Democratic Socialists blame US imperialism for Russian invasion of Ukraine
Category: News & Politics
Via: vic-eldred • 3 years ago • 29 commentsBy: Carl Campanile (New York Post)

The Democratic Socialists of America blamed US and NATO "imperialist expansion" for helping trigger the Russian invasion of Ukraine — provoking criticism from local political leaders.
"DSA reaffirms our call for the US to withdraw from NATO and to end the imperialist expansionism that set the stage for this conflict," the DSA said in a statement.
"While the failures of neoliberal order are clear to everyone, the ruling class is trying to build a new world, through a dystopic transition grounded in militarism, imperialism, and war. Socialists have a duty to build an alternative."
The socialist group continued that "much of the next ten years are coming into view through this attack" and closed by saying, "no war but
class war."
The DSA's members who are elected leaders include Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).
The Democratic Socialists of America put out a statement placing some blame for the Russia-Ukraine conflict on the United States.Getty Images
Military vet and former Staten Island Democratic Congressman Max Rose said in a tweet, "I am deeply concerned with DSA's statement calling on the US to unilaterally leave NATO in the midst of a level of Russian Aggression on the European Continent that we have not seen since World War 2.
"Now is the time to double down on our alliances, particularly NATO, to send economic and military aid to Ukraine, and to comprehensively punish Russia with crippling and unprecedented sanctions," he added.
Long Island Rep. Tom Suozzi, a Democrat running for governor, tweeted in response, "Well said, @MaxRose4NY ! I adamantly oppose the DSA's statement calling on the US to leave NATO. We must stand by NATO, stand with Ukraine, and stand up against Putin's bullying."
Sen. Bernie Sanders, along with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, are two of the DSA's most prominent elected officials.AP
The DSA did condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine and demanded immediate diplomacy and de-escalation to resolve this crisis.
"We stand in solidarity with the working classes of Ukraine and Russia who will undoubtedly bear the brunt of this war, and with antiwar protestors in both countries and around the world who are calling for a diplomatic resolution," the DSA said.
The DSA said the invasion is an "illegal act" under the United Nations Charter.
"There is no solution through war or further intervention. This crisis requires an immediate international antiwar response demanding de-escalation, international cooperation, and opposition to unilateral coercive measures, militarization, and other forms of economic and military brinkmanship that will only exacerbate the human toll of this conflict," the lefty group said.

Lol and they say it with a straight face as well.....
Some of them may be wrapping themselves in the Ukrainian flag but we know exactly where they stand!
I noticed Tucker bought one of those flags.
The article is about the DSA. The comment is about members of the DSA. Your comment is about Tucker. Sounds like a distraction. Care to comment on "DSA reaffirms our call for the US to withdraw from NATO and to end the imperialist expansionism that set the stage for this conflict," the DSA said in a statement.
Care to provide a link to their roll call?
Deflection noted.
Care to comment on "DSA reaffirms our call for the US to withdraw from NATO and to end the imperialist expansionism that set the stage for this conflict," the DSA said in a statement.
This article is a squirrel hit piece.
It says alot that no one from the left wants to denounce the statement. I didn't think it would be so difficult.
There are two within the article. Now how about the right denounce their own.
And the rest will not comment at all. I am sure many read it.
And you are still deflecting from answering a simple question.
Do I have anything to say about the DSA? Not really, they're neither worth it nor would they listen ... and no matter how much fabricated angst they arouse on the right, they are not a threat.
Failure to specify who you are talking about is noted. You will then continue to over generalize.
Believe the Republicans said the same thing about the Tea Party.
In case those supporting Democrats haven't noticed they have taken a very hard left; and are still on that far left slide. Driving moderate members out as fast as they can.
2.14 was a reply to you and you responded, yet you are saying I was not specific as to who I was talking about. Now that's what I call high quality deflection.
And you still don't comment on the actual post.
That’s his M.O. ...... deflect, redirect, obfuscate ..... SOSDD
If those people were not so pathetic, they would almost be laughable!
Well that is fine for the DSA, but what does Bernie say :
And A.O.C. has this to say on Twitter :
So, the inclusion of Bernie Sanders picture at the head of the article is misleading. But, what else could we expect from such a fine journalistic outlet....
And, the DSA is onboard with pretty much all nations around the world outside of Russia when it states unambiguously that the invasion is an "illegal act", so what exactly was your point? Oh, yes. Non sequitur of someone who did not say what you allude to. Classic, underhanded smear. Better wash your hands.
Sanders and Cortez are members. Like I keep saying "Be careful who you associate with!"
You should worry more about members of your entourage. It was nice to see Mitt Romney swat some of them.
They are also individuals who may or may not agree with the organization.
Guilt by association? What is this, a twofer logical fallacy day?
This sounds more like a Russian disinformation campaign than anything else.
Of course Putin seems to have many willing useful idiots in the DSA ranks.
Has social media finally shut down the Kremlin posts?
last time I looked FOX was still on the air and trumpski's truth platform was still up.
That they say things like that with a straight face is comical, considering...
The DSA is correct. And people better start paying attention.
Ukraine seems to be portrayed as some sort of backwater undeveloped country whose economy depends on growing cabbages. Ukraine's level of development and economic sophistication is much closer to that of France.
I am far from pro Russian Government. Putin doesn't care about his people, his soldiers, or those working beneath him. For the good of Russia he needs to go; but the problem is the only way to remove him is physically from within- and chances are what will replace him will be far, far, worse.
The US needs to stay in NATO; but NATO needs to step up an honor their obligations militarily. NATO should be able to handle Russia by itself; allowing the US to concentrate all it's resources on containing China.
Also, all of the former Soviet NATO countries need to be held accountable to Democracy standards. Too many of them are Democracies in name only; and have human rights violations, limit political groups in elections, imprison political opponents, and shut down press that doesn't agree with them. That needs to be corrected. It does not good to shut down Russia; but allow NATO members to carry on with the same old, same old.
There is no good peaceful solution for Russia for those in power. They feel we have violated the spirit of what was promised by James Baker and Bush Sr after the fall of the Soviet Union; by flipping every former Soviet block country to NATO until now we are at their doorstep along their entire western border with Europe. We have pushed them from moderates that wanted to move Russia forward towards Democracy; and having a real economy- to Putin. I doubt Putin will trust the US/NATO no matter what is promised. We are on his ride until the end. Hopefully it won't be nuclear war.
I hate to say it but the Democrat socialist are on the money here. Russia has been warning us for year to stop meddling in the Ukraine. We flipped their government and fanned the flames multiple times. When they were offered a horrible trade deal with the west and EU, we funneled cash into Ukraine to take out the government that passed and made a trade deal with Russia. It would have been foolish to take the deal with the EU. No problem, we will push the government out and get a west friendly one.
NATO and the US is absolutely behind this conflict.