
Inflation Dominates Americans' Economic Concerns in March


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  vic-eldred  •  2 years ago  •  24 comments

By:   Lydia Saad (Gallup. com)

Inflation Dominates Americans' Economic Concerns in March
Americans increasingly see inflation as a major problem facing the country, and a solid majority worry a great deal about it.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Roughly one in five Americans mention the high cost of living/inflation (17%), or fuel prices (4%) specifically, as the most important problem facing the U.S. today. Together, these account for over half of the economic issues that 35% of Americans cite as the nation's top problem. Within that group, 11% identify the economy in general as the chief problem.

Meanwhile, 68% of adults name one of several noneconomic issues as the chief problem. This category of concerns is led by various criticisms of the nation's government and leadership (22%) and the situation with Russia and Ukraine (9%).

Most Important Problem Facing the U.S. -- Recent Trend What do you think is the most important problem facing this country today?

Jan 2022 Feb 2022 Mar 2022
% % %
Economic Problems
High cost of living/Inflation 8 10 17
Economy in general 6 11 11
Fuel/Oil prices 2 1 4
Gap between rich and poor 1 2 2
Unemployment/Jobs 2 2 1
Lack of money 2 1 1
Federal budget deficit/Federal debt 2 2 1
Noneconomic Problems
The government/Poor leadership 23 20 22
Situation with Russia and Ukraine * 2 9
Unifying the country 7 6 5
Race relations/Racism 5 4 5
Immigration 4 8 5
Coronavirus/Diseases 20 13 3
Poverty/Hunger/Homelessness 2 3 3
Healthcare 3 3 3
Energy/Lack of energy sources * * 3
Notes: --Open-ended question; multiple responses accepted --Net economic mentions (percentage naming at least one economic problem) is 35% in March. --Net noneconomic problems is 68% in March. --Noneconomic problems mentioned by less than 3% of adults in March 2022 are not shown. -- * Less than 0.5%

Beyond the top concerns, unifying the country, race relations/racism and immigration each garnered 5% of mentions in the March 1-18 Gallup survey.

Just 3% now mention the coronavirus, down from 13% in February and 20% in January. This is the lowest percentage citing the coronavirus as the nation's top problem since the start of the pandemic, although it had fallen to 8% last June, when new COVID-19 cases and deaths were at their low points of the pandemic. The highest percentage mentioning the coronavirus was 45% in April 2020.

Concerns About Inflation Accelerate in Past Month

Inflation began rising as a public concern last fall, after being a nonissue for Americans throughout 2020. It registered no more than 2% of mentions in 2021 until October, when 5% cited it. But the percentage has increased more in the past month -- seven percentage points to 17% -- than in any month since the upward trend began. This increase in concern comes as the U.S. inflation rate continues to climb, and is now at its highest point in 40 years.

Similarly, after no more than 1% of Americans cited fuel or energy prices in 2021, that category has inched up as a top concern, from 2% in January to 4% today, amid record-high gas prices.

Meanwhile, the percentage citing the economy in general has hovered near 10% in most months since November, while roughly double that percentage has cited some aspect of government as the top problem.

Line graph. Monthly trend from January 2020 to March 2022 in Americans' mentions of government, the high cost of living/inflation and the economy in general as the most important issue facing the U.S. Mentions of government were 20% or higher in 2020, then fell to 14% in April 2021 before rising back above 20% in October 2021 and are 22% today. Mentions of inflation were less than 1% throughout 2020, then registered up to 2% by mid-2021 before rising to 5% in October and are 17% today. Mentions of the economy were consistently below 10% until November 2021 and are 11% today.

Longer term, current mentions of inflation as the nation's most important problem are the highest Gallup has recorded since 1985. Still, they are well below the extraordinarily high percentages, reaching 52%, found in the early 1980s, when inflation was still elevated after a period of "stagflation" in the 1970s.

Line graph. Trend from October 1981 to March 2022 in Americans' mentions of inflation as the most important problem facing the country. Mentions of inflation were as high as 52% in 1981, then quickly fell below 20% by 1983 and to below 5% by 1987. Since then, mentions have generally been below 3% until October 2021, when they rose to 5%. They reached 7% in November and are 17% in March 2022.

Likewise, mentions of gas prices are well below the historical high point, 25% in June 2008, just before the previous high in average U.S. gas prices was reached. More than one in five U.S. adults, 22%, also named gas prices as the most important problem in May 2006. Gallup did not regularly code mentions of gas prices as a separate category in the 1970s during the energy crisis.

Economic Problems Garner Highest Worry Ratings

The March survey also measured public concern about 14 different national issues, directly, by asking respondents to say how much they worry about each.

Inflation emerges as a leading public concern on this basis as well, with 59% saying they worry about it "a great deal." It is roughly tied with the 58% worried a great deal about the economy.

Slightly smaller majorities worry this much about crime (53%) and hunger/homelessness (52%), while just under half worry about access to healthcare (49%), federal spending (48%), and the availability and affordability of energy (47%).

Closer to four in 10 worry about the environment (44%), race relations (41%), illegal immigration (41%), the Social Security system (40%), drug use (38%) and the possibility of a terrorist attack against the United States (38%).

Americans are least concerned about unemployment, with 32% saying this worries them a great deal.

Amount Americans Worry About National Issues Next, I'm going to read a list of problems facing the country. For each one, please tell me if you personally worry about this problem a great deal, a fair amount, only a little or not at all?

