
Man Calls 911 When "Babbling" Wife Keeps Him Awake: Cops


Category:  Other

Via:  nona62  •  10 years ago  •  1 comments

Man Calls 911 When "Babbling" Wife Keeps Him Awake: Cops

Man Calls 911 When "Babbling" Wife Keeps Him Awake: Cops


When first responders arrived at Peter Recchia's home on Traverse Drive the night of Dec. 17, they expected to find his wife in need of medical help.

But, as they soon realized, Recchia was only upset because his wife was talking too much, according to police.

Recchia, 54, admitted that he had only called 911 because his wife "babbles" when she's off her medication. Police said he'd been gone for 10 days and suspected she wasn't taking it.

Firefighters and EMTs showed up to find Recchia's wife sitting in a chair and smoking a cigarette. Because he had a court date the next morning and wanted to get to bed early, Recchia called for help and exaggerated his wife's condition, police said.

Now he's going back to court, but for a different reason. He was issued a misdemeanor summons for falsely reporting an incident and will face a judge Jan. 2.


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

Firefighters and EMTs showed up to find Recchia's wife sitting in a chair and smoking a cigarette. Because he had a court date the next morning and wanted to get to bed early, Recchia called for help and exaggerated his wife's condition, police said. ROFLOL !!


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