Ukraine’s interest in NATO membership, to little opposition from Russia. The NATO membership issue has ebbed-and-flowed within Ukraine, as presidents alternated in power who were either more pro-Western or more pro-Russian. Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko advocated during his 2005-2010 tenure for Ukraine to be granted a NATO membership action plan (MAP), a program of preparation for entry into the alliance, while successor President Viktor Yanukovych backed away from the idea after 2010. Russia did not respond to any of these pro-NATO moves by Ukrainian presidents with military threats and aggression.

Russia knows further NATO expansion to the east is highly improbable because certain alliance members have long balked at the prospect, making the required consensus impossible to attain. Russia also has an authoritarian ally within NATO, Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who can help stave off any future consensus, and other NATO members such as Germany and France do not support membership for Ukraine, Georgia, or other post-Soviet states. The security guarantee that Russia demands now goes much further than membership issues. Putin’s Feb. 21 speech shows he perceives any security cooperation between Ukraine and NATO, from modernization of airports to training exercises, as a “knife to [Russia’s] throat.”

Even after a new pro-Western government in Ukraine that followed the 2014 incursions again embraced the goal of NATO membership and Ukrainian public support for such a move rose, Ukraine’s accession was that much more unlikely because of the alliance’s reluctance to embrace new members embroiled in territorial disputes. If Putin’s main concern now was to keep Ukraine out of NATO, he had nothing to fear in 2014, when he first invaded Ukraine and had even less to fear in 2021, when he embarked on the current escalation.

If Not NATO, What is Putin’s Escalation About?

A longer look at Putin’s two decades in power shows that, above all, he fears political competition in the neighborhood. When mass protests over rigged elections swept across the post-Soviet space in 2003-2005, toppling the Georgian and Kyrgyz incumbents and preventing the pro-Russian candidate from taking office in Ukraine, the Kremlin exploded with fiery rhetoric about Western-backed anti-Russian plots. A recent   book   on conspiracy theories in the Russian media since 1995 shows that the 2003-2005 “color revolutions” were the top source of conspiratorial, anti-Western narratives. All 1997-2002 NATO enlargement summits are lower in the ranking of analyzed events.   American realists   have long argued that Russia was too weak to strike back with actions, but evidence shows that the Kremlin did not react with strong rhetoric either. Instead of decrying NATO expansion, Russia prioritized complaints about Western political “meddling” in its neighboring countries, by which Russia meant U.S. and European support for domestic democratization drives.

In 2014, when Russia annexed Crimea and instigated an armed insurgency in eastern Ukraine, NATO membership for Ukraine hadn’t even been on the agenda. Rather, the spark for Russia was the ouster of the increasingly authoritarian pro-Russian President Yanukovych, following months of street protests. Those “Euromaidan” protests had erupted after Yanukovych backpeddled, following pressure and bribery from Russia, from signing a trade agreement with the European Union.

So why was 2014 so concerning to Russia that it chose to invade? Given Putin’s rhetoric about Euromaidan as a Western-backed plot, the most obvious conclusion is that he was afraid that regime change and democratization in Ukraine might reach –   – or at least set an example for — Russian society and destabilize Putin’s increasingly consolidated authoritarianism. Research on the   color revolutions   and on the   third wave   of democratization in the region shows that this neighborhood effect was real. In other words, it’s not NATO at its doorsteps that’s so concerning to the Kremlin, but political competition, because it threatens authoritarian stability and introduces prospects of democratization.

If NATO Plans to Keep Ukraine Out, Why Not Say So Formally?

There is ample evidence, most strikingly laid out in Putin’s Feb. 21 speech, that his problem with a sovereign Ukraine goes deeper than a document formalizing the obvious status quo of Ukraine’s NATO ineligibility. Realist legitimation of Russia’s demands could be used endlessly to justify more demands. By such rationales, a democratic, sovereign Ukraine is, by default, an “unfriendly power” in Russia’s “back yard.” Realist theory can neither guarantee that further demands would not be made, nor predict when they might be made. Would an international agreement not to Russia’s liking be threatening enough to its power? Modernization of Ukraine’s military? An effective anti-corruption reform that holds Ukraine’s oligarchs accountable while their Russian counterparts continue to plunder national wealth as Russia’s top anticorruption campaigner, Alexei Navalny, sits in prison? Putin’s 2014 aggression dramatically reduced the already dim prospects of Ukraine’s entry into NATO, but clearly this has not been sufficient for Russia. Why would the formalization of the status quo suffice now?