Great deal Fair amount Only a little/Not at all
% % %
Inflation 59 24 17
The economy 58 29 13
Crime and violence 53 27 20
Hunger and homelessness 52 31 17
The availability and affordability of healthcare 49 29 22
Federal spending and the budget deficit 48 27 26
The availability and affordability of energy 47 30 22
The quality of the environment 44 27 28
Race relations 41 29 30
Illegal immigration 41 19 40
The Social Security system 40 31 28
Drug use 38 29 33
The possibility of future terrorist attacks in the U.S. 38 27 34
Unemployment 32 30 37
Gallup, March 1-18, 2022

Concerns about inflation vary less by household income than they do by partisanship.

  • The percentage worried a great deal about inflation is nearly as high among adults earning $100,000 or more (58%) as among those earning less than $40,000 (63%).

  • By contrast there is a 44-percentage-point gap in worry about inflation between Republicans (79%) and Democrats (35%), with political independents' level of worry (63%) closer to Republicans'.

Grim Economic Outlook Worsens Further in March

Likely reflecting their mounting concerns about inflation, Americans have grown more pessimistic about the economy over the past month, with 75% now saying conditions are getting worse, up from 70% in February and 67% in January. Americans' outlook for the economy is now about tied with the most negative it has been since the early days of the pandemic in April 2020.

Americans also have a rather bleak view of current economic conditions, with just 22% considering them excellent or good while 35% term them "only fair" and 44% poor. The combined only fair/poor percentage has been steady near 80% since November.

Gallup summarizes its economic assessments in its Economic Confidence Index, which registered -39 in February. This is the lowest confidence score since the pandemic began.

Bottom Line

Inflation doesn't dominate Americans' perceptions of the most important problem facing the country today the way it did in the early 1980s, but it's more top-of-mind than it's been in over three decades and appears to be taking a toll on Americans' broader economic confidence.

Additionally, when prompted to rate how much they worry about each of several perennial domestic and economic issues confronting the country, Americans express the most worry about inflation, along with the economy in general, which they may closely associate with inflation.


jrDiscussion - desc
Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1  seeder  Vic Eldred    2 years ago

It's about the economy now.

Professor Principal
1.1  Hallux  replied to  Vic Eldred @1    2 years ago

Yay, you have a dance partner!

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
2  Sean Treacy    2 years ago

It’s why Democrats are panicking and focusing on things like the texts of a private citizen.  At least they can keep their mindless partisans angry and their checkbooks open as they stumble and bumble trying to actually govern.  

joe Biden’s approval on the economy is about 30%. All the texts in the world aren’t going to distract from the causes of that.

Professor Principal
2.1  JohnRussell  replied to  Sean Treacy @2    2 years ago
It’s why Democrats are panicking and focusing on things like the texts of a private citizen.  

Utterly ludicrous. Defend Ginni Thomas' texts if you think you can. 

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
2.1.1  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  JohnRussell @2.1    2 years ago
Defend Ginni Thomas' texts if you think you can.

Quick deflect if you can.................oh. You did............Carry on.

Professor Principal
2.1.2  Texan1211  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @2.1.1    2 years ago
Quick deflect if you can.................oh. You did............Carry on.

Apparently, the facts presented in 2 "joe Biden’s approval on the economy is about 30% . All the texts in the world aren’t going to distract from the causes of that." are a little upsetting for some folks to read.

Professor Principal
2.1.3  JohnRussell  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @2.1.1    2 years ago

Its not a deflection, it is what Sean was talking about. 

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
2.1.4  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  JohnRussell @2.1.3    2 years ago

Yep. I see that. So how about addressing the rest of the post?

Professor Principal
3  JohnRussell    2 years ago

I think these sorts of polls are at least somewhat misleading

for example, 83 percent say they are a great deal or a fair amount worried about inflation.

yet, also, 83 percent say they are a great deal or a fair amount worried about hunger and homelessness. 

When is the last time we heard an evening national news show say that the nation is very concerned about hunger and homelessness ?

Inflation we hear about constantly. 

Professor Principal
3.1  Texan1211  replied to  JohnRussell @3    2 years ago
Inflation we hear about constantly. 

Yeah, NOW we do. 

Did you hear about it constantly when Trump or Obama was President? LOL!

I remember people like you cheerleading for Obama with nary a word to say about inflation. Must be because it was very low back then. Hell, I don't even remember YOU bitching about inflation under Trump (which is surprising because you seemed to hate every moment Trump was your President)!

Now we have the vaunted Joe Biden and we DO hear about it often, and it will be one of the nails in the coffin of the midterms for Democrats.

Professor Principal
4  JohnRussell    2 years ago

According to this survey 40% of Americans are not worried about illegal immigration at all. Thats a pretty large number. 

Illegal immigration 41 19 40
Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
4.1  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  JohnRussell @4    2 years ago
40% of Americans are not worried about illegal immigration

What better way to combat inflation that with an influx of cheap labor?  

Professor Principal
6  Texan1211    2 years ago

The Democrats have no answers for the American public regarding inflation.

Heck, they can't even be consistent in their excuses for inflation.

I don't believe enough Americans will be suckered into blaming Putin for our economic woes to elect Democrats back into the majority come election day.

Or at least I sure hope we haven't become a majority nation of idiots willing to believe everything Biden or his handlers try to foist off on us.

Democrats apparently will have to be reminded yet once again of Carville's admonition:

"It's the economy, stupid".

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
7  Drinker of the Wry    2 years ago

Maybe if we all reduce our demand for goods and services.   


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