
Fox host says the US provoked the Russian invasion of Ukraine


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  john-russell  •  2 years ago  •  17 comments

By:   Media Matters for America

Fox host says the US provoked the Russian invasion of Ukraine
Rachel Campos-Duffy: "And that's why we should have never provoked them. I mean, they made very clear that there was a red line."

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Rachel Campos-Duffy: "And that's why we should have never provoked them. I mean, they made very clear that there was a red line."

Written byMedia Matters Staff

Published 03/15/22 11:11 AM EDT

Video file

Citation From the March 15, 2022, edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends

RACHEL CAMPOS-DUFFY (CO-HOST): I don't know, if you look at that map and the areas that they have that you say could end up in this peace agreement, that's true. And that's why we should have never provoked them. I mean, they made very clear that there was a red line. The red line was a neutrality for Ukraine, that they could not enter NATO. And in the end, when they get this — if they get this peace agreement — in the end, that's probably going to end up being the case anyway.


CAMPOS-DUFFY: I bet you that one of the conditions will have to be that Ukraine, you know, promise to remain neutral, will not be part of NATO.

KILMEADE: Well, I'll tell you what, you can never give into what Russia wants other nations to do. You decide --


KILMEADE: They are going to decide to go into NATO --

CAMPOS-DUFFY: Well, we --

KILMEADE: -- to go into the European union, when they are a European society that wants that?

CAMPOS-DUFFY: We have a Monroe doctrine and I think we would be very concerned about this kind of action in our hemisphere. I think he said 'keep it neutral.' And in the end, probably Ukraine is going to lose more land because of this. Again, the main problem here as you see, and as we discussed earlier —

KILMEADE: Is Vladimir Putin.

CAMPOS-DUFFY: Well, no, actually, the main problem is still China. And now we have created a bigger block. China and Russia together. This is why our policy makers aren't thinking long-term.


CAMPOS-DUFFY: Provoking this has brought our two enemies closer together.

KILMEADE: We did not provoke the war.


KILMEADE: They provoked the war.

CAMPOS-DUFFY: Well, they had a red line. And we had an agreement in November, a security agreement —

KILMEADE: They can't make a red line in other countries, Rachel. It's not up to them to make a red line in other countries.

CAMPOS-DUFFY: This is the fate of the geography of Ukraine, and they could have remained a free country. We could have armed them.


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  seeder  JohnRussell    2 years ago

Another traitorous Fox News bimbo. 

Professor Guide
2  MrFrost    2 years ago

Another pro-Putin fox news host, sure seem to be a lot of them. 

Let me guess the excuse, "she was just joking"?

Sparty On
Professor Principal
3  Sparty On    2 years ago

Lol .... traitorous?

Oceania is calling John ....

Professor Principal
3.1  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Sparty On @3    2 years ago

Those who give aid and comfort to the enemy are traitors. 

Sparty On
Professor Principal
3.1.1  Sparty On  replied to  JohnRussell @3.1    2 years ago

Cool .... then by your definition Biden gave aid and comfort to the enemy by lifting pipeline sanctions on Russia, etc, etc.    So he’s a traitor as well.

I could go on with many others that you give a free pass to but [Deleted]

Professor Principal
3.1.2  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Sparty On @3.1.1    2 years ago

This bimbo said WE provoked them. She is blaming the US for the war in Ukraine. That is not the same as diplomatic maneuvering.

Professor Principal
3.1.3  Texan1211  replied to  JohnRussell @3.1.2    2 years ago
This bimbo said WE provoked them. She is blaming the US for the war in Ukraine.

And that isn't the same as giving aid and comfort to the enemy, either.

Professor Principal
3.1.4  JBB  replied to  Texan1211 @3.1.3    2 years ago

Giving Putin cover for war crimes aids Russia.

Professor Principal
3.1.5  Texan1211  replied to  JBB @3.1.4    2 years ago
Giving Putin cover for war crimes aids Russia.

What cover?

Do you think the whole world doesn't know what is going on in Ukraine?

This is some myth some dimwitted leftist dreamt up and said somewhere, but that doesn't mean you have to buy into it.

Describe in detail what AID this gives Putin, and what is the real effect of imagined aid.

Professor Principal
3.1.6  TᵢG  replied to  JohnRussell @3.1    2 years ago

An act of treasontraitor.
aid & comfort to an enemy
assuming blame for provoking war

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
4  Sean Treacy    2 years ago

I've  become convinced the left doesn't know what traitorous means. 

Professor Principal
4.1  Texan1211  replied to  Sean Treacy @4    2 years ago
I've  become convinced the left doesn't know what traitorous means. 

Just the latest buzz word, most often used incorrectly.

It has lost meaning, much like the word racism.

Professor Principal
5  JBB    2 years ago


Professor Quiet
6  shona1    2 years ago


Just wondering is there anything the USA doesn't get blamed for??

Professor Principal
6.1  Texan1211  replied to  shona1 @6    2 years ago
Just wondering is there anything the USA doesn't get blamed for??

To some, we are just an evil capitalist, racist country intent on inflicting harm on the rest of the world.

Until it comes time to need some American help, of course.

Professor Principal
7  Ender    2 years ago

She is a class A moron.

I know you don't get the brightest from The Real World alum yet she has kicked the stupid bucket one to many times and fell in.

Professor Principal
8  TᵢG    2 years ago

Thinking like Rachael offers would hand the world to Putin on a silver platter.   Worse, Putin would not be the only dictator taking advantage of a totally isolationist U.S., U.N. and NATO.


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