Republicans Could Just Call Trump a Loser - The Atlantic
Category: News & Politics
Via: jbb • 3 years ago • 28 commentsBy: Rachel Gutman (The Atlantic)

What if the GOP stopped capitulating to Trump? Plus: There's a reason kids make better philosophers than grown-ups do.
By Rachel Gutman April 27, 2022
Over the past several days, newly public reporting has revealed that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy harshly criticized Donald Trump after the January 6 attacks on the U.S. Capitol. "The Democrats are going to take care of the son of a bitch for us," McConnell, then majority leader, told advisers. McCarthy was caught on tape saying that he would push Trump to resign.
As my colleague David Graham wrote last week, when McConnell and McCarthy shrug off concerns about January 6 now, "they are committing an act of moral and political cowardice." Perhaps they feel like they can't criticize Trump, because doing so has cost other Republican candidates and leaders (hello, Liz Cheney).
But as our staff writer Mark Leibovich argues, in the 2024 presidential primaries, "some nervy Republican challenger" just might come out on top by calling the former president a loser. Trump's dominance is only part of the conventional political wisdom that our writers think is due for a shake-up.
- Trump can be toppled. "If it was true in 2016 that other Republicans couldn't touch Trump, it's not necessarily so now, given the win-loss record he has since accumulated," Mark writes.
- Candidates with shady pasts could win—or lose—the Senate for the GOP. "In the Trump era, no one knows where, or whether, voters will draw a line on candidates who might have been unacceptable in the past," our staff writer Russell Berman notes.
- Democrats win when they get off the high road.After a colleague accused Michigan State Senator Mallory McMorrow of grooming children, she fought back. "McMorrow proved that rebuttal can be done effectively—and she succeeded because her rebuke rested on a personal narrative," our contributing writer Molly Jong-Fast argues.

Republicans should call Trump what he is. A Loser!
any responsibility and accountability for mistakes are foreign concepts to a certain mindset...
Naw...I prefer to use that adjective for leftists.
When are democrats going to admit that they screwed up in 2020 and elected the most incompetent person as president this country has ever seen.
I don't want to speak for Ron DeSantis, but GO GET HIM!
Trump, a one termer who lost both House and Senate.
More than likely Biden will be the exact same, but losing even higher numbers.
Don't forget the White House. His stupidity, never ending ego driven BS, and inability to listen and take advice cost him a second term.
Exactly, Carter lost the Senate after his one term but held onto the House albeit with a much smaller majority.
All that means is that Biden is even a worse president than Carter was.
Yeah, remember how Carter refused to accept defeat and immediately began to run again?
Remember how Democrats denied Reagan his winning agenda? Do you remember that?
I remember how Clinton moved towards the center and a Republican Congress compromised with him and they actually got something done. I also remember Tip O’Neil and Reagan compromising in a similar albeit lesser fashion.
Now all we get is infighting and most of you are too stupid to see you are being manipulated by the people we pay in government to do the peoples business.
It’s FUBAR ..... completely FUBAR.
No, I don't. Why would you think that I did?
I don't buy I do remember that Hillary and her supporters refused to accept her defeat and rioted across the country and looted, burned and vandalized property to show their displeasure. I remember her richer supporters trying to get Electoral College member to be faithless for Trump and offer to pay their fines ( that is give them a bribe)
So? He wasn't the first and won't be the last. Joe Biden is strongly in the race to join him.
Yet President Biden serves with all the honor and dignity that Trump lacks and never had!
Biden has no honor and no dignity. He is too demented for that. Now he want to set up a board to get those people that show where he is wrong he is corrupt as they come,. You must like your president and his family being wholely owned subsidiary of the Chinese government.
Trump at least was keeping his promises. He moved the embassy from Tell Aviv to Jerusalem ,he was building a border wall , he lowered the amount of illegals entering the border, he was closing the southern border, he was deporting those illegal already told to leave, he nominated three excellent choices for the supreme court, he lowered the inflation rate, he got wages raised, the increased minority employment, until the pandemic hit, he lower unemployment, he initiated a plan to get a COVID vaccine in record time. He led this country to energy independence and to be a mean exporter of energy His personality may be desiring but he got things done in a positive way
Listen to yourself! You don't even believe that!
Every Trump accomplishment I listed is absolutely true.
Tell me what has Biden done
Increase in energy cost to historic highs. Gas prices at over $6 a gallon and in some areas over $7 a gallon. Inflation nearing double digits that haven't been seen since Carter. Economy shrinking fast,. The southern border wide open an the government assisting illegal getting around the country and giving the cell phones to boot. Allowing an unknown number of terrorist into the country. Allowing disease riddled illegal aliens in the country. setting up a commission to stifle free speech. Leaving thousands of Americans, legal residents of the US and green hard holders and vulnerable allies in Afghanistan to the "render mercies" of the Taliban.
Those are biden's accomplishments
So you call having the Easter Bunny hustle him away instead of letting him interact with the people or shaking hands with invisible and nonexistent people dignified.
You forgot to mention that he set the left off in such a tantrum that 5 years latery they are still crying about him.
It always amuses me how so many on the left have a myopic viewpoint that hurts them and they are either to stupid and/or to partisan to see it.
They are getting financially murdered every day right now because of Biden’s policies and they expect apologies for Trump?
yeah, it's always amusing...
Lol ..... that’s the best you got?
Like a flake of dandruff ..... easily flicked away .... flick .....
The sad thing is, on day 1 of the Biden Administration they come in with a stack of EOs wiping virutally everything out. With that they can't blame Trump for any of it.
We need to get a handle on EO’s.
Both sides abuse the shit out of those.
An EO should be a last resort AFTER normal channels for setting policy fail. They should NEVER be used on day 1 and in the volume we saw Biden use them.