Ukraine aside, there is another danger of trying to satisfy Putin’s demands for Western democracies. Conceding the underlying principles of the rules-based international order under armed threat from an autocratic government carries profound long-term dangers for global democracy and post-WWII security. As Larry Diamond warned in a   recent essay , Putin has broad contempt for the West and is determined to upend the international order. Rolling over now would only allow Putin to move on to bigger wants.

Instead of taking at face value Putin’s claim of being threatened by the non-existent prospect of Ukrainian membership in NATO, Western leaders and theorists of realism ought to take at face value Putin’s disdain for democracy that he has expressed on multiple occasions — from his   2007 Munich speech   to the recent   joint statement   with Xi on “international relations entering a new era.”

A written promise from NATO has the allure of a quick fix to achieve security. But it is too good to be true and the West should not fall for it. Instead, the current crisis that Putin keeps escalating should serve as a wake-up call for the West that we are indeed facing, to quote Diamond, “the darkest moment for freedom in half a century.” Only collective resolve to deter Putin could both prevent an even wider war in Ukraine and preserve the rules-based democratic order in Europe and beyond.


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Steve Ott
Professor Quiet
1  seeder  Steve Ott    3 years ago

This is not about Obama, Trump, or Biden. Those who believe so are so short sighted as to be blind.

Nowhere Man
Junior Participates
2  Nowhere Man    3 years ago

It is only tangentially about NATO, it is about power consolidation and reclaiming former Russian territory into Mother Russia... The Crimea was a perfect example.. Originally Russian Territory, it was ceded to Ukraine way back in 1924 or so and recognized as Ukrainian Territory worldwide... As long as the Soviet Union was alive Russia had control and no one would ever have thought about the downfall of the soviet...

Well the downfall happened, the Russian federation that followed has been breaking up ever since, property that Russia never thought it would lose control of was lost...

Putin wants to reverse that... And wants to maintain it's sphere of Influence...

Sphere of Influence geopolitics died back in the '80 with glastnost, the Russians feeling that their system was failing but refusing to recognize it... And that refusal to see it has led us here... China got the message and changed to account for it.. But Russia did not...

They do not want to rebuild the Soviet, that bus is long out of the bus barn and in the junkyard of history, what they want is mother Russia whole again and full influence over their neighbors wo are happy with that overriding influence...

Problem is, they better check the people... Cause more and more of the Russian people are not happy with the old ways of domination...

And that is the real killer of a new Russian empire, the People have had a taste of freedom and like it... They don't want to return to the fears of old... It's going to take the Russian people to put an end to this...

But have no idea when that is going to happen... But it is what NEEDS to happen... Sooner rather than later...

Steve Ott
Professor Quiet
2.1  seeder  Steve Ott  replied to  Nowhere Man @2    3 years ago
It's going to take the Russian people to put an end to this... But have no idea when that is going to happen... But it is what NEEDS to happen... Sooner rather than later...

Russia Arrests More Than 1,700 Anti-War Protesters Amid Ukraine Invasion

I agree with you, but it seems that is not something that we can depend on now.

Professor Principal
3  Kavika     3 years ago

I agree this has a lot less to do with NATO than it does restoring the Russians empire with Putin's name in the history books as the one that restored the empire.

Professor Quiet
3.1  shona1  replied to  Kavika @3    3 years ago

Anoon..yep totally agree.

That was one of Putin's main ambitions when he claimed power.

Restore the Russian Empire no matter what as his country turns to crap.. virus wise and economic wise.

Pity the virus didn't do its job in the Kremlin, but there is always hope..

Steve Ott
Professor Quiet
3.2  seeder  Steve Ott  replied to  Kavika @3    3 years ago

Something in the Kremlin dna seems to make its leaders want to, if not in fact, at least in perception, appear to be great empire builders. They have also always desired a warm water port. Gets damned cold in their part of the world.

Professor Principal
3.2.1  Gsquared  replied to  Steve Ott @3.2    3 years ago
always desired a warm water port

That was the purpose for taking Crimea.

Professor Principal
4  Gsquared    3 years ago

For Putin the first goal is to terminate a democracy bordering his autocracy.  His broader overall goal is re-establishing the Russian Empire.

Steve Ott
Professor Quiet
4.1  seeder  Steve Ott  replied to  Gsquared @4    3 years ago

And he wants to be the first new Tsar.


